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词汇 mind
noun [ C ] uk/maɪnd/ us/maɪnd/
B1 头脑大脑
the part of a person that makes it possible for him or her to think, feel emotions, and understand things
Her mind was full of what had happened the night before, and she just wasn't concentrating. 她头脑里满是前一天晚上所发生的事情,根本无法集中精神。
Of course I'm telling the truth - you have such a suspicious mind! 我当然是在说实话——你太疑神疑鬼了!
I just said the first thing that came into my mind. 我只是想到什么就说什么了。
I'm not quite clear in my mind about what I'm doing. 我不太清楚自己在做什么。
a very intelligent person
She was one of the most brilliant minds of the last century. 她是上世纪才智最为出众的人物之一。
all in the/your mind 全是心理作用的只是凭空想象的
If a problem is all in the mind, it does not exist and is only imagined.
His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn't really ill and that it was all in his mind. 医生努力想让他相信他其实没有生病,只是心理作用罢了。
bear/keep something in mindB2 记住
to remember a piece of information when you are making a decision or thinking about a matter
Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well. 别忘了她年龄那么小,我认为她做得很棒。
Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind. 当然,维修费很昂贵,你必须记住这一点。
go over something in your mind(also turn something over in your mind) 反复思考
to think repeatedly about an event that has happened
She kept going over the accident again and again in her mind, wishing that she could somehow have prevented it. 她不断地想起那起事故,希望当时要是能做些什么来避免就好了。
  • He's made up his mind, and nothing you can say will change his opinion on the issue.
  • I know she's gone forever, but I just can't put her out of my mind.
  • Her words kept running through my mind.
  • If you change your mind about coming tonight, just give me a call.
  • The events of last year are still fresh in people's minds .
be bored, drunk, etc. out of your mindidiom informal 非常厌烦/喝得烂醉等
to be extremely bored, drunk, etc.
be of sound/unsound mindidiom law specialized 心智健全/精神失常
not to be mentally ill/to be mentally ill
be of the same mindidiom (also be of one mind) 意见一致,想法相同
to have the same opinion
We're of the same mind on most political issues. 在大多数政治问题上我们意见一致。
bring/call something to mindidiom 想起,记起
to remember something
I can see his face, but I just can't bring his name to mind. 我能认出他的脸,只是我记不得他的名字了。
get your mind around sth idiom (also get your head around sth); (US also wrap your mind around sth) 弄懂(复杂或奇怪的事)
to succeed in understanding something difficult or strange
I find it hard to get my mind around such complex issues. 我发现自己很难弄懂这样复杂的问题。
get something out of your mindidiom 忘掉,不再去想
to make yourself stop thinking about something
I can't get that horrible moment/image out of my mind. 我忘不了那可怕的一刻/景象。
have something on your mindidiom C2 有心事;牵挂;担心
to be worrying about something
Paul has a lot on his mind at the moment. 保罗此刻心事重重。
have a mind of its ownidiom mainly humorous (机器或其他物品)有主见,自行其事
A machine or other object can be said to have a mind of its own if it seems to be controlling the way it behaves or moves, independently of the person using it.
This shopping trolley has a mind of its own. 这辆购物手推车自己还挺有主意的。
have half a mind/a good mind to do somethingidiom 可能会做…/真想做…
to think that you might do something, often because something has annoyed you
I have a good mind to go without him if he's going to be such an idiot! 如果他这么令人厌烦,我真不想让他一起去。
have something in mindidiom 想好,考虑到
to have a plan or intention
Did you have anything in mind for Helen's present? 你想好为海伦准备什么礼物了吗?
More idioms
in your mind's eyeidiom C2 某人)脑海中;在(某人)记忆里
in your imagination or memory
In my mind's eye, she is still a little girl of six, although she's actually a grown woman. 尽管实际上她已是成年女子,但在我的脑海中她仍是个6岁的小女孩。
a load/weight off your mindidiom 卸下了思想上的重负,心上的石头落了地
an occasion when a problem that has been worrying you stops or is dealt with
I'm so relieved that I don't have to make a speech - it's such a weight off my mind! 不必作演讲让我长舒了一口气——这下我心上的石头可落地了!
make up your mindidiom (also make your mind up)B1 下定决心,打定主意
to decide
I haven't made up my mind where to go yet. 我还没打定主意去哪儿。
your mind is a blank/goes blankidiom 头脑里一片空白;记不得
When your mind is a blank/goes blank, you cannot remember a particular thing, or you cannot remember anything.
I tried to remember her name, but my mind was a complete blank/went completely blank. 我努力想记起她的名字,但头脑里一片空白。
your mind is on somethingidiom 心思在…上
When your mind is on something, you think about it or give attention to it.
I couldn't concentrate on my work - my mind was on other things. 我无法集中精力工作——我的心思在别的事情上。
My mind wasn't on what he was saying, so I missed half of it. 我的心思没在他所说的话上,所以恐怕漏听了一半的内容。
mind over matteridiom 精神高于物质
the power of the mind to control and influence the body and the physical world generally
He announced what he called "the ultimate test of mind over matter" - a woman walking over hot coals. 他宣布将进行他所称的“精神高于物质的最终测试”——让一名女子在炙热的炭火上行走。
out of your mindidiom (因忧虑、不高兴或愤怒而)精神错乱,发狂
unable to behave or deal with things normally because something has made you very worried, unhappy, or angry
She was out of her mind with grief. 她因悲伤而精神错乱。
I'd go out of my mind if I had to do her job all day! 要是让我整天做她的工作,我会发疯的!
extremely stupid or mentally ill
You must be out of your mind paying £500 for one night in a hotel! 花500英镑在酒店住一晚,你一定是发疯了!
put someone in mind of somethingidiom 使某人想起
to cause someone to remember something
The mention of skiing holidays put me in mind of a documentary that I saw last week. 提到假日滑雪使我想起上周看到的一部旅行记录片。
put something out of your mindidiom 把…忘掉,把…置诸脑后
to force yourself not to think about something
It's over, put it out of your mind. 一切都结束了,把它忘掉吧。
set/put someone's mind at rest/easeidiom C1 某人)放心,使(某人安心
to stop someone from worrying about something
Chris phoned to say they'd arrived safely, so that really put my mind at rest. 克里斯打电话来说他们已经安全抵达,这下子我真的放心了。
set/put your mind to somethingidiom C1 决心要,一心想
to decide you are going to do something and to put a lot of effort into doing it
If you'd just put your mind to it, I'm sure you could do it. 如果你一心扑在那上面,我肯定你能完成。
someone's state/frame of mindidiom 某人的精神状态
the way someone feels about their life or situation at the moment
He's in a much more positive state/frame of mind these days. 这些天他的精神状态好多了。
take someone's mind off somethingidiom 使某人)暂时忘记(忧虑之事);转移(某人(问题、疼痛等)的注意
to stop you from worrying or thinking about a problem or pain, often by forcing you to think about other things
The good thing about running is that it takes my mind off any problems I have. 跑步的好处是它能使我暂时忘记自己遇到的问题。
to my mindidiom B2 我认为,在我看来
in my opinion
The room has pink walls and a green carpet, which to my mind looks all wrong. 墙壁刷成了粉色,铺了一块绿色的地毯,在我看来这根本不相配。
verb uk/maɪnd/ us/maɪnd/
A2 [ I or T ](用于疑问句和否定句)介意,反对
(used in questions and negatives) to be annoyed or worried by something
Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed his book? 你认为他会介意我借他的书吗?
[ + -ing verb ] I don't mind having a dog in the house so long as it's clean. 我不反对房子里有只狗,只要它干净就行了。
informal I wouldn't mind (= I would like) something to eat, if that's OK. 其实我不介意吃点东西。
Would you mind turning (= please turn) your radio down a little please? 请你将收音机的声音调小一些好吗?
Do you mind if I (= may I) put the TV on? 你介意我打开电视吗?
[ + obj + -ing verb ] Do you mind me smoking? 我抽烟你介意吗?
[ + question word ] I don't mind what you wear so long as it's not that awful pink shirt. 我不介意你穿什么,只要不是那件难看的粉红色衬衫就好。
I'd rather stay in tonight, if you don't mind. 如果你不反对,我宁愿今晚呆在家中。
mainly UK "Would you like tea or coffee?" "I don't mind - either." “你喝茶还是咖啡?”“随便──都可以。”
do you mind? (对某人的言行表示恼火)你怎么回事?你别这样好不好?
said to someone when you feel annoyed with that person for what they have just done or said
Do you mind? That's my seat you're sitting on! 你怎么回事?你坐了我的座位!
  • Would you mind filling in a questionnaire about what you watch on television?
  • Do you mind if I have the last chocolate?
  • Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
  • "Do you mind if I smoke?" "Well, actually, I'd rather you didn't."
  • I don't mind which colour we have - you decide.
B1 [ T ] mainly UK小心,当心;注意
to be careful of, or give attention to something
[ + (that) ] Mind that box - the bottom isn't very strong. 当心那只盒子——盒底不是很牢固。
Mind (that) you don't bang your head on the shelf when you stand up. 当心站起来时头别撞到架子上。
Mind (= make certain that) you take enough money with you. 确保一定要带上足够的钱。
old-fashioned Mind your language (= don't use swear words), young lady! 注意你的措辞,小姐!
mind (out)!mainly UK 当心!
used to tell someone to move or be careful, or to warn someone of danger
Mind out! We're coming through with the stretcher. 当心!我们抬着担架过来了。
"Hey, mind!" he said when she trod on his foot. 当她踩到他的脚时,他说:“嘿,当心!”
Mind out for falling rocks on this part of the trail. 走这段小路时要当心落石。
mind how you gomainly UK informal ﹝道别用语﹞您慢走,您走好
said when you say goodbye to someone, meaning "take care"
  • Mind you don't upset her.
  • Mind they don't get in through the back door.
  • Mind you always lock up carefully.
  • Mind the dogs - they are quite wild.
  • Mind out! You nearly drove over my flower bed.
[ T ] UK or old-fashioned US照料,照看;看管
to take care of someone or something
She asked me if I'd mind the children for an hour while she went shopping. 她问我她去买东西时我能否照看孩子们一个小时。
Could you mind my bag for a moment while I go to the toilet? 我去洗手间时你能照看一下我的包吗?
[ I or T ] US听从某人
to listen to and obey someone
Mind your grandma! 听你奶奶的话!
This dog won't mind. 这只狗不听话。
don't mind meidiom 不用管我,当我不在眼前好了
said to tell someone who is in the same room as you not to pay any attention to you, because you do not want to interrupt what they are doing
Don't mind me - I'm just sorting out some files here. 不用管我——我只是在这儿整理些文件。
I don't mind if I doidiom (用于礼貌地接受)可以吃点,可以喝些
said to politely accept an offer of food or drink
"There's plenty more cake if you'd like another piece." "I don't mind if I do." “如果你想再来一块,这儿还有很多蛋糕呢。”“那我就不客气了。”
if you don't mind me saying/askingidiom (用于礼貌地提出批评)如果你不介意我说
used in order to be more polite when you say something that could slightly upset, annoy, or embarrass someone
If you don't mind me saying (so), I think the soup needs a little more salt. 如果你不介意的话,我认为汤里需要多加点盐。
Do you have a boyfriend, if you don't mind me asking? 如果你不介意我问的话,你有男朋友吗?
mind (you)idiom C2 UK(用于缓和刚才说过的话)尽管如此,不过嘛,请注意
used when you want to make what you have just said sound less strong
He's very untidy about the house; mind you, I'm not much better. 他很不注意房子的整洁,不过嘛,我也不比他好多少。
I know I'm lazy - I did go swimming yesterday, mind. 我知道我很懒——可我昨天确实去游泳了。
mind your own businessidiom informal mainly humorousC2 少管闲事,管好你自己的事
used to tell someone in a rude way that you do not want them to ask about something private
"Where have you been?" "Mind your own business!" “你去哪儿了?”“少管闲事!”
See also: myob
mind your p's and q'sidiom old-fashioned 注意自己的言谈举止
to make an effort to be especially polite in a particular situation
I have to mind my p's and q's when I'm with my grandmother. 和我祖母在一起时,我不得不特别注意自己的言谈举止。
mind the storeidiom US(尤指在变更期间,或平时负责的人不在期间)照看
to be responsible for making sure that nothing bad happens, especially during a time of change or when the person who is normally responsible is absent
In the short term, the agreement is intended to reassure consumers that someone is minding the store. 这项协议的目的是向消费者保证,在变更期仍有人负责。




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