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词汇 make something up
make something up
phrasal verb with make verb uk/meɪk/ us/meɪk/ made | made
B2 (常为骗人而)编造(借口、故事等)
to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive
I made up an excuse about having to look after the kids. 我编造了个借口,说必须照看小孩。
My dad was always really good at making up stories. 我爸爸一直很善于编故事。
  • They made up an excuse not to go to the meeting.
  • She told us stories about her family, but they were all made up.
  • There was no fire - he made it all up.
  • If you can't think what to write, just make something up.
  • I made up a few words about his role in the company.
to prepare or arrange something by putting different things together
Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done? 你能否将要做的所有事情列张清单?
He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a selection of chocolates. 他请售货员选择了一系列巧克,放好在盒子里。
The maid will make up your room later. 服务员稍后将整理您的房间。
fabrics specialized(用布)缝制,制作
to produce or prepare something from cloth
We could use the rest of the material to make up some curtains. 我们可以用剩下的布料做些窗帘。
publishing specialized(页面、书或报纸)排版
If you make up a page, book, or newspaper, you arrange the text and pictures in the form in which they will be printed.
If you make up a bed for someone, you put sheets and covers on a bed so that they have a place to sleep in your home.
If you make up a fire, you prepare it or put more wood or coal on it when it is burning.
to make an amount of something complete or correct
I have £20,000 and I need £25,000 but my parents have promised to make up the difference. 我有2万英镑,而我需要2.5万英镑,不过父母答应帮我凑齐。
UK I suspect we were only invited to make up numbers (= to provide enough people). 我怀疑我们只是被邀请来充数的。
to reduce or replace something, usually an amount of time or work, that has been lost
We're hoping to make up time on the return journey by not stopping at night. 我们希望回程途中通宵赶路,以弥补失去的时间。
You'll have to make up the work you missed while you were away. 你必须补上缺勤期间落下的工作。
make someone/something up
phrasal verb with make verb uk/meɪk/ us/meɪk/ made | made
to put make-up on someone's face, to improve or change its appearance
For the movie, they made him up as an Indian. 在这部电影中,他们把他化装成印第安人。
make up something
phrasal verb with make verb uk/meɪk/ us/meɪk/ made | made
to form a particular thing, amount, or number as a whole
Car accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients. 车祸受伤者几乎占了医院病人的四分之一。
The book is made up of a number of different articles. 这本书里汇集了多篇文章。
make up
phrasal verb with make verb uk/meɪk/ us/meɪk/ made | made
(also UK make it up)
to forgive someone and be friendly with them again after an argument or disagreement
They kissed and made up, as usual. 像往常一样,他们亲吻和好了。
UK We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after. 我们常吵架,但总是很快就和好了。
noun [ U ] mainly UK (US usually makeup) uk/ˈmeɪk.ʌp/ us/ˈmeɪk.ʌp/
A2 化妆品
coloured substances used on your face to improve or change your appearance
I put on a little eye make-up. 我在眼部上了淡妆。
She wears a lot of make-up. 她化的妆很浓。
Synonym: slap (FOR FACE)
  • Minor skin imperfections can usually be disguised with a spot of make-up.
  • Who's doing your make-up for the wedding?
  • With his make-up and strange clothes, he looked like nothing on earth.
  • She fritters so much money away on expensive make-up.
  • Ten-year-olds have started wearing lipstick and make-up in imitation of the older girls.
  • Don't cry, or your make-up will run .
The make-up of something or someone is the combination of things that form it.
They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city. 他们争辩说议会的成员结构并未反映出这座城市的种族构成。
Organizational ability is not one of the most obvious parts of his make-up. 组织才能并不是他各项素质中最突出的部分。




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