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词汇 now
adverb uk/naʊ/ us/naʊ/
A1 现在,此刻,目前
at the present time, not in the past or future
She used to be a teacher, but now she works in publishing. 她过去曾是一名教师,但现在从事出版工作。
I may eat something later, but I'm not hungry now. 我过一会儿可能会想吃点儿什么,可这会儿不饿。
Many people now own a smartphone. 如今许多人都拥有智能手机。
A2 马上,立刻
I don't want to wait until tomorrow, I want it now! 我不想等到明天,我现在就要!
B2 至今
used to express how long something has been happening, from when it began to the present time
She's been a vegetarian for ten years now. 她吃素已经10年了。
used in stories or reports of past events to describe a new situation or event
It was getting dark now, and we were tired. 这时候天越来越黑,我们疲惫不堪。
used when describing a situation that is the result of what someone just said or did
Oh yes, now I know who you mean. 哦,是的,这样一来我就知道你指的是谁了。
any minute/moment/second/time nowB2 很快,不久
very soon
The guests are coming any minute now, and the house is still a mess. 我们的客人马上就要到了,可家里还是乱糟糟的。
Any minute now, Julia will be here.
They'll be arriving any minute now.
She's due to give birth any moment now.
Any moment now, thought Georgia, he would lose his temper and start to shout.
That phone's going to ring any second now.
The taxi should be here any time now.
now for ... informal (用于引出新话题)接着要谈
used to introduce a new subject
And now for what we're going to do tomorrow. 现在我们来讨论一下明天要做什么。
And now for my next trick!
And now a word from our podcast sponsors.
And now for something completely different.
Now for the weather, with David Jones.
Now for another perspective, we turn to Ella Walker.
  • Both her children are now married with children of their own.
  • After ten years of military dictatorship, the country now has a civil government.
  • The breathing problem has now been complicated by a chest infection.
  • The college now has a counsellor to help students with both personal and work problems.
  • His marks in English have been below average for some time now.
used in statements and questions to introduce or give emphasis to what you are saying
Now, where did I put my hat? 唉,我把我的帽子放哪儿了?
There was a knock at the door. Now Jan knew her mother had promised to come by, so she assumed it was her. 有人敲门。简知道妈妈答应过要来,所以认为敲门的是她。
Hurry, now, or you'll miss the bus! 快点,否则你就赶不上公共汽车了!
Sorry, I can't today. Now if you'd asked me yesterday, I would have said yes. 抱歉,我今天不行。如果你昨天问我的话,我会说行的。
it's now or neveridiom saying 机不可失勿失良机
said when you must do something immediately, especially because you will not get another chance
(every) now and then/againidiom B2 有时,偶尔
sometimes, but not very often
We meet up for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to. 我们偶尔聚在一起吃个午饭,但不如过去那么频繁了。
now thenidiom 引起注意)喂,听着
said to attract attention to what you are going to ask or suggest
Now then, what's all this noise about? 喂,这样大惊小怪的是为什么呢?
now you're talkingidiom saying 这下你说对了;这个建议可真是不错
said when someone makes a suggestion or offer that is better than one that they have already made
now, nowidiom (用于安慰)好了,好了;(用于委婉的警告)行了,行了
said when you want to make someone feel better or give someone a gentle warning
Now, now, don't cry. 好了,好了,别哭了。
Now, now, children, there's no need to fight! 行了,孩子们,别打了!
noun [ U ] uk/naʊ/ us/naʊ/
the present moment or time
Now isn't a good time to speak to him. 现在不适合跟他谈话。
I thought you'd be finished by now. 我以为你这会儿该弄完了。
You should have mentioned it before now. 你本该此前就提到它。
That's all for now (= until a future point in time). 暂时就这样吧。
from now on (also UK as from now) 从现在开始
from this moment and always in the future
From now on the gates will be locked at midnight. 从现在开始,大门将在午夜上锁。
From now on, we'll stick to the rules.
Okay, we'll do it your way from now on, I promise.
From now on, make a note of everything you spend.
UK As from now, I'm going to exercise every day.
UK I'll take charge of the finances as from now.
  • Now would be a good time to prepare the lunch.
  • Why didn't you tell me before now?
  • I thought you'd have got over it by now.
  • Now really isn't a good time to talk to her.
  • Is now a convenient time to meet?
conjunction uk/naʊ/ us/naʊ/
now (that)...B2 既然,由于
used to give an explanation of a new situation
Now I have my car, I don't get as much exercise as I used to. 有车之后,我的活动量不如从前大了。
She's enjoying the job now that she's got more responsibility. 因为承担了更多的职责,所以她很喜欢这份工作。
Now that we both have full-time jobs, I think we can afford one or two luxuries.
We should probably get a smaller car now that we only have one child at home.
We don't see much of Elliot now that he's in London.
Of course, now that she's eighteen, she can make these decisions for herself.




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