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词汇 odd
adjective uk/ɒd/ us/ɑːd/
B2 奇怪的,古怪的;异常的出人意料的
strange or unexpected
Her father was an odd man. 她父亲是个古怪的人。
What an odd thing to say. 这样说太奇怪了。
The skirt and jacket looked a little odd together. 这裙子和夹克搭配看上去有点怪。
That's odd - I'm sure I put my keys in this drawer and yet they're not here. 真奇怪——我肯定把钥匙放进这个抽屉了,可是却不见了。
It's odd that no one's seen him. 奇怪的是没人见过他。
It must be odd to go back to your home town after forty years away. 离开40年后回到家乡一定感觉很奇怪。
Synonyms: bizarrecurious (STRANGE) eccentric (STRANGE)eeriefreakishfunny (STRANGE)outlandish peculiar (STRANGE)strange (UNUSUAL)weird
  • I had a very odd dream about you last night.
  • I find him really odd - I can't figure him out at all.
  • Doesn't it strike you as rather odd that he never talks about his family?
  • Something in the cupboard smells odd.
  • It's odd that she should think I would want to see her again.
C2 [ before noun ]不常发生的;不经常的
not happening often
She does the odd teaching job but nothing permanent. 她有时教教课,但并不固定。
You get the odd person who's rude to you but they're generally quite helpful. 你不巧遇到了一个对你粗鲁的人,不过他们一般是相当乐于助人的。
  • There may be the odd flurry of snow over the hills tonight.
  • I used to do a lot of sport, but now I just play the odd game of tennis.
  • I spent the afternoon pottering around the garden doing a few odd jobs.
  • It was a beautiful day, with just the odd patch of cloud in the sky.
  • Only the odd passing car disturbed the silence.
(of numbers) not able to be divided exactly by two
3, 5, and 7 are all odd numbers. 3, 5, 7都是奇数。
The houses on this side of the street all have odd numbers. 街道这边的房子都是单号的。
Opposite: even (NUMBER)
[ before noun ](指一对或一组事物中)单个的,单只的,不成对的
(of something that should be in a pair or set) separated from its pair or set
He's got a whole drawer full of odd socks. 他有一抽屉的单只袜子。
I'd got a few odd (= I had various) balls of wool left over. 我有几个花色不同的、织毛衣剩下的毛线团。
the odd one outidiom UK (also the odd man out) 与众不同的人(或物);异类不合群的人
a person or thing that is different from or kept apart from others that form a group or set
Guess which number of the following sequence is the odd one out. 猜猜看,以下一系列数字中哪个与其他的不一样。
She was always the odd one out at school - she didn't have many friends. 她在学校里总是形单影只——她没有多少朋友。
suffix informal uk/ -ɒd/ us/ -ɑːd/
used after a number, especially a number that can be divided by ten, to show that the exact number is not known
I'd say Robert's about 40-odd - maybe 45. 我猜罗伯特大约有40几岁——也许45岁。




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