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词汇 near
adverb, preposition uk/nɪər/ us/nɪr/
A1 (离…)不远,靠近(
not far away in distance
Is there a restaurant near here? 这附近有餐馆吗?
I'd like to sit near a window, please. 请给我一个靠窗的座位。
Don't come too near me - you might catch my cold. 别离我太近——我会把感冒传染给你的。
The hotel is near the airport. 酒店离机场不远。
Which bus stop is nearest (to) your house? 哪个汽车站离你家最近?
I was standing just near enough to hear what they were saying. 我站的位置刚好能听清他们在说什么。
B2 (时间上)接近地,临近地
not far away in time
As the date of his operation drew near, he became more and more anxious. 随着手术日期的日益临近,他变得越来越焦虑了。
UK We can decide which route to take nearer the time. 到时候我们再决定走哪条路线。
C2 情况)接近地,濒临
almost in a particular state, or condition
The runners looked near exhaustion. 赛跑的人看起来快要筋疲力尽了。
UK I was near (to) tears (= almost cried) at one point during the film. 电影演到一个地方时我差点儿哭出来。
nowhere nearC1 (距离、时间、数量或质量)远远没有,远非
not close in distance, time, amount, or quality
The house was nowhere near the beach. 这座房子离海边很远。
It's nowhere near time for us to leave yet. 离我们走的时间还早呢。
I'm nowhere near finishing the book - I'm only half-way through it. 我读完这本书还早着呢——我才看完一半。
He's nowhere near as tall as his sister. 他比他姐姐矮多了。
His latest book is nowhere near as good as his last one.
I'm nowhere near ready to retire.
There's nowhere near enough food here for twenty people.
near enough mainly UK informal 几乎,差不多
They're the same age or near enough. 他们年龄相仿。
She got what she wanted, or near enough.
Most of these products are fat-free, or near enough.
"It's so late! What is it, midnight?" "Near enough."
It was forty degrees - or near enough - in the shade.
It was eight pounds - or near enough - just for an orange juice!
It's near enough agreed.
  • Several small streams feed into the river near here.
  • If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.
  • The car was parked near a small group of trees.
  • Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days.
  • He stood near the front to get a better view.
near at handidiom 近在手边的;近在咫尺
If something is near at hand, it is near enough to you for you to reach it.
I like to have my books near at hand when I'm working. 我喜欢工作时把书放在手边。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/nɪər/ us/nɪr/
B1 (距离、时间、特性或质量)近的,接近的
not far away in distance, time, characteristics, or quality
Where's the nearest post office? 最近的邮局在哪里?
My pocket knife is the nearest thing (= the most similar thing) to a weapon that I have. 我的小折刀是我身上最近似武器的东西了。
I couldn't get any cream cheese so I bought the nearest equivalent (= the most similar thing) that I could find. 我买不到奶油奶酪,所以就买了能找到的最近似的替代品。
Your near relatives are people who are closely related to you, such as your parents, brothers, or sisters.
in the near futureB2 在不久的将来
at a time that is not far away
All our computer equipment will be replaced in the near future. 我们所有的电脑设备在不久的将来会被更换。
This could spell trouble for the government in the near future.
They will likely file for bankruptcy in the near future.
They plan to make an announcement in the near future.
He has repeatedly promised that there will be no strikes in the near future.
  • This curtain ring is the nearest thing I have to a wedding ring.
  • We only invited our near relations to the wedding.
  • I directed her to the nearest library.
  • The nearest shop is five miles away.
  • What's the nearest equivalent to silk?
Related word: nearness
your nearest and dearestidiom humorous 至亲,至爱
your family, especially those that you live with or are very involved with
verb [ I or T ] uk/nɪər/ us/nɪr/
to get close to something in distance, time, or state
I'm pleased to say the project is nearing completion. 我很高兴地宣布这项工程即将竣工。
As the wedding day neared, I started to have second thoughts about getting married. 随着婚期日益临近,我开始对结婚犹豫起来。
The captain switched on the seat belt sign as we neared the airport. 当我们靠近机场时机长打开了安全带信号灯。
Synonym: approach
prefix uk/nɪər-/ us/nɪr-/
combines with adjectives and nouns to mean "almost"
We had a near-disaster this morning in the car! 我们今天上午险些出了车祸!
She was near-hysterical by the time I arrived there. 我到那儿的时候,她近乎歇斯底里了。




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