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词汇 nut
noun uk/nʌt/ us/nʌt/
B2 [ C ]坚果
the dry fruit of particular trees that grows in a hard shell and can often be eaten
a Brazil/cashew nut 巴西坚果/腰果
Sprinkle some roasted chopped nuts on top. 往表面撒些烤过的碎果仁。
  • He cracked (open) the nuts with his hands.
  • "I'm allergic to nuts." "So is my brother."
  • Squirrels store (up) nuts for the winter.
  • Vegans get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, beans and cereals.
  • These nuts are addictive - I can't stop eating them.
[ C ]螺母,螺帽
a small piece of metal with a hole in it through which you put a bolt
Nuts and bolts are used to hold pieces of machinery together. 螺帽和螺栓用来把机器零件拼装在一起。
[ C ] offensive, informal疯子;傻瓜;怪人
an offensive word for a person who has a mental illness
[ C ] informal对…入迷的人
someone who is extremely enthusiastic about a particular activity or thing
James is a tennis nut - he plays every day. 詹姆斯是个网球迷——他每天都打网球。
See also: nuts adjective
  • He's a nut, he's a crazy guy.
  • Some people may look at me and think I'm a nut to live in such a tiny apartment.
  • I work out seven days a week. I'm a nut.
  • You don't have to be a car nut to care what you drive.
[ C ] UK slang脑袋
a person's head
Come on, use your nut (= think clearly)! 好啦,动动你的脑子!
[ U ] US informal运作经费,开销
the amount of money necessary to operate a business or cover your costs
With two houses, three cars and child-support payments, he just couldn't meet his nut, even with a second job. 他有两栋房子、三辆车要维护,还要支付孩子的抚养费。这样的开销他尽管有两份工作也难以为继。
be off your nutidiom UK slang 愚蠢万分
to be very silly or stupid
You can't do that! Are you off your nut? 你不能那样做!你傻了吗?
do your nutidiom UK slang 大发雷霆
to become extremely angry
She'll do her nut when she sees the mess. 她要看到这一团糟的话,会气得火冒三丈的。
a hard/tough nut to crackidiom 棘手的问题难以理喻的怪人
a problem that is very difficult to solve or a person who is very difficult to understand
the nuts and boltsidiom 实质性内容
the practical facts about a particular thing, rather than theories or ideas about it
When it came to the nuts and bolts of running a business, he was clearly unable to cope. 当涉及到企业经营的实质性问题时,他显然应付不来。
a tough/hard nutidiom 讨厌的家伙难对付的人
someone who is very unpleasant and difficult to deal with
As a teenager, Jack was a real hard nut, always getting into fights. 十几岁的杰克很难管教,总是跟人打架。
verb [ T ] UK informal uk/nʌt/ us/nʌt/
to hit someone or something with your head
The guy turned round and nutted him. 那人转过身来,一头向他撞去。




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