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词汇 neutral
adjective uk/ˈnjuː.trəl/ us/ˈnuː.trəl/
C1 中立的,不偏不倚的
not saying or doing anything that would encourage or help any of the groups involved in an argument or war
If there's an argument between my daughter and her mother, it's important that I remain neutral. 如果我女儿和她母亲发生争吵,我保持中立是很重要的。
The peace conference would have to be held in a neutral country. 和平会议必须在一个中立国举行。
I'd rather meet on neutral ground/territory (= somewhere not controlled by or connected to either of us) rather than in his apartment. 我宁愿在一个与双方都无关的地方和他见面,而不是在他的公寓里。
sports 体育比赛中立场地
A neutral ground or field is a sports stadium that does not belong to either of the two teams taking part in a competition or game.
UK The final will, of course, be played at a neutral ground. 决赛当然会在中立场地举行。
US The Superbowl always takes place on a neutral field. 超级碗比赛总是在中立场地举行。
  • The final will be played at a neutral venue.
  • The country remained neutral during the war.
  • He expressed doubts about the chairman's ability to remain neutral during the discussions.
  • Why do you always try to be neutral in these matters?
  • He claims to be neutral, but he clearly has his own agenda.
C1 不引人注意的
having features or characteristics that are not easily noticed
Kelly wants dark red walls, but I'd like a more neutral colour like cream. 凯莉想把墙弄成暗红色,而我更喜欢乳白之类的中性色。
chemistry specialized(化学物质)中性的,既非酸性又非碱性的
A neutral chemical substance is neither an acid nor an alkali.
Pure water is neutral and has a pH of 7. 纯水是中性的,pH值为7。
physics specialized(物理学中)中性的,不带电的
A neutral particle has no electrical charge.
Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons. 原子由带正电的质子、带负电的电子和称为中子的不带电粒子组成。
noun uk/ˈnjuː.trəl/ us/ˈnuː.trəl/
[ U ]空档
the position of the gears in a vehicle when they are not connected to the engine
to leave the car in neutral 把车挂空挡
[ U ]不活动停滞
a state of no activity or development
After two years in neutral, the economy is finally moving forward again. 经济停滞了两年后终于再次向前发展。
[ C ]中立者
a neutral person or thing
Sweden and Switzerland were neutrals during the war. 在战争期间,瑞典和瑞士是中立国。




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