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词汇 mile
noun uk/maɪl/ us/maɪl/
B1 [ C ]英里(长度单位,相当于1760码或1.6公里)
a unit of distance equal to 1,760 yards or 1.6 kilometres
a ten-mile drive 10英里的车程
The nearest town is ten miles away. 最近的城镇在10英里外。
The speed limit is 30 miles an/per hour. 限速为每小时30英里。
milesC1 [ plural ] 很远的距离
a very long way
From the top, we could see for miles in every direction. 从顶部我们可以环视四周,极目远眺。
He lives miles away on the other side of town. 他住在城的另一边,距此很远。
  • The path twists and turns for over a mile.
  • The boat was about a mile from the shore when the engine suddenly died.
  • I've sponsored her £1 for every mile that she runs.
  • He runs five miles every day.
  • The length of the bay is approximately 200 miles.
be miles awayidiom mainly UK 心不在焉
to not be conscious of what is happening around you because you are thinking about something else
You could tell by the expression on her face that she was miles away, thinking about home. 从她的表情你就可以看出她心不在焉,在想家呢。
a mile a minuteidiom 迅速地
very quickly
Mike was very excited, talking a mile a minute. 麦克很激动,口若悬河。
a mile offidiom mainly UK (US especially a mile away)一下子,很容易(就能注意到…)
If you can see or tell something a mile off, you notice it easily and quickly.
She's lying - you can tell it a mile off. 她在撒谎——你一眼就能看出来。
milesidiom informal (also by a mile, UK also by miles) (大或好)很多;…得多
used to say something is much greater or better than something else
Restaurant food is better by miles/miles better than it used to be 20 years ago. 餐馆的食物比起20年前来好多了。
miles from anywhere/nowhereidiom 荒郊野外,偏远的地方
a long distance from other houses or a town
They live miles from nowhere, in the middle of the countryside. 他们住在远离人烟的乡下。
miles too big, small, expensive, etc.idiom informal 实在太大/小/贵等
very much bigger, smaller, more expensive, etc. than you would like
This drink is miles too sweet! 这个饮料实在太甜了!
stand/stick out a mileidiom 一目了然,显而易见
to be very obvious or easy to see
His lack of experience sticks out a mile. 他缺乏经验,这显而易见。




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