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词汇 monkey
noun [ C ] uk/ˈmʌŋ.ki/ us/ˈmʌŋ.ki/
A2 猴子
an animal that lives in hot countries, has a long tail, and climbs trees. Monkeys are primates (= the group of animals that are most like humans) .
  • What's the difference between an ape and a monkey?
  • In the first question you had to name three types of monkey.
  • Using a bunch of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.
  • Bored out of its mind, the monkey stares out of the cage with unseeing eyes.
a child who behaves badly
They ate all the cakes, the monkeys. 他们吃掉了所有的蛋糕,这些捣蛋鬼。
[ as form of address ] Hey, put that down, you little monkey! 嘿,放下它,你这个小淘气!
UK slang500英镑
I'll be a monkey's uncle!idiom old-fashioned (表示惊讶)天哪!哎呀!
used to show you are very surprised
make a monkey out of someoneidiom 使某人)出丑;耍弄,愚弄(某人
to make someone appear stupid
not give a monkey'sidiom UK slang 一点都不在乎,完全无所谓
If you don't/couldn't give a monkey's about something, you are not at all worried by it.
"Chrissie won't like it." "I don't give a monkey's." “克丽茜不会喜欢它的。”“我才不在乎呢。”




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