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词汇 mouth
noun uk/maʊθ/ us/maʊθ/
A1 [ C ]嘴,口;口腔
the opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind containing the teeth and the tongue
Open your mouth wide and say "Ah". 张大嘴,说“啊”。
You shouldn't put so much food in your mouth at once. 你不该一次把这么多食物塞入口中。
  • He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.
  • It's not polite to talk with your mouth full.
  • She gave him a great big kiss on the mouth.
  • She punched him in the mouth and two of his teeth came out.
  • She clapped her hand over her mouth to try to stop herself from laughing.
C1 [ C usually singular ](容器的)口;洞口;(江河的)入海口
the opening of a narrow container, the opening of a hole or cave, or the place where a river flows into the sea
Quebec is at the mouth of the St Lawrence River. 魁北克位于圣劳伦斯河口。
be all mouthidiom informal (UK also be all mouth and no trousers) 只说不做
to talk a lot about doing something but never do it
He says he's going to complain to the manager, but he's all mouth. 他说他要向经理鸣不平,但我认为他不过是说说而已。
be down in the mouthidiom informal 神色沮丧,垂头丧气
to be sad
keep your mouth shutidiom informalB2 保持缄默,守口如瓶
to not talk about something
I don't know whether to tell him what I know or keep my mouth shut. 我不知道是该告诉他我所知道的,还是保持缄默。
make someone's mouth wateridiom 使某人)馋得流口水,使(某人)垂涎欲滴
If the smell or sight of food makes your mouth water, it makes you want to eat it.
The smell of that bacon cooking is making my mouth water. 熏肉的香味令我垂涎欲滴。
a mouth to feedidiom 需要养活的人(尤指新生儿)
someone, especially a new baby, who you must provide food for
They've got three kids and her husband just lost his job - the last thing they need is another mouth to feed. 他们有3个孩子,丈夫刚失业——绝不想再多养个孩子了。
out of the mouths of babes (and sucklings)idiom literary saying 出自天真的稚子之口;童言有道
said when a child says something that surprises you because it seems very wise
verb [ T ] uk/maʊð/ us/maʊð/
to form words with the lips without making any sound
It looks to me as if the singers are only mouthing the words . 在我看来,这些歌手好像只是在对口型假唱。
[ + speech ] "Can we go?" mouthed Mary. “我们可以走了吗?”玛丽用口型默示道。
to say something in a way that is not sincere
I don't want to stand here listening to you mouthing apologies. 我不想站在这儿听你没有诚意的道歉。
See also: bad-mouth
Phrasal verbs
mouth off (about something) (在公开场合毫无顾忌地)发表意见,谈论
to express your opinions too loudly and publicly
I had to listen to Michael mouthing off about the government all through lunch. 整个午餐过程中我不得不听着迈克尔对政府大发议论。
mouth off (to/at someone) (跟某人)回嘴,顶嘴
to speak in a rude or offensive way to someone
She's a typical teenager, coming home late at night and mouthing off to her parents. 她是个典型的处于青春期的青少年,深夜才回家,又和父母顶嘴。




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