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词汇 miss
verb uk/mɪs/ us/mɪs/
B1 [ T ]未做到未体验避开幸免于
to fail to do or experience something, often something planned or expected, or to avoid doing or experiencing something
I missed the start of the class because my bus was late. 我上课迟到了,因为我坐的公共汽车晚了。
Often I miss (= do not eat) breakfast and have an early lunch instead. 我经常不吃早餐而早吃午饭。
You should leave early if you want to miss the rush hour. 如果你想避开高峰时间,就该早些出发。
[ + -ing verb ] I only just missed being run over by a bus this morning. 我今早差点被一辆公共汽车撞倒。
A2 [ T ]未赶上,错过
to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, or aircraft
You'll miss your flight if you don't hurry up. 如果你不快点,会误了飞机的。
A2 [ T ](勤);););未出席
to not go to something
Students who miss a lot of school can find it hard to catch up. 缺课严重的学生会很难赶上。
I'm trying to find an excuse for missing the office party. 我正要找个不去办公室聚会的接口。
B1 [ T ]未看到未听到
to not see or hear something or someone
I missed the beginning of the show. 我错过了演出的开头。
Her latest movie is too good to miss (= it certainly should be seen). 她最近的一部电影很好,不容错过。
I was sorry I missed you at Pat's party - I must have arrived after you left. 很遗憾没有在帕特的派对上看到你——我准是在你离开后才到的。
[ T ]未注意到
to not notice someone or something
You don't miss much, do you? Nobody else noticed that mistake. 你真是明察秋毫,是吧?别人都没有注意到那个错误。
My office is first on the right with a bright red door. You can't miss it (= it is very easy to find). 我的办公室是右边的第一间,有一扇鲜红色的门。你不会找不到的。
A big neon sign has been put up where nobody can miss it.
A golden eagle is so large and distinctive that no birdwatcher, however inexperienced, could possibly miss it.
  • Henri's latest show is simply too good to miss.
  • In this game if you give the wrong answer you have to miss a turn.
  • She has never missed a single episode of her favourite soap opera.
  • He missed two practice sessions so he's out of the team.
  • You'll have to make up the work you've missed while you were away.
A2 [ T ]想念,惦念;怀念,思念
to feel sad that a person or thing is not present
I really missed her when she went away. 她离开的时候我非常想念她。
She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. 所有认识她的人都会很悲伤地怀念她的。
I still miss my old car. 我仍惦念着我的旧汽车。
What did you miss most about home when you were living in France? 你住在法国时最想念家乡的是什么?
[ + -ing verb ] I haven't missed smoking like I expected to. 出乎我的预料,我并没有老想着要抽烟。
  • I miss my mom and dad a lot.
  • You'll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job.
  • She missed Spain and the languor of a siesta on a hot summer afternoon.
  • It surprises me how much he misses his sister when she's away - after all, they do nothing but fight when they are together!
  • I really miss seeing their happy smiling faces.
B2 [ I or T ]未击中,未打中;避开
to fail to hit something, or to avoid hitting something
The bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimetres. 子弹差几厘米就击中了他的心脏。
I swerved to avoid the other car and only just missed a tree. 我为避开另一辆车急忙转向,差一点就撞到树上。
He threw a book at me, but he/it missed. 他朝我扔了一本书,但没打中。
  • The arrow missed its target and landed on the grass.
  • How could he have missed the goal from that distance?
  • The car missed the tree and ran into the field.
  • I tried to throw the paper in the bin, but I missed.
  • Luckily the egg missed his face by inches.
[ T ]发觉遗失;发觉…不在身边
to notice that something is lost or absent
He didn't miss his wallet until the waiter brought the bill. 直到服务员拿来账单,他才发觉丢了钱包。
miss a chance/opportunityidiom B1 错过机会
to not use an opportunity to do something
She missed the chance of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager. 她拒绝了助理经理一职,错过了提升的机会。
miss the boatidiom C2 (因行动慢而)错过机会,坐失良机
to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act
There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some. 上周还有些票,但他一直等到今天才想去买,错过了机会。
miss the markidiom 没达到目的没成功
to fail to achieve the result that was intended
Her speech missed the mark and failed to generate the public support she had been hoping for. 她的演讲没成功,没有得到她所希望的公众支持。
miss the pointidiom 未能领会未能理解
to not understand something correctly or what is important about it
What you say is true, but you've missed the point of my argument. 你说的是对的,但是你没理解我的论点。
not miss a trickidiom 善于把握机会
said about someone who never fails to notice and take advantage of a good opportunity
Jonathan doesn't miss a trick! If there's a bargain to be had, he'll find it. 乔纳森从不坐失良机!如果市场上有便宜货,他一定会找到的。
not miss muchidiom informal (用以表示所错过的并不重要)没错过什么,没什么大不了的,没什么可遗憾的
said when something you failed to see or experience was not important or special
"I didn't manage to see that programme." "Don't worry, you didn't miss much." “我没赶上看那个节目。”“别担心,你没错过什么。”
Phrasal verbs
miss someone/something out 遗漏
to fail to include someone or something that should be included
You've missed out your address on the form. 你在表格上漏填了你的地址。
Oh, I'm sorry, Tina, I've missed you out. What would you like to drink? 哦,对不起,蒂娜,我把你漏了。你要喝点什么?
miss outB2 错失享乐(或获利)的机会
to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something
Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale. 别错过我们夏季甩卖中极好的便宜货。
We didn't have a TV at home when I was young, and I felt as though I missed out. 年轻时家中没有电视,我觉得好像错过了什么似的。
noun uk/mɪs/ us/mɪs/
[ C ]未打中避免击中
an occasion when something or someone fails to hit something or avoids hitting something
Well done! You scored eight hits and only two misses. 打得好!你8次击中得分,只有两次失误。
See also: near miss
give something a miss C1 UK informal 避开;对…不予理会;决定不做
to avoid or not do something
We usually go to France in the summer, but we've decided to give it a miss this year. 我们通常夏天去法国,但今年我们决定不去了。
The restaurant's very good for fish, but I'd give their vegetarian options a miss. 这家餐馆鱼做得很好,但他们的素菜我不愿意吃。
I don't really fancy going out tonight - I might give it a miss if you don't mind.
They're meeting in town this evening but I think I'll give it a miss.
"Are you coming to the cinema this afternoon?" "I've got too much work - I think I'm going to have to give it a miss."
[ C ] UK old-fashioned informal小姑娘;(尤指)冒失女孩
a girl or young woman, especially one who behaves rudely or shows no respect
You're a cheeky little miss! Apologize at once. 你这个冒失的小姑娘!立刻道歉。
noun uk/mɪs/ us/mɪs/
A1 (用在女孩或未婚女子名前作为称呼)小姐
a title used before the family name or full name of a single woman who has no other title
Dr White will see you now, Miss Carter. 卡特小姐,怀特医生现在就见你。
Miss Helena Lewis 海伦娜‧刘易斯小姐
Compare: MsMrs
[ as form of address ] mainly US or old-fashioned UK(作为对看上去没有结婚的女孩或青年女子的称呼)小姐
used as a form of address for a girl or young woman
Excuse me, Miss, you dropped this. 打扰了,小姐,你把这个东西掉地上了。
[ as form of address ] UK(孩子有时对女教师的称呼)老师
sometimes used by children to address or refer to teachers who are women
Can I go to the toilet, Miss? 我能去厕所吗,老师?
a title given to a woman who wins a beauty contest, combined with the name of the place that she represents
Miss India/UK 印度/英国小姐
the Miss World contest 世界小姐比赛
  • Excuse me, Miss - you dropped this.
  • "You can go and sit down again now, girls and boys." "Yes, Miss."
  • Ask Miss Taylor to come to my office when she's free, would you?
  • Let me introduce my colleague, Miss Sohar - she's in charge of marketing.
  • The letter was addressed to a Miss M A Kirkwood, but we didn't know anyone of that name.




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