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词汇 north
noun [ U ] (also North) uk/nɔːθ/ us/nɔːrθ/ (written abbreviation N); (UK also Nth); (US also No.)
A2 北;北方;北部
the direction that goes towards the part of the earth above the equator, opposite to the south, or the part of an area or country that is in this direction
The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west. 罗盘上的方位点分别为北、南、东和西。
The landscape is more mountainous in the north (of the country). (该国)北部多山。
Cambridge is/lies to the north of London. 剑桥位于伦敦以北。
a north-facing window 朝北的窗户
the North (大多位于北半球的)北方发达国家
the rich industrial countries of the world, most of which are above the equator
  • Most of the country's population is concentrated in the north.
  • The wind is coming from the north.
  • The revolt in the north is believed to have been instigated by a high-ranking general.
  • The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.
  • House prices in the north are rocketing (up).
north of somethingidiom 数量超过
used to say that an amount is more than the stated amount
The share price is expected to rise north of $20. 预计股价会涨到20美元以上。
adjective (also North) uk/nɔːθ/ us/nɔːrθ/ (written abbreviation N); (UK also Nth); (US also No)
A2 北部的
in or forming the north part of something
North America/Africa 北美/北非
the north coast of Iceland 冰岛北部海岸
Our farm is a few miles north of the village. 我们的农场位于村庄以北几英里处。
north wind 北风
a wind coming from the north
A vicious north wind was blowing.
A strong north wind had unfortunately combined with unusually high temperatures, raising the danger of devastating fires.
North winds are dry and tend to exacerbate the situation.
A chill north wind was blowing as we set out.
A biting north wind had brought heavy snow and hail to the region.
  • The north face of the Eiger is a very difficult climb.
  • A cinema was burned out in north London last night. Police suspect arson.
  • They live on the north coast of Scotland.
  • We camped on the north slope of the valley.
  • There is a huge forest on the north side of the mountain.
adverb (also North) uk/nɔːθ/ us/nɔːrθ/ (written abbreviation N); (UK also Nth); (US also No)
A2 向北,朝北
towards the north
Go due (= directly) north for two miles. 往北直走两英里。
The garden faces north and doesn't get much sun in the winter. 花园朝北,冬天没有多少阳光。
up north informal 到北部;在北部
to or in the north of the country or region
I live in London, but my relatives live up north, in Manchester. 我住在剑桥,而我的亲戚们住在北部的曼彻斯特。
The weather up north was fairly cool, but it was much hotter down south.
I'm heading up north myself next week.
I'm like you, I have family up north.
She's moving down here from up north.
It gets very cold up north.




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