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词汇 moment
noun uk/ˈməʊ.mənt/ us/ˈmoʊ.mənt/
A2 [ C ]片刻,瞬间,刹那
a very short period of time
Can you wait a moment? 你能等一下吗?
I'll be ready in just a moment. 我一会儿就准备好。
A car drew up outside and a few moments later the doorbell rang. 一辆车在门外停了下来,过了一会儿门铃就响了。
I'm expecting her to come at any moment (= very soon). 我预计她随时会来。
Have you got a moment (= are you busy or do you have time to speak to me)? 你有空吗?
  • The falcon seemed to hang in the air for a moment before diving onto its prey.
  • If you'd like to take a seat, Mr Chang will be with you in a moment.
  • Could you mind my bag for a moment while I go to the toilet?
  • He paused and thought for a moment.
  • Could you check this letter for me before I post it - it will only take a moment.
B1 [ C ]时刻,时候;时机
a particular time or occasion
When would be the best moment to tell the family? 什么时候告诉家里人最好?
Don't leave it to/till the last moment (= the latest time possible). 不要拖到最后一刻。
If you want a private conversation with her you'll have to choose your moment (= find a suitable time). 如果你想私下和她谈谈,必须选好时机。
The moment (that) (= as soon as) I get the money I'll send the ticket. 我一收到钱就会把票寄出。
at the momentA2 此刻,目前
Sorry, she's not here at the moment. 对不起,她现在不在这儿。
I'm a bit busy at the moment.
He's not dating anyone at the moment.
Business is going pretty well at the moment.
At the moment, there's only one antibiotic that's effective against the disease.
We don't have enough information at the moment to make this decision.
for the momentB2 暂时;目前
If you do something for the moment, you are doing it now, but might do something different in the future.
Let's keep doing what we agreed for the moment. 我们暂时还是继续按照双方原来议定的去做吧。
One day we might think about making a move to the countryside but for the moment, we'll probably stay here.
For the moment, whatever dreams she has will have to remain just dreams.
For the moment, her focus is definitely her studies.
He seems content for the moment, working from home and spending time with his kids.
at this moment in time formal 此时此刻
I can give no information at this precise moment in time. 我现在不能提供任何信息。
At this moment in time, it's a major concern for us.
All we can do at this moment in time is await the outcome.
At this precise moment in time, I don't know who I'm going to vote for.
Certainly that's how I feel at this moment in time.
  • Is Michelle all right? She doesn't seem quite herself at the moment.
  • She's on the phone to him at this very moment actually.
  • In an indiscreet moment, the president let his genuine opinions be known.
  • I'm sorry, you've called at rather an awkward moment.
  • Would this be a good moment to bring up the subject of money?
of (great) moment formal 重大的,极重要的
very important
a decision of great moment 重大的决定
Nothing of moment had happened on the journey.
He rarely had anything of moment to contribute to our discussions.
When there were matters of great moment to discuss, his opinion was frequently sought.
These are issues of great moment.
Nothing of great moment was said.
See also: momentousmoment (IMPORTANCE)
be having a momentidiom informal在某个时刻非常受欢迎(或时髦)
to be very popular or fashionable at a particular time
Right now, oversized sweaters are having a moment. 现在,大一号的套头衫很时髦。
UK informal(因在考虑其他事情或因情绪激动而导致)片刻的失神,走神
to not be acting normally for a short time, for example because you are not thinking about what you are doing, or because you are feeling a strong emotion
He was staring out of the window and he didn't answer me - I think he was just having a moment. 他盯着窗外,没有回答我——我想他一时走神了。
have your/its momentsidiom 也有成功的时候也有得意的时候
to be sometimes very good or successful
This album may not be as good as their last one but it has its moments. 这张专辑可能不如他们上一张好,但也会火一阵。
the moment of truthidiom 关键时刻;考验人的时刻
an occasion when something important happens that tests someone or something and that will have an effect on the future
Lift-off is always the moment of truth for a new rocket. 离地升空始终是考验一枚新火箭的关键时刻。
a moment of weaknessidiom 短暂的失足片刻的犯错
a short time during which someone makes a bad decision or does something bad that they would not normally do
He kept asking me to help him, and in a moment of weakness I said yes. 他不停地请求我帮他,我心一软就答应了。
not a moment too soonidiom 差点就迟了
used to say that something happened when it was almost too late
Help arrived - and not a moment too soon. 援助到达了——差点就迟了。
not for a momentidiom 决不,从来没有
used to say that you do not think or do something at all
I don't believe that story for a moment. 我绝不会相信那个说法。
of the momentidiom (在某一时刻)最重要的最成功的
the person or thing that is the most important and successful at a particular time
Jack was man of the moment during the crisis. 杰克是这场危机中的关键人物。




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