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词汇 nice
adjective uk/naɪs/ us/naɪs/
A1 愉快的;美好的;满意的
pleasant, enjoyable, or satisfactory
Did you have a nice trip? 你旅途愉快吗?
Have a nice day/time! 祝你度过愉快的一天/过得愉快!
This milk doesn't smell very nice. 这种牛奶闻起来味道不太好。
Thanks for ringing - it's been nice talking to you. 谢谢你来电话——跟你聊天很开心。
nice and... B1 informal 令人愉快地,很好地
This orange is nice and juicy. 这橙子真是味美多汁。
Fry the potatoes until they're nice and crispy.
Your kitchen looks nice and tidy.
My feet are nice and warm in these socks.
We were nice and toasty next to the fire.
She made sure I was nice and comfy before she left.
  • After the trip, it was nice getting back to a few home comforts.
  • This room is nice and cosy in the winter.
  • You looked equally nice in both dresses - I wouldn't know which one to advise you to buy.
  • It's always nice to be paid a compliment.
  • It's nice to see her smile for a change.
A1 好心的;友善的;有礼貌的
kind, friendly, or polite
Jane's new boyfriend is a really nice guy. 简的新男友是个很不错的小伙子。
I wish you'd be nice to your brother. 我希望你会好好对待你弟弟。
It was very nice of her to drive you home. 她开车送你回家真是好心。
It's not nice to talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满食物时说话是不礼貌的。
  • She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her.
  • He's obviously making a conscious effort to be nice to me at the moment.
  • He's a really nice guy.
  • I tried to be nice to him, honest to God I did!
  • He's not amazingly handsome, but he's nice and that's more important.
[ before noun ] formal细微的微妙的
based on very slight differences
I wasn't convinced by his nice distinction between a lie and an untruth. 他所说的关于谎言和不实之间的微妙区别无法让我信服。
make niceidiom US informal (尤指不诚心地)友善的,礼貌的
to behave in a kind, friendly, or polite way towards someone, especially when you are not being sincere
They need to make nice with each other and get to work. 他们需要彼此友好相处,然后开始工作。
nice one!idiom UK informal 好样的!太好了!(用于表示对某人所作所为的赞叹)
something that you say when you have just heard that someone has done something you think is good
"Graham's brought some champagne along to mark the occasion." "Oh, nice one, Graham!" “格雷厄姆带了些香槟来庆祝这一时刻。”“太棒了,格雷厄姆!”
nice work if you can get itidiom 容易赚钱的事人人都愿意做,能有这样的好事就好了
something you say about an easy way of earning money that you would like to do if you could
She got one million dollars for appearing on television for five minutes - (that's) nice work if you can get it! 她在电视上露面5分钟就拿到了100万美元——这样的好事谁不愿意做!




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