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词汇 mission
noun uk/ˈmɪʃ.ən/ us/ˈmɪʃ.ən/
C2 [ C ](尤指军事)任务,使命
an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do
Your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river. 你的任务是破坏这条河上所有的桥梁,以孤立敌军。
a peace/rescue/fact-finding mission 和平使命/救援任务/核查事实的工作
B2 [ C ]使命,天职
any work that someone believes it is their duty to do
My mission in life is to educate the rich about the suffering of the poor. 我一生的使命就是让富人认识到穷人所受的痛苦。
She's a woman with a mission and she's absolutely determined to finish the project. 她是个有使命感的女人,已下定决心完成这项计划。
mission accomplished 完成任务
something that you say when you have finished doing something that you were told to do
Mission accomplished. I've got everything you asked for on the list. 完成任务!我拿到了你列在清单上的所有东西。
  • The pilots were thoroughly debriefed after every mission.
  • The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.
  • They were taken prisoner while on a reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines.
  • They were on a mercy mission to take food to the refugees when they were attacked.
  • She told us about his brother, Apollo, born in 1969 and named for the U.S. astronauts' mission to the moon.
[ C, + sing/pl verb ]外交使团,代表团,传教团;外交使团(或代表团)驻所,传教团驻地
a group of people whose job is to increase what is known about their country, organization, or religion in another country or area, or the place where such people are based
More funds are needed to establish trade missions in eastern Europe. 需要更多的资金在东欧建立贸易代表团。
The Methodist mission is situated in one of the poorest parts of the city. 循道宗传教团设于这个城市最贫穷的地方之一。




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