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词汇 next
adjective, pronoun uk/nekst/ us/nekst/
A1 下一个的其次的紧接着的
being the first one after the present one or after the one just mentioned
Who works in the office next to yours? 谁在你隔壁的办公室工作?
Take the next street on the right. 在下一个路口向右拐。
Who do you think will be the next president? 你认为谁将出任下届总统?
Nothing really changes around here. One day is pretty much like the next. 这里并没有什么实质性的变化,天天差不多都是一个样儿。
(The) next time you want to borrow something, please ask me first. 下次你想借东西的话,请先问问我。
I'm so busy it's hard to remember what I'm supposed to be doing from one minute to the next. 我忙得经常记不清下一步该做什么。
She's away for the next few days. 接下来几天她休假。
You'll have to wait until your next birthday for a new bike. 你得等到下一个生日才会收到新自行车。
Can we arrange a meeting for the week after next? 我们安排下下周开会可以吗?
What do you think you'll be doing this time next year? 你认为明年这个时候你会在做什么?
We had a big argument, but he called me the next day (= the day after) to apologize. 我们发生了激烈的争吵,不过第二天他就打电话向我道歉了。
Excuse me, it's my turn - I was next. 对不起,轮到我了——我是下一个。
  • The doctor will call next week to check on your progress.
  • The weather is expected to remain clear for the next few days.
  • I tried to close my ears to the sounds coming from next door.
  • Together they would form the next government.
  • They got married last August/are getting married next August.
as much as the next personidiom 跟任何人一样
as much as anyone would
I enjoy winning awards as much as the next guy, but other things are more important to me. 我跟别人一样喜欢得奖,不过对我来说,还有其他更重要的事情。
the next best thingidiom C1 仅次于…的事物;退而求其次的事物
the thing that is best, if you cannot have or do the thing you really want
I really wanted to work in television but I ended up in radio, which is the next best thing. 我本来希望到电视台工作,但结果退而求其次去了广播电台。
These sandals are the next best thing to walking around barefoot. 穿上拖鞋总比光脚走路要好。
the next thing I knewidiom informalC2 (用于描述事情突然意外发生)接下来,之后
used to talk about part of a story that happens in a sudden and surprising way
A car came speeding around the corner, and the next thing I knew I was lying on the ground. 一辆车从拐角处飞速驶来,接下来我就躺在地上了。
adverb uk/nekst/ us/nekst/
A2 接下来,然后
immediately after
So what happened next? 那后来怎么样了?
What would you like next? 你还喜欢什么?
First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger. 先炒一下大蒜,再加生姜。
B1 下次
The time when you next do something is the first time you do it again
[ + -ing verb ] When are you next going to Toronto? 你下次什么时候去多伦多?
next toA2 紧靠着,紧挨着
used when describing two people or things that are very close to each other with nothing between them
Can I sit next to the window? 我可以靠窗坐吗?
There was a really strange man standing next to me at the train station. 在车站有一个很古怪的男人站在我旁边。
I was sitting next to Chris, opposite Susie.
She keeps a photo of her son on the table next to her bed.
There are public gardens just next to the river.
There's a really nice bookshop right next to the deli.
We were standing next to each other.
used to mean `after' when making a choice or a comparison
Cheese is my favourite food and, next to that, chocolate. (= Cheese is the only food that I like more than chocolate.) 奶酪是我最喜欢的食品,其次是巧克力。
They pay me next to nothing (= very little) but I really enjoy the work. 他们没付给我多少钱,但我实在喜欢那工作。
It's next to impossible (= extremely difficult) to find somewhere cheap to live around here. 要在这附近找到廉价的住处极其困难。
We got home in next to no time (= very little time). 我们很快就到家了。
next up (常指娱乐节目)接下来
next in order to appear or happen, often in some form of entertainment
Next up is the latest news from the presidential campaign . 接下来要播出的是总统竞选活动的最新消息。
Next up is a drama about a mysterious young man with surprising powers.
Everyone please give another round of applause to our opening act. And now, next up, the main event.
Harper is next up to bat for Philadelphia.
Next up are tenor Mark Smith and soprano Julia Jones to sing two Haydn songs.
  • What shall we do next?
  • Next, we had some dancing.
  • Hanggliding? Whatever will he do next?
  • You've already made your first million dollars. What do you plan to do next?
  • I was curious to know what would happen next.




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