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词汇 notice
verb uk/ˈnəʊ.tɪs/ us/ˈnoʊ.t̬ɪs/
B1 [ I or T ]看到;注意到;感觉到
to see or become conscious of something or someone
I noticed a crack in the ceiling. 我注意到天花板上有一条裂缝。
Mary waved at the man but he didn't seem to notice. 玛丽朝那个男人挥手,但他似乎没有看到。
[ + (that) ] He noticed (that) the woman was staring at him. 他察觉到那个女人正盯着他看。
[ + question word ] Did you notice how she did that? 你注意到她是怎么做的了吗?
[ T often passive ](以出众的才华)引起公众关注
to bring someone to the attention of the public, usually because of an unusual skill, etc.
She was first noticed by the critics at the age of twelve, and went on to become a world-famous violinist. 十二岁时她第一次引起评论家的注意,而后一帆风顺成为了世界知名的小提琴家。
  • Simon was so absorbed in his book, he didn't even notice me come in.
  • I noticed a certain distance between father and son.
  • They noticed him going into the hotel bar.
  • She's such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes.
  • It seems impossible that I could have walked by without noticing her.
noun uk/ˈnəʊ.tɪs/ us/ˈnoʊ.t̬ɪs/
A2 [ C ]告示,布告;启事;公告牌,警示牌
(a board, piece of paper, etc. containing) information or instructions
There was a large notice on the wall saying "No Parking". 墙上有一张很大的公告牌写着“禁止停车”。
I saw a notice in the paper announcing their marriage. 我看见他们在报纸刊登的结婚启事了。
notices[ plural ] mainly UK (报纸上关于戏剧、电影、图书等的)评论
printed statements of opinion in the newspapers about plays, films, books, etc.
The musical has received wonderful notices. 那部音乐剧大受好评。
  • There's a notice outside the building which says 'No admission before 12 noon'.
  • He attached a notice saying 'Wet paint!'
  • I stuck the notice (up) on the board.
  • The notice outside the cinema said 'Closed on Wednesday'.
  • Can you read what that notice says?
B1 [ U ]预告;事先通知;事前警告
information or a warning given about something that is going to happen in the future
The next time you visit, can you give me more notice? 你下次来之前能否早些通知我?
The first responders are ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. 紧急应变机构随时准备采取行动。
The building is closed until further notice (= until another official announcement is made). 该建筑将一直关闭,开放时间有待另行通知。
[ U ](因辞职或解雇而终止雇佣合约的)通知期
the period of time that you must work after you have said that you are leaving your job, or after you have been asked to leave
Do I have to work out my notice? 我一定要工作满通知期吗?
give someone notice(UK also give sb their notice) (通常指提前)某人)发出解雇通知
to ask someone who works for you to leave their job, usually after a particular period of time
My boss gave me a month's notice. 老板提前一个月向我发出了解雇通知。
They gave me my notice yesterday. 他们昨天向我发出了解雇通知。
hand in your notice(UK also give in your notice)C2 事先)提出离职通知;递交辞呈
to tell your employer that you intend to leave your job after a particular period of time
I handed in my notice yesterday. 我昨天递交了辞呈。
B1 [ U ]注意关注
It has come to/been brought to my notice (= I have been told) that you have been late for work every day this week. 有人告诉我你这周天天上班迟到。
take notice 注意,在意
to give attention to something
I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn't take any notice. 我让他慢点开车,但他根本不在意。
Don't take any notice of/Take no notice of what your mother says - she's just in a bad mood. 别在意你母亲说的话——她只是心情不好。
at a moment's/two hours'/three weeks', etc. noticeidiom (用于强调只有极少时间完成某事)提前一会儿/两个小时/三个星期等等通知
used to emphasize how little time someone has to do something or how little warning is given
We can't be expected to just drop everything and leave at a moment's notice. 不可要求我们能在接到通知后放下所有的事情立即离开。
at short noticeidiom UK (US on short notice)C1 在短时间内;一经通知立即
only a short time before something happens
I can't cancel my plans at such short notice. 我无法在这么短的时间内取消我的安排。




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