词汇 | look |
释义 | look /lʊk/ vi., vt.1. 看;注视The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.老师叫我们看黑板。 He came to look at the drainage.他是来检查排水设备的。 Would you like to look round?你想各处看看吗? 2. 看起来;好像Doesn't the clown look funny!这小丑看上去真是滑稽! You look very fetching in that hat with the purple dress.你戴上那顶帽子配上这紫色衣服显得非常动人。 That dog looks dangerous.那只狗看起来很危险。 That looks like an interesting film.那看来是部有趣的电影。 3. (与at连用)注视4. (与for连用)找,寻找The children were looking for a ball.孩子们在找一个球。 This guest house is full. We must look for rooms elsewhere.这家招待所已经客满,我们得去别处找房间。 I looked for my new dictionary for several days but haven't found it yet.我找我新买的词典找了好几天,可至今仍未找到。 5. (与to连用)注意Look to it that this doesn't happen again.注意不要再发生这种事。 You must look that no one lags behind.你必须注意不使一个人掉队。 Look to your manners.你得检点一些。 Look to it that you make no more similar mistakes.注意今后你不要再犯类似的错误了。 6. (与to连用)依赖;仰仗We look to you for help.我们靠你帮忙。 7. (与into连用)调查The mayor promised to look into whether the clash was designed, or it just happened by accident.市长答应调查这次冲突是预先计划好的,还是偶然发生的。 He looked through a number of journals before he started the research project.他在进行该项研究课题前查阅了许多期刊。 8. (与what, where, whether连用)探明,查问清楚9. 朝向,面向The building looks west.大楼朝西。 10. 期待I look to be with my parents soon.我希望不久就能和父母亲在一起。 look after照料 My friend looked after my cat while I was on holiday.在我去度假的时候,我的朋友照料我的猫。 Robert's old enough to look after himself.罗伯特这么大了,已经能照顾自己了。 look back1. (与on, to连用)回想,记起2. 停滞不前 From this time on, he never looked back.从此以后他便不断进步了。 After he won the first game, he never looked back.他胜了第一局后,就节节胜利。 look down on轻视,看不起 look forward to盼望;期待: We are alllooking forward to our holiday.我们都盼望着假期。 I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.我盼望今年暑假见到你。 look in顺便看望;短暂访问 'Can you come on Wednesday?' 'I'll just look in my diary to see if I'm free.''你星期三能来吗?''我要先看一下记事薄才能知道是否有空。' look on1. (常与as连用)旁观 May I look on with you?我可以跟你合看这本书吗? The bull looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.这头公牛一直同情地望着醉汉,直到醉汉不见了才重新把注意力转向斗牛士。 2. 看作 (= look upon)I used to look on him as a friend.我以前把他看作是一位朋友。 look out1. 注意 Look out, there's a car coming.留神,汽车过来了。 Look out! There is danger ahead.当心!前面危险。 2. 注意看3. 找出;挑选出to look out a party dress挑出一件赴宴会的衣服 I have to look out those papers.我得把那些文件找出来。 look over翻阅,浏览 look up1. 好转 Things are looking up!情况正在好转! 2. 在书中查到When you do not understand a word, you can look it up in this dictionary.当你不懂一个单词时,可以查这本词典。 3. 寻访到,探访(某人)On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine.在回家的路上,我去看望了一下我的一个老朋友。 look up to尊敬 n.1. 看;注视 Have a look at this book.看看这本书。 Have a look at this picture.看看这张照片。 2. 神情;眼色an angry look愤怒的神情 A serious look passed over his face.他脸上显出一副严肃的神色。 3. 外表,外貌The famous actor kept his good looks even in old age.这位著名的演员即使年老了,他仍保持着好看的容貌。 Good looks are not as important as kindness.好的容貌没有好的心肠重要。 (= good looks)I don't like the ugly look of that hole in the gable.我不喜欢山墙上的那个难看的窟窿。 |
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