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词汇 modulation
noun uk/ˌmɒdʒ.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ us/ˌmɑː.dʒəˈleɪ.ʃən/
[ C or U ](嗓音大小、说法方式的)调节
a change in the style, loudness, etc. of something such as your voice in order to achieve an effect or express an emotion
The Minister has evidently practised the modulation of her voice. 部长显然已经练习过对她自己声音的调节。
The actors sit on stools and present the script and character through intonation and other voice modulations. 演员们坐在小凳子上,通过语调和其他对声音的调节方法来呈现剧本和角色。
[ C or U ]调节,调整
a small change that happens in response to something or is intended to achieve an effect
A surreal, nightmarish atmosphere is created in the film by constant modulations of colouring of the light. 通过对光线色彩的不断调整变化,在影片中营造出一种超现实的、梦魇般的气氛。
His performance is exceptional in its intensity and subtle modulation. 他的表演在强度和细节调整方面都异常出色。
[ U ] biology specialized调整,适应
the ability to control, influence or change a particular physical process
This area of the brain is involved in the modulation of emotional behaviour. 大脑的这一区域参与对感情行为的调整。
The proteinase inhibitor function has been associated with modulation of cell growth. 蛋白酶抑制剂的功能与细胞生长的调整有相关性。
  • Methods of positive social reinforcement include positive voice modulation, facial expression, and verbal praise.
  • She's got a keen eye for the finest little modulations of human behaviour.
  • Where babies sleep in the same room as their mothers, sleep patterns might be different, effecting subtle modulations to physiological responses.
  • To me, oil paint seems like a living organism: infinite modulations and transformations are possible.
  • THC is involved with appetite and the modulation of pain.
  • These phytochemicals are involved in many mechanisms including modulation of cholesterol synthesis and hormone metabolism.
[ C or U ] music specialized音乐的)变调,转调
a change from one musical key to another
the composer's use of modulation 作曲家对变调的运用
It is best to write what sounds smooth and natural, so we should forget about modulations to far-distant keys (e. g. C to F). 最好写些听起来流畅自然的乐曲,所以不要使用两个差异很大的调门之间的转调(譬如从C调转到F调)。
  • Perhaps the most striking song here is Da lieg' ich unter den Bäumen, with its change from major to minor and a welcome unexpected modulation.
[ C or U ] media, physics specialized(对电波信号的)调制
the process of changing the amplitude or frequency of an electrical signal by mixing it with another signal, or a signal that has been changed like this
With traditional radar, the modulation and frequency of the signal can be fine-tuned to produce the easiest-to-read echo. 使用传统雷达,可以对信号的调制和频率进行微调,以产生最容易读取的回波。
  • Armstrong solved the static problem in 1933 with frequency modulation - a way to increase the bandwidth of the radio signal and suppress interference from other energy currents.
  • Kanzius designed a complex transmitter that could focus radio waves of different modulations and multiple frequencies on tumors.




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