

词汇 step
n.1. 步;迈步
He took a step towards the door.他向门口迈了一步。
2. 脚步声
There was the sound of a step outside the door.门外有脚步声。
3. 一步的距离; 短距离
The school is only a step away.学校就在附近。
4. 台阶;踏级, 阶梯的一级
There are two steps up onto the bus.上公共汽车有两级踏板。
5. 步骤;措施
The first step in changing a car tire is to loosen the wheel.换轮胎的第一步是卸下车轮。
6. 舞步7. (pl)(室外的石头的)楼梯,阶梯8. (pl)四脚梯,折梯
in step步伐一致;和谐
keep step齐步走
take steps (to do sth.)采取行动
watch one's step小心谨慎,谨慎从事
vi., vt.-pp-1. 迈步,举步2. 走,步行3. 踩,踏
He stepped over the dog.他踩到了这只狗。
step on it快点走
step out of line行为与众不同;表现与预料的不一样
step down让位 (= step aside)




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