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词汇 move
verb uk/muːv/ us/muːv/
A2 [ I or T ]使)改变位置,动;(使移动
to (cause to) change position
I'm so cold I can't move my fingers. 我太冷了,手指都动不了了。
Will you help me move this table to the back room? 你能帮我把这张桌子搬到后面的房间里吗?
Can we move (= change the time of) the meeting from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. ? 我们能将会议时间由下午两点改到三点半吗?
Don't move! Stay right where you are. 别动!就呆在那儿。
I thought I could hear someone moving about/around upstairs. 我好像听到楼上有人走动。
If you move along/over/up (= go further to the side, back, or front) a little, Tess can sit next to me. 如果你往边上/往后/往前挪一点儿,特丝就能坐在我旁边了。
Police officers at the scene of the accident were asking people to move along/on (= to go to a different place). 事故现场的警官让路人走开。
Come on, it's time we were moving (= time for us to leave). 快点,我们该走了。
Let's stay here tonight, then move on (= continue our journey) tomorrow morning. 我们今晚住这儿吧,明早再继续赶路。
[ I or T ](棋盘游戏中)走棋,走子,(棋子被移动
to change the position of one of the pieces used in a board game
In chess, the pieces can only move in certain directions. 下棋必须按棋规所定的方向走子。
  • You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
  • I didn't want to move in case I woke her up.
  • In the summer, the shepherds move their sheep up into the hills .
  • Could I possibly ask you to move your chair a little?
  • The poor things were kept in small cages without room to move.
B1 [ I ]搬家;搬迁;迁移
to go to a different place to live or work
We're moving to Paris. 我们要搬到巴黎去了。
They've bought a new house, but it will need a lot of work before they can move into it/move in. 他们买了套新房子,但搬进去之前还有许多工作要做。
I hear Paula has moved in with her boyfriend (= gone to live in his house). 我听说葆拉搬去和她男朋友住了。
The couple next door moved away (= went to live somewhere else) last year. 隔壁的那对夫妇去年搬走了。
A lot of businesses are moving out of London because it's too expensive. 许多企业因为费用太高而迁出了伦敦。
move house B1 UK 搬家
to leave your home in order to live in a new one
We're moving house next week. 我们下周要搬家。
They're moving house to be nearer their daughter.
We can either extend this property or move house - those are the options.
We've moved house four times in ten years.
I don't want a job that requires me to move house.
Moving house is notoriously stressful.
I know she recently moved house because she sent a change of address notice.
  • When we retire, we're going to move to a warmer climate .
  • We would dearly love to sell our flat and move to the country.
  • They decided to move abroad and make a fresh start.
  • Now that the children are settled at school , we don't really want to move again.
  • After nine years in Cambridge, Susannah and Guy moved to Watlington, where they lived happily ever after.
[ I or T ]使进展;(使发展
to (cause to) progress, change, or happen in a particular way or direction
The judge's decision will allow the case to move forward. 法官的决定将使诉讼得以继续进行。
If you want to move ahead in your career, you'll have to work harder. 如果你想在事业上有所发展,就必须更努力地工作。
Share prices moved up/down slowly yesterday. 昨天股价缓慢上涨/下跌。
Sophie has been moved up/down a grade at school. 索菲在学校里跳/留了一级。
It's time this company moved into (= started to take advantage of the benefits of) the digital age. 这家公司该实行数字化了。
  • I don't really like working on a computer, but you have to move with the times, I suppose.
  • Traffic moved forward at a crawl.
  • The company has moved into plastics.
  • The procession moved through the streets at a steady pace.
  • By lap 26, Hamilton had moved into second position.
[ T ]促使,驱使
to cause someone to take action
[ + obj + to infinitive ] formal I can't imagine what could have moved him to say such a thing. 我想象不出是什么促使他说了这种话。
[ I or T ]使改变观点(或做法)
to (cause to) change an opinion or the way in which you live or work
He's made up his mind, and nothing you can say will move him on the issue. 他决心已定,你说什么也不能改变他对这件事的看法。
More and more people are movingaway from/towards vegetarianism. 越来越多的人不再是/正成为素食主义者。
B2 [ T ]感动;引起,激起(情感
to cause someone to have strong feelings, such as sadness, sympathy, happiness, or admiration
She said that she was deeply moved by all the letters of sympathy she had received. 她说她被收到的所有慰问信深深打动了。
It was such a sad film that it moved him to tears (= made him cry). 这部电影十分伤感,令他落泪。
[ I or T ] informal卖掉,使脱手
to sell
No one wants to buy these toys - we just can't move them. 没人想买这些玩具——根本就卖不出去。
This new shampoo is moving really fast. 这种新洗发水销得很快。
[ I + adv/prep ]进行社交活动;交往
to spend time with people
She moves in/among a very small circle of people. 她的社交圈子很小。
[ I or T ] politics, law specialized(在会议上)提出;提议;(向法庭)提出请求,申请
to suggest something, especially formally at a meeting or in a law court
A vote was just about to be taken when someone stood up and said that they wished to move an amendment. 正要开始表决,有人站起来说他们想提出修正案。
[ + that ] I move that the proposal be accepted. 我提议接受这项建议。
Your Honour, we wish to move for dismissal of the charges. 尊敬的法官大人,我们请求驳回这些指控。
[ I or T ] polite word(尤为医护人员用语)(使)(肠道排泄粪便
(used especially by doctors and nurses) to pass the contents of the bowels out of the body
The doctor asked him if he'd moved his bowels that day. 医生问他那天是否排过便。
move heaven and earthidiom 竭尽全力
to do everything you can to achieve something
He'll move heaven and earth to get it done on time. 他将竭尽全力按时将它完成。
move it!idiom informal (also get moving!) 快点!赶紧!
used to tell someone to hurry
Come on, Phil, move it! 走吧,菲尔,快点!
move on to bigger/better thingsidiom humorous 获得提拔晋升找到更好的工作过更好的生活
to get a better job or improve your life in some way
I hear you're leaving and moving on to better things. 我听说你高升了。
move with the timesidiom 与时俱进
to change and become more modern, because attitudes or fashions are changing
We have to move with the times and market our products more aggressively. 我们必须与时俱进,更积极地推销我们的产品。
not move a muscleidiom 一动不动
to stay completely still
She sat without moving a muscle as the nurse put the needle in. 当护士将针头扎入时,她坐着一动也没动。
Phrasal verbs
move someone/something in 接手;(对…)进行操纵,干预
If the police, army, or any group of people in authority move in, or if someone moves them in, they take control or attack, in order to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation.
When a company goes out of business, officials usually move in to take control. 如果公司倒闭,政府官员通常会接手操控局面。
The decision has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting. 已决定派遣联合国部队进驻该地区以制止这场冲突。
move in on something/someone (为进攻或取得控制权而)移近,向…逼近
If you move in on a person or place, you come close or closer to them in order to attack or take control of them.
Government troops are moving in on the rebel stronghold. 政府军正向叛军的据点逼近。
move off something/on (to something)C1 转换话题
to change from one subject to another when talking or writing
Let's move off this subject now, all right? 现在我们不谈这个话题了,好吗?
Can we move on to the next item for discussion, please? 我们讨论下一项,好吗?
move onC1 搬家迁移
to leave the place where you are staying and go somewhere else
I've lived in this town long enough - it's time to move on. 我在这个地方已呆了很长时间——该搬家了。
C1 开始新的活动
to start a new activity
I'd done the same job for years and felt it was time to move on. 我多年来一直在做同一份工作,觉得是该换换工作了。
to accept that a situation has changed and be ready to deal with new experiences
Since he and his girlfriend broke up, he's been finding it difficult to move on. 自从他与女朋友分手后,他发现自己很难接受现实开始新的生活。
move outB1 搬走
to stop living in a particular home
Her landlord has given her a week to move out. 房东给她一星期时间搬走。
noun uk/muːv/ us/muːv/
C2 [ S ]动;动作;移动
an act of moving
She held the gun to his head and said, "One move and you're dead!" 她拿着枪对着他的头,说:“动一下你就没命了。”
I hate the way my boss watches my every move (= watches everything I do). 我讨厌老板总是监视我的一举一动。
[ C ]一步棋;(按规则)棋的可走方法
in some board games, a change of the position of one of the pieces used to play the game, or a change of position that is allowed by the rules, or a player's turn to move their piece
It takes a long time to learn all the moves in chess. 要学会棋的各种走法需要花很长时间。
It's your move. 该你走棋了。
  • She sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game.
  • My cactus seems to be benefiting from its move from the living room to the kitchen windowsill.
  • The cattle have had a move from the top field down into the meadow, I see.
  • "Where have the reference books gone?" "Oh - they've had a move. They're by the door now."
  • Agassi's move to the net was perfectly timed, and he is rewarded with two match points.
C1 [ C ]搬家迁移
an occasion when you go to live or work in a different place
We've had four moves in three years. 我们3年里搬了4次家。
  • They helped us with our move to Norwich.
  • We have had three office moves in five years.
  • The move to Scotland was a big wrench for the children.
  • The film follows one family's move to Spain.
C1 [ C ]行动步骤措施
an action taken to achieve something
Buying those shares was a good move. 买那些股票是明智之举。
This move towards improving childcare facilities has been widely welcomed. 这项改善保育设施的措施受到广泛欢迎。
[ + to infinitive ] The city council is making a move to improve traffic flow in the city. 市议会正采取措施改善市区交通状况。
  • It was a shrewd move to buy your house just before property prices started to rise.
  • Quitting that job was the smartest move I ever made.
  • The newspaper made the bold move of publishing the names of the men involved.
  • "The children are getting rather bored, so shall we take them to the park?" "Yes, I think that would be a good move."
  • It was a brave move to stand up and question the boss's figures, but you certainly made him notice you!
be on the moveidiom informal 活跃;忙碌
to be physically active
I've been on the move all day and I'm really tired. 我忙了一整天,实在很累。
to be going somewhere; to be travelling
We're going to be on the move all next week, but we'll call you when we get home. 我们下个星期都在外旅行,但我们到家时会给你打电话。
get a move onidiom informalC2 快点,赶紧
to hurry
Come on, you two, get a move on! 走吧,你们俩,快点!
We need to get a move on if we're going to catch that train. 如果要赶上那趟火车,我们就必须快点。
make the first moveidiom 率先行动
to be the first to take action
Neither side seems prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace agreement. 双方似乎都不愿为达成和平协议而率先迈出一步。
to show that you want to start a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
She's liked him for a long time, but doesn't want to make the first move. 她喜欢他很长时间了,但不想主动追求他。
make a moveidiom informal UK 离开,离去
to leave a place
It's late - I think it's time we made a move. 很晚了——我想我们该走了。




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