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词汇 nothing
pronoun uk/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ us/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/
A2 没有东西;没有事情
not anything
There's nothing in the drawer - I took everything out. 抽屉里什么也没有——我把所有东西都拿出去了。
Nothing I could say would cheer her up. 无论我说什么也没办法让她振作起来。
I have nothing new to tell you. 我没有什么新消息要告诉你。
There's nothing else (= no other thing) we can do to help. 我们帮不上什么别的忙。
There's nothing much (= not very much) to do in our town. 在我们镇上没有太多事情可做。
The story was nothing but (= only) lies. 这种说法纯属谎言。
US The score is Yankees three, Red Sox nothing (= no points). 扬基队得3分,红袜队为0分。
have nothing to do with someone (also UK be nothing to do with someone)B2 不关(某人)的事
to be a matter or subject that someone has no good reason to know about or be involved with
UK I wish he wouldn't offer advice on my marriage - it's nothing to do with him. 我希望他别对我的婚姻说三道四——这不关他的事。
I certainly wasn't going to interfere - it has got nothing to do with me.
Why is Charlie sticking his nose in? It has nothing to do with him!
Your financial affairs have got nothing to do with me.
UK What Rachel does in her private life is nothing to do with me.
I don't have to tell her about my relationship. It has nothing to do with her!
have/want nothing to do with someone/somethingB2 (also UK be nothing to do with someone/something)与…毫不相干;对…无关紧要
to have or want no connection or influence with someone or something
UK We are nothing to do with the firm that has the offices next door. 我们与办公室在隔壁的公司毫无关系。
In the evening he likes to read books and articles that have nothing to do with his work. 晚上,他喜欢读些与工作无关的书和文章。
Problems like these have nothing to do with personal hygiene.
UK Is the bakery anything to do with the vegan cafe on that road?
After what that company did to me, I want nothing to do with them.
Politicians want nothing to do with the latest securities scandal to rock Washington.
be/mean nothing 并不重要毫无价值
to have no importance or value
Money means nothing to him. 钱对他来说毫无价值。
He told me quite emphatically that she meant nothing to him.
As far as I was concerned, the house was just a building. It meant nothing to me.
Do all our years together mean nothing to you?
He certainly wasn't wanting more money. Money meant nothing to him.
"I'm sorry, I interrupted you. What were you going to say?" "Oh, it's nothing."
for nothing 免费地,不花钱地
free or without paying
I got this painting for nothing from a friend. 我是从一位朋友那儿得到这幅画的,分文未花。
We got our sofa for nothing from my sister.
She buys most of her clothes from charity shops or gets them for nothing from her friends.
At the end of the day you can get bread for nothing from the bakery.
Most of the food in today's meal we got for nothing from shops where it could no longer be sold.
B2 徒劳地无目的地
with no good result or for no purpose
He queued for two hours and (all) for nothing - there were no seats left. 他白白排了两个小时的队——座位已满。
Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die for nothing. 我们绝不会让这些勇士们白白牺牲。
I did by best to impress them during the interview, but it was for nothing. They went with another applicant.
It's not for nothing that I recommended you get the extra travel insurance. Flights get cancelled all the time!
nothing on 未穿衣的,裸体的,一丝不挂的
no clothes on your body
She sleeps with nothing on. 她裸睡。
I couldn't come to the door - I had nothing on! 我不能去开门——我什么都没穿!
I never walk around the house with nothing on.
I had nothing on except my pants so I couldn't come out of the bathroom.
He'd quite happily do the gardening with nothing on if he knew no one could see him.
no arrangements for a stated period
I checked my calendar and I have nothing on on Tuesday afternoon. 我刚看了日程簿,我星期二下午没有安排。
There's nothing on next Friday - we could have the meeting then. 下周五没什么安排——我们可以在那个时候开会。
We've got nothing on tonight - do you want to pop by for a drink?
Make sure you schedule the appointment for when you've got nothing else on.
  • He reassured people that law-abiding citizens would have nothing to fear from the enquiries.
  • We talked late into the night, but nothing was concluded.
  • There was nothing we could do about it - the situation was beyond our control.
  • Although they said nothing, she could sense their disapproval of her suggestion.
  • There's nothing more refreshing on a hot day than a cold beer.
all or nothingidiom 走极端
relates to doing something either completely or not at all
She either loves you or hates you - it's all or nothing with her. 她要么爱你,要么恨你——就这么极端。
The government has rejected the all-or-nothing approach in favour of a compromise solution. 政府没有采取极端做法,而是赞成折中的解决办法。
be nothing for itidiom (用于强调)除了…别无他法
used to emphasize you will have to do a particular thing to solve a problem
There's nothing for it but to get some extra help. 除了寻求额外帮助外,别无他法。
be nothing if not generous, honest, helpful, etc.idiom C2 (用于强调)极其慷慨/诚实/详尽等
used to emphasize that someone or something is extremely generous, honest, helpful, etc.
He's nothing if not charming. 他魅力十足。
be nothing less than somethingidiom (用于强调某事物极其重要、特殊或令人向往)简直是不亚于
used to emphasize how important, special, or attractive something is
Their dream to bring computers and ordinary people together was nothing less than revolutionary. 他们梦想着让计算机走进普通百姓的生活,这不亚于进行一场革命。
nothing like someone/somethingidiom (某人或某物)完全不同
not at all similar to someone or something
Instant coffee is nothing like the real thing. 速溶咖啡与真正的咖啡完全是两回事。
He looks nothing like his brother. 他和他兄弟长得一点不像。
be nothing short of...idiom (用于强调状况或品行)简直就是,极其
used to emphasize a situation, quality, or type of behaviour
The party was nothing short of a disaster. 这次聚会简直就是一场灾难。
Her behaviour was nothing short of obnoxious. 她的举止极其粗鲁。
His achievements as a political reformer have been nothing short of miraculous. 他作为一名政治改革家所取得的成就简直称得上是奇迹。
be nothing specialidiom 并不优秀(或漂亮);毫无特别之处
to not be excellent or not be beautiful
She's nothing special. 她并不出色。
be nothing to itidiom 轻而易举
used to say something is very easy
Learning the game is easy - there's nothing to it. 学会这项运动很容易——没什么难的。
it is/was nothingidiom informal 别担心没什么要紧的
used to tell someone not to worry about, or place special value on, what you are doing or have done
"You seem very upset." "No, no, it's nothing - I'm OK." “你看上去很不安。”“不,不,没什么,我很好。”
"It was so nice of you to look after the baby all day." "Oh, it was nothing, I enjoyed it." “谢谢你一整天照顾宝宝。”“哦,没什么,愿意效劳。”
like nothing on earthidiom informal (外观、声音或味道)非常怪异的,与众不同的,令人生厌的
very strange, unusual, or unpleasant in appearance, sound, or taste
It looked nice, but it tasted like nothing on earth. 它看起来不错,但味道却很怪异。
More idioms
nothing doingidiom informal (尤用于对要求作出答复)不行,办不到,绝对不
used to mean "no", especially when said in answer to a request
We asked if she'd come over and help us, but she said, "Nothing doing". 我们问她是否愿意过来帮忙,但她说“不行”。
nothing more thanidiom disapproving 仅仅
He dismissed Bryan as nothing more than an amateur. 他不屑一顾地将布赖恩称为业余爱好者。
nothing of the kindidiom (UK also nothing of the sort)C1 (用于强调否定陈述)根本不是
used to emphasize a negative statement
I told him nothing of the kind (= I did not tell him anything like that). 我根本没有对他那样说过。
there's nothing in somethingidiom …不属实
used for saying that something that has been said or written is not true
I heard a rumour that she's leaving, but apparently there's nothing in it. 我听到谣言说她要离开,但这显然纯属捏造。
She replied angrily that there was nothing in the story at all.
Are you saying there was nothing in what I was told?
adverb uk/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ us/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/
in no way
mainly UK He had two letters of refusal but, nothing daunted (= not discouraged), he tried again. 他收到两封拒绝信后并没有气馁,而是再接再厉。
noun [ C ] informal uk/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ us/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/
someone of no value or importance
He's a nothing, a low-down, useless nobody. 他是个微不足道的小人物,身份低微,一无是处。
Synonyms: nilnix zilch zip




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