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词汇 number
noun uk/ˈnʌm.bər/ us/ˈnʌm.bɚ/
A1 [ C ]数字
(a sign or symbol representing) a unit that forms part of the system of counting and calculating
25, 300, and a billion are all numbers. 25、300和10亿都是数字。
She's very good with numbers (= good at adding, subtracting, etc.). 她非常擅长数字运算。
A1 [ C ] (written abbreviation no.)号码;…号
a number that is used to mark a particular example of something
They live at number 34 Orchard Street. 他们住在果园街34号。
Please write your credit card number on this form. 请把你的信用卡号写在这张表格上。
What's our flight number? 我们的航班号是多少?
A1 [ C ] (written abbreviation no.)电话号码
a phone number
I gave him my number. 我把自己的电话号码给了他。
  • It's been number one in the charts for six weeks.
  • Is he contactable at his home number?
  • Think of a number and divide it by two.
  • What is the number on the jar?
  • The document number is in the top left-hand corner.
B1 [ S, + sing/pl verb ]数目总数
an amount or total
The number of people killed in traffic accidents fell last month. 上个月,死于交通事故的人数有所下降。
There has been an increasing number of cases of the disease. 患这种病的人数持续上升。
A small number of children are educated at home. 少数孩子在家接受教育。
A large number of invitations has been sent. 大量请柬已经发出。
Letters of complaint were surprisingly few in number (= there were not many of them). 投诉信出乎意料地少。
numbers[ plural ] 数量
a number of a particular description
Small numbers of children are educated at home. 少数孩子在家接受教育。
Large numbers of invitations were sent. 大量请柬已经发出。
Newspapers are produced in vast numbers. 报纸发行量巨大。
a number of thingsB2 几个,若干
several of a particular type of thing
I decided not to go, for a number of reasons. 我决定不去,有几个理由。
[ S, + sing/pl verb ]一群人
a group of people
On the trip, one of our number fell ill. 旅行期间,我们当中有个人病倒了。
  • The last ten years have seen a dramatic fall in the number of adoptions.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen sharply this month.
  • It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the party.
  • The number of business failures rose steeply last year.
  • The mud flats attract large numbers of birds.
[ C ](杂志的)期,号
a particular copy of a magazine
Do you have last week's number of the New Yorker? 你有上周的那期《纽约客》杂志吗?
He's got all the back numbers (= previous copies) of the magazine. 他保存了这本杂志过去的所有刊本。
[ C ] informal(令人欣赏的)衣服,(尤指)连衣裙
a piece of clothing, especially a dress, that you admire
She was wearing a stylish Dior number. 她身穿一条时尚的迪奥长裙。
[ C ] US slang具有…特征的人
a person with a particular characteristic
He's a real sexy number, don't you think? 他真性感,你不觉得吗?
[ C ]短曲;短歌
a short tune or song
Sing one of those romantic numbers. 唱一支那种情歌吧。
[ C usually singular ] mainly US informal常说之事
something that is often said
He tried the usual/that old number about how his wife didn't understand him. 他又故技重施,诉说妻子如何不理解他。
any number of thingsidiom 许多,大量
a lot of a particular thing
The Cook's Shop stocks any number of different kinds of pasta. “大厨店”大量出售各种意大利面食。
beyond/without numberidiom literary 数不胜数,不计其数
too many to count
An earthquake in the city could result in deaths beyond number. 城市发生地震可能导致无数人死亡。
by (sheer) force/weight of numbersidiom 纯粹凭借数量上的优势
because the number of people or things was so great
The crowd managed to force its way in by sheer weight of numbers. 这群人依靠人多势众强行挤了进来。
by numbersidiom UK (US by the numbers) 机械地,死板地,按部就班地
done according to a plan that has been decided previously, without using your own imagination and ideas
This is painting by numbers - there's nothing original here. 这是一幅很死板的画——毫无新意。
do a number on someoneidiom US slang 伤害某人;打败某人;使某人难堪
to injure someone or something, or to hurt or embarrass someone
I really did a number on my ankle when I fell. 我摔倒时真把脚踝弄坏了。
She really did a number on her old boyfriend, making him beg her to come back and then turning him down. 她真的好好治了一下前男朋友,让他乞求自己回心转意,而后却又拒绝了他。
have someone's numberidiom slang 某人)心中有数;摸透(某人)的底
to know a lot about someone and so have an advantage over them
Don't worry, I've got his number, he doesn't fool me. 别担心,我对他的底细一清二楚,他骗不了我的。
your number is upidiom informal 某人)气数已尽,死到临头
When your number is up, you are going to die.
When the plane started to shake, I just thought my number was up. 飞机开始摇晃时,我真的以为我要完蛋了。
a numbers gameidiom 数字游戏
a situation in which the most important factor is how many of a particular thing there are, especially when you disapprove of this
To me, business is more than just a numbers game. 对我来说,做生意不仅仅是个数字游戏。
verb uk/ˈnʌm.bər/ us/ˈnʌm.bɚ/
C1 [ T ]给…编号;给…标号码
to give something a number in a series and usually to write this number on it
All the folders have been carefully numbered and filed away. 所有文件夹都被精心编号归档。
Number the pages from one to ten. 从1到10标上页码。
C2 [ L only + noun ]数量)多达,共计有
If people or things number a particular amount, there are this many of them.
After the hurricane the homeless numbered over 200,000. 飓风过后,无家可归者总计超过20万人。
Phrasal verb
number someone/something among someone/something 把…归入
If you are numbered among a particular group, you belong to that group.
At one time, the club numbered an archbishop among its members. 该俱乐部曾一度把大主教吸纳为其成员。




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