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词汇 meet
verb uk/miːt/ us/miːt/ met | met
A1 [ T or I ](和…)初次见面;(与…)相识
to see and talk to someone for the first time
They met at work. 他们是在工作时认识的。
I met her in Hawaii. 我在夏威夷认识了她。
Would you like to meet my sister? 你愿意认识一下我姐姐吗?
Come and meet (= be introduced to) my friend Laura. 来,认识一下我的朋友劳拉。
  • I'd like you to meet Ann Gregory, my deputy.
  • I'm dreading having to meet his parents.
  • It's important to create a good impression when you meet a new client.
  • It's not always easy to meet members of the opposite sex.
  • We went backstage after the show to meet the actors.
A1 [ I or T ](与…)会面,会合
to come together with someone intentionally
Lorraine and I meet for lunch once a month. 我和洛兰每月见一次面吃午饭。
We agreed to meet on Tuesday to discuss the project. 我们同意星期二见面讨论这一项目。
The children's club meets every Thursday afternoon. 儿童俱乐部每星期四下午集合。
They're meeting with their advisers to draw up a new plan. 他们正与顾问会面来制订一项新计划。
The president met the UK prime minister in London yesterday. 总统昨天在伦敦和英国首相会了面。
A1 [ T or I ]遇见,遇到
to come together with someone without intending to
It's always awkward when you meet someone you know but you can't remember their name. 遇到你认识的人但却记不起他们的名字总会让人很尴尬。
Guess who I met in town today. 猜猜今天我在城里遇到了谁。
We met our old neighbours at an auction last Saturday. 我们在上周六的拍卖会上遇到了老邻居。
  • I'll meet you at the check-in desk.
  • She's gone to meet Blake at the station.
  • I'm meeting a group of friends for dinner tonight.
  • The lovers met at a secret rendezvous in the park.
  • We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.
C1 [ T ]满足;达到,完成
to fulfil, satisfy, or achieve
The workers' demands for higher pay were not met by the management. 管理层没有满足工人们增加工资的要求。
We haven't yet been able to find a house that meets our needs/requirements. 我们还没能找到符合我们需要/要求的房子。
They will only agree to sign the contract if certain conditions are met. 只有某些条件得到了满足,他们才会同意签合同。
Do you think we will be able to meet our deadline/target? 你认为我们能如期完成/达到目标吗?
[ T ]支付,偿付
to pay
The company has agreed to meet all our expenses. 公司已同意支付我们所有的费用。
  • This type of computer is too slow and inflexible to meet many business needs.
  • Can the sales force meet its financial objectives?
  • They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.
  • They agreed to raise the trade embargo if three conditions were met.
  • His latest book met all my expectations.
B1 [ T ]迎接,等候
to wait at a place for someone or something to arrive
Will you meet me at the airport (= be there when the aircraft arrives)? 你到机场接我好吗?
  • A representative from the tour company will meet you at the check-in.
  • You go on ahead of me, and I'll meet you there.
  • It's very kind of you to come all the way to meet me.
  • I'll meet you by the down escalator on the second floor.
  • She's gone to meet Brian at the station.
[ I or T ]接触连接
to touch or join something
There's a large crack where the ceiling meets the wall. 天花板与墙壁相连的地方有个大裂缝。
The curtains don't quite meet. 窗帘拉不太拢。
The horizon is the line where the sky meets the earth. 地平线是天地相连的那条线。
[ T ]经历,遭受,遇到
to experience something
I've never met that kind of problem/system before. 我以前从没遇到过那种问题/制度。
He met his death (= he died) in the icy waters of the South Atlantic. 他死于南大西洋冰冷的海水中。
be more to this than meets the eyeidiom 不像表面那么简单,比表面看到的要复杂
If there is more to something than meets the eye, it is more difficult to understand or involves more things than you thought at the beginning.
eyes meetidiom 目光相遇
If people's eyes meet, they look at each other at the same time.
Their eyes met across a crowded room. 他们身处一个拥挤的房间,两人的目光穿过人群的缝隙,互相对视。
meet someone's eyeidiom 某人)对视,迎视(某人)的目光
to look at someone directly while they are looking at you
I tried to avoid meeting his eye. 我尽力避免与他对视。
meet someone halfwayidiom 迁就某人),对(某人)作出让步
to do some of the things that someone wants you to do, in order to show that you want to reach an agreement or improve your relationship with them
meet your makeridiom humorous 见上帝,死
to die
meet your matchidiom 遇到对手
to compete unsuccessfully with someone
He was a good player, but he met his match in Peter. 他是个不错的选手,但遇到彼得算是棋逢对手了。
meet your Waterlooidiom 遭遇滑铁卢,遭遇惨败
to be defeated by someone who is too strong for you or by a problem that is too difficult for you
Phrasal verbs
meet up 碰头,相聚,会面
to meet another person in order to do something together
They suggested we meet up at Mustafa's. 他们建议我们在穆斯塔法那儿会面。
If roads or paths meet up, they join at a particular place.
meet with something formal经历,遭遇,遇到(尤指不愉快之事)
to experience something, usually something unpleasant
I heard she'd met with an accident. 我听说她出了意外。
If you meet with any difficulties, just let me know. 如果你碰到了什么困难,尽管告诉我。
to cause a particular reaction or result
At the time, the decision was met with a barrage of criticism. 那时这一决定受到接二连三的批评。
I trust the arrangements meet with your approval. 我相信这些安排你会同意的。
noun [ C ] uk/miːt/ us/miːt/
mainly US运动会;体育比赛
a sports event in which people compete against each other, for example in swimming or running
The 800m runner was unbeaten for two years, but she lost at a meet in July.
a track/swim meet 田径运动会/游泳比赛
the first meet of the season 本赛季的第一场比赛
an occasion when people go fox hunting
He attended a meet of Bicester Fox Hunt, in Oxfordshire.
On average, I would guess, one fox is killed at each meet.
  • The athlete tested positive for a banned steroid at a meet in Paris.
  • She is preparing to vault in an International Gymnastics Federation meet.
  • You can learn so much about cars and the car community by going to a meet.




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