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词汇 need
verb uk/niːd/ us/niːd/
A1 [ T ]必须,需要
to have to have something, or to want something very much
Babies need constant care. 婴儿时刻都需要人照看。
The doctor said I needed an operation. 医生说我需要动手术。
[ + to infinitive ] I need to go to the toilet. 我要去一下洗手间。
Most people need to feel loved. 大多数人都需要有被爱的感觉。
[ + obj + to infinitive ] I need you to help me choose an outfit. 我需要你帮我选一套衣服。
I badly need (= strongly want) a rest from all this. 我迫切需要抛开这一切休息一下。
informal I don't need all this hassle. 我不想要这些麻烦。
B1 [ T ]应该,需要
If you say that someone or something needs something else, you mean that they should have it, or would get an advantage from having it.
What you need is a nice hot bowl of soup. 你该好好喝上一碗鲜美的热汤。
[ + -ing verb ] This room needs cleaning. 这个房间需要打扫。
[ + past participle ] She needs her hair washed. 她该把头洗洗。
  • He needs some climbing boots.
  • You need 250 g of grated cheese for this recipe.
  • All she needed to complete her happiness was a baby.
  • I called her on the pretext of needing more information.
  • We need a coat hook on the back of this door.
A1 [ + to infinitive or + infinitive without to ]必须,不得不
to have (to)
[ + to infinitive ] He needs to lose some weight. 他必须减轻些体重。
I need to do some shopping on my way home from work. 我下班回家的路上要买些东西。
There needs to be more effort from everyone. 每个人都需要更努力。
[ + infinitive without to ] I don't think we need ask him. 我觉得我们没必要问他。
Nothing need be done about this till next week. 下周之前在这方面不必做什么。
formal "Need we take your mother?" "No, we needn't." “我们要带上你妈妈吗?”“不,不必。”
someone/something needn't do somethingUKA2 某人)不必做…
there is no reason for someone or something to do a particular thing
You needn't worry - I'm not going to mention it to anyone. 你不用担心——我不会向任何人提起这件事的。
It's a wonderful way of getting to see Italy, and it needn't cost very much. 这是游历意大利的好办法,也不需要花很多钱。
someone needn't do somethingUK (常用于表示气愤) (某人不该(或无权)
used, often when you are angry with someone, to say that they should not do a particular thing or that they have no right to do it
He needn't think I'm driving him all the way there! 他别指望我会开车把他一路送到那里!
You needn't laugh! It'll be your turn next! 你别笑!下一个就轮到你!
someone didn't need to 某人)没有必要…
used to say either that someone did a particular thing although they did not have to, or that someone did not do it because they did not have to
I gave her some extra money - I know I didn't need to but I thought it would be kind. 我多给了她一些钱——我知道没有必要,但我想表示善意。
"Did you ask Sophia to help?" "I didn't need to - I managed perfectly well on my own." “你请索菲娅帮忙了吗?”“没必要——我自己处理得非常好。”
someone needn't have done somethingUK 某人)本不必做…
it was not necessary for someone to have done a particular thing, although they did do it
You needn't have washed all those dishes, you know - I'd have done them myself when I got home. 你本来不用洗那些碗碟的,你知道——我回家后自己会洗的。
You needn't have worried about the dinner - it was delicious! 你原本不必为这顿饭担心的——味道棒极了!
  • We'll need to check out his story.
  • I need to get those films processed.
  • In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage.
  • He spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.
  • The city needs to attract more industry.
I need hardly do somethingidiom formal 不用我说也知道
used to say that what you are going to say is obvious
I need hardly say what a pleasure it is to introduce our speaker. 我万分荣幸地来介绍我们的演讲者。
I need hardly remind you of the seriousness of the situation. 不用我提醒你也该知道局势的严峻。
need you ask!idiom UK(表示问话者理应知道答案)还用问吗?
used to say that the person asking you something already knows the answer, because it is expected
"Did he upset a lot of people at the meeting?" "Need you ask!" “他在会上触怒了很多人吗?”“那还用问!”
need I sayidiom UK显然
Need I say, I'm extremely sorry to hear the news about your father. 得知关于你父亲的消息,不用说我有多难过了。
need I say more?idiom humorous 还用我多说吗?
said after a statement when you expect that someone can guess the result of what you have just said
Tom was doing the cooking - need I say more? 汤姆在做饭——还用我多说吗?
need your head examinedidiom humorous (UK also need your head examining) 脑子有问题
If you tell someone they need their head examined, you think that that person is crazy because they have done something stupid or strange.
You need your head examined if you're willing to spend that much on a pair of jeans. 如果你愿意花那么多钱买一条牛仔裤,那你肯定是脑袋有问题。
who needs...?idiom mainly humorous …才没人想要呢!
used to mean that the thing referred to is not necessary or useful, or causes trouble
Men! Who needs them? 男人,谁稀罕他们?
noun uk/niːd/ us/niːd/
B2 [ S or U ]需求,需要;(尤指)生活需求
the state of having to have something that you do not have, especially something that you must have so that you can have a satisfactory life
Are you in need of help? 你需要帮助吗?
There's a growing need for cheap housing in the larger cities. 大城市对廉价住房的需求在不断增长。
needsB2 [ plural ] 生活)必需品,需要物
the things that a person must have in order to have a satisfactory life
Housing and education are basic needs. 住房和教育都是基本需求。
They don't have enough food to meet their needs. 他们没有充足的食物满足需要。
B2 [ C or U ]需求欲,渴求
a feeling or state of strongly wanting something
[ + to infinitive ] He seems to have a desperate need to be loved by everyone. 他似乎非常渴望得到每个人的喜爱。
I don't know about you but I'm in need of a drink. 我不知道你怎么样,但我想要喝一杯。
formal We have no need of your sympathy. 我们不需要你的同情。
in need (金钱或食物)缺乏,短缺
not having enough money or food
You just hope that the money goes to those who are most in need. 你只是希望那些钱会交到最需要的人手里。
[ U ]必须,需要
the state of being necessary
Help yourself to stationery as the need arises. 需要文具的话,你随便用。
If need/needs be (= if necessary), we can take a second car to fit everyone in. 如果需要的话,我们可以再叫辆车,让大家都坐上去。
I don't think there's any need for all of us to attend the meeting. 我认为我们没有必要全体出席会议。
be no need to do somethingB2 不必…;不应该…
If there is no need to do something, it is not necessary or it is wrong.
There's no need to buy more food - there's plenty in the fridge. 没有必要去买更多的食物——冰箱里有很多。
I understand why she was angry, but there was no need to be so nasty to him. 我明白她为何生气,但也没必要对他这么粗暴无礼。
There's no need to yell! Just calm down. 别嚷了!安静点儿。
  • There's a crying need for a better education system.
  • The findings of this survey are demonstrative of the need for further research.
  • There is a tremendous need for more low-cost housing.
  • Will future oil supplies be adequate to meet world needs?
  • It's not by any means a brilliant salary but it's adequate for our needs.




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