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词汇 make
verb uk/meɪk/ us/meɪk/ made | made
A1 [ T ]做;制作;制造
to produce something, often using a particular substance or material
Do you want me to make some coffee? 要我煮些咖啡吗?
He made a chocolate cake. 他做了一个巧克力蛋糕。
She makes all her own clothes. 她所有的衣服都是自己做的。
[ + two objects ] He made us some coffee./He made some coffee for us. 他为我们煮了些咖啡。
The pot is made to withstand high temperatures. 这个罐子是为能耐高温而制作的。
He works for a company that makes furniture. 他为一家生产庭院家具的公司工作。
The label on the box said "made in China". 盒子上的标签写着“中国制造”。
Butter is made out of/from milk. 黄油由牛奶制成。
earrings made of gold 金制的耳环
Her new trainer has promised to make an Olympic athlete of her. 她的新教练许诺将她培养成奥运选手。
A1 [ T ]执导;制作;拍摄;出演
To make a film or television programme is to direct, produce it, or act in it.
John Huston made some great movies. 约翰•休斯顿执导过一些十分优秀的影片。
The movie was made by Goldcrest Productions. 这部影片是由金冠制片公司出品的。
So why didn't Garbo make any films after 1941? 为何嘉宝1941年后就不再拍电影了?
  • Could you make a copy of this report for tomorrow's meeting, please?
  • If you make the main course, I'll make a dessert.
  • To make an omelette you must first beat the eggs.
  • He works for a company that makes aircraft parts.
  • Crude oil is used as the raw material for making plastics.
B1 [ T ]造成引起导致
to cause something
The kids made a real mess in the kitchen. 孩子们将厨房弄得一团糟。
The bullet made a hole right through his chest. 子弹射穿了他的胸膛。
[ + infinitive without to ] The wind is making my eyes water. 风吹得我眼睛直流泪。
What made you change your mind? 什么使你改变了想法?
Just seeing Woody Allen's face is enough to make me laugh. 只要看一眼伍迪•艾伦的脸就足以使我发笑。
The photograph makes me look about 80! 照片上的我看上去快80岁了!
  • Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.
  • What makes you think that you are qualified for this job?
  • I felt so ashamed of myself for making such a fuss.
  • The wine made a big stain on his shirt.
  • The loud explosion made everyone jump.
[ T ]使成为使变成使显得
to cause to be, to become, or to appear as
[ + noun ] It's the good weather that makes Spain such a popular tourist destination. 好天气使西班牙成为旅游胜地。
[ + past participle ] She had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music. 她只有大声喊叫才能盖过音乐声让别人听到她的声音。
I can make myself understood in French, but I'm not fluent. 我说法语别人可以懂,但不流利。
They went up to the Ambassador and made themselves known (to her). 他们走到大使跟前,(向她)作了自我介绍。
[ + adj ] The company accounts have not yet been made public. 公司账务至今尚未公开。
The book's advertised as "navigation made easy". 这本书的广告宣传词是“航海不再难”。
The president has made Henry Paulson his Secretary of the Treasury. 总统已任命亨利·保尔森为财政部长。
I'll have a steak - no, make that chicken. 我要一份牛排——不,改成鸡肉。
make certain/sureA2 确认;确保
to take action so that you are certain that something happens, is true, etc.
I'll just make sure I've turned the oven off. 我要确认一下是否关掉了烤箱。
Make certain (that) we have enough food for the party. 我们要确保聚会上有足够的饮料。
Make sure you're home by midnight. 你务必得午夜前到家。
Jones made sure of his place on the team with three great goals. 琼斯以3个漂亮的进球确保了他在队里的位置。
I think I locked the door but I'll go back and check just to make sure. 我想我把门锁上了,但还是要回去检查确认一下。
  • Do sit down and make yourself comfortable.
  • The empty roads make this area good cycling country.
  • Many things make it difficult for women to reach the top in US business.
  • Your rosy cheeks always make you look so healthy.
  • Don't stand over me all the time - it makes me nervous.
make someone/something do somethingB1 强迫…做
to force someone or something to do something
You can't make him go if he doesn't want to. 如果他不想去,你不能强迫他去。
The vet put something down the dog's throat to make it vomit. 兽医给狗灌了些东西,迫使它呕吐。
be made to do something 被迫做
to be forced to do something
The prisoners are made to dig holes and fill them up again. 囚犯们被强迫挖洞,然后再把它们填上。
Students were made to spend their weekends helping on farms.
He was made to pay a large fine for ignoring the building regulations.
She was made to feel that she wasn't worthy of the role.
We resented being made to stay until the end of the lectures.
A2 [ T ]作出…的举动
to perform an action
I have to make a phone call. 我必须打个电话。
Somebody has made a donation of £1 million to the charity Oxfam. 有人向乐施会捐赠了100万英镑。
I need to make a doctor's appointment. 我需要约一个时间见医生。
On foot they could only make about 20 miles a day. 靠步行,他们每天只能走20英里左右。
We must make a decision by tomorrow. 到明天为止我们必须作出决定。
You're not making any effort. 你一点儿都不努力。
Someone has made a mistake/an error. 有人犯了错误/出了差错。
We're making good progress. 我们进展顺利。
She has made a request for a new car. 她申请要一辆新汽车。
We made an offer of £450,000 for the house. 我们出价45万英镑买这座房子。
She made a short speech. 她作了简短的发言。
Is it time to make a start on the work? 我们可以开始工作了吗?
Can I make a suggestion? 我能否提个建议?
We made good time getting across town. 我们开车高速穿过了市区。
There's a drunk at the door making trouble. 有个醉汉在门口闹事。
make room/space/wayC2 腾出地方/让道
If you make room/space/way for something or someone, you move your body or move other things, so that there is space for it or them.
I was wondering if I could make room for a grand piano somewhere in my house.
They made room for me on the sofa.
They lowered the floor in the basement to make space for a home gym.
The community centre was demolished to make space for a new apartment block.
The trees were pruned to make way for double decker buses.
make a bed 整理床铺
to pull up and tidy the covers on a bed after it has been slept in
She hurried upstairs and quickly made the beds. 她匆忙上楼,飞快地整理了床铺。
That man has never made a bed in his life.
They taught us the proper way to make a bed.
By the time we returned from our run, she had made the beds and prepared breakfast.
We were expected to make our beds every morning.
  • We got as far as the school, and there we had to make a right turn.
  • The Queen is making a two-week tour of Australia.
  • She made a rude gesture at the other driver.
  • She gulped down her drink and made a hasty exit.
  • There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement.
[ L only + noun, T ]等于;合计为
to produce a total when added together
12 and 12 make 24. 12加12等于24。
Today's earthquake makes five since the beginning of the year. 今天的地震是今年以来的第5次。
[ + obj + noun ] I have 29 different teapots in my collection - if I buy this one that'll make it 30. 我已经收集了29个各式各样的茶壶——如果买下这个,就有30个了。
  • There'll be us four there, plus grandma makes five.
  • Three add three makes six.
  • That makes three times you've been late now.
  • What do five sevens make.
  • That makes five exercise sessions this week.
[ T + obj + noun ] UK计算;估计
to calculate as
How much do you make the total? 你算出的总数是多少?
I make the answer (to be) 105.6. 我算出的答案是105.6。
What do you make the time?/What time do you make it? 你估计现在几点了?
  • I make it 2,300.
  • I made it three o'clock exactly when they set off.
  • What do you make his temperature?
  • I make it just gone two o'clock.
  • I make the total £5.69.
B2 [ T ]挣得,赚得;获得
to earn or get
She makes $100,000 a year as a doctor. 她行医每年收入10万美元。
How do you make a living as a painter? 你当画家如何谋生?
The company has made huge profits/losses. 公司盈利丰厚/亏损严重。
He's very good at making new friends. 他善于结交新朋友。
  • I only made a few pounds from the sale.
  • How much do you make in a year?
  • He made himself a lot of enemies.
  • We made a lot of friends through our work.
  • I can't make a living through writing.
B1 [ T ] informal(尤指成功地)赶到,到达
to arrive at or reach, especially successfully
She made it to the airport just in time to catch her plane. 她及时赶到机场,搭上了班机。
He made it to the bed and then collapsed. 他走到床边便倒下了。
Could you make a meeting at 8 a.m.?/Could you make an 8 a.m. meeting? 你能在早上8点碰面吗?
  • We just about made it in time for the show.
  • Can you make next week's meeting?
  • I won't be able to make your party, I'm afraid.
  • I managed to make it to the phone.
  • We made the city by nightfall.
[ T ]成功加入(一支队伍)
to succeed in getting a place in a team
She failed to make the Olympic squad. 她未能加入奥林匹克队。
[ T ]成为新闻
to appear as a story in the news
His story made the papers back home. 他的故事上了家乡的报纸。
The civil war in Mozambique made few headlines around the globe. 莫桑比克内战在世界上不是头条新闻。
[ T ] informal使完美完善
to cause to be perfect
Those little bows around the neck really make the dress! 领口的小蝴蝶结确实为这条连衣裙锦上添花!
be made for someone/somethingidiom 和…是绝配
to be exactly suitable for someone or something
Paul and Ann were made for each other. 保罗和安是天造地设的一对。
This wallpaper's just made for my bedroom. 这种墙纸跟我的卧室简直是绝配。
do you want to make something/anything of it?idiom informal 你想动真格的吗?
something that you say to someone as a way of threatening or offering to fight them when that person disagrees with you
make something up as you go alongidiom 随口编造
to invent a story or a tune without thinking before about how it will end
make a day/night/evening/weekend of itidiom 花一天/夜/晚/周末的时间做…
to make an activity longer or combine a series of activities so that they last for the whole of that particular period of time
We wanted to drive up the coast, so we decided to make a weekend of it. 我们想开车去海边,于是我们到海边过一个周末。
We don't go out often so we thought we'd make a day of it. 我们不常出来,所以想好了要出来就呆上一整天。
make as if to do somethingidiom 好像要做假装要做
If you make as if to do something, you seem as if that is what you are going to do.
He made as if to speak. 他似乎有话要说。
make doidiom C2 凑合将就
to manage to live without things that you would like to have or with things of a worse quality than you would like
We didn't have cupboards so we made do with boxes. 我们没有橱柜,只好将就用箱子了。
make itidiom C1 (also make it big, make it to the top)非常成功
to be very successful
She paid tribute to the hit sitcom for helping her make it in Hollywood.
He told me about his plans to make it big as an actor.
She's very ambitious but I doubt she'll ever make it to the top. 她很有抱负,但我怀疑她究竟能否成功。
make it quick/fastidiom (UK informal make it snappy)(让别人)动作快点
used to tell someone to do something quickly or to hurry up
Take him to the hospital - and make it quick! 送他去医院,动作快点!
make it up to someoneidiom 补偿(受自己伤害者)
to do something good for someone you have upset, in order to become friends with them again
I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow. 很抱歉我们不能带你去,但我保证以后设法补偿你。
make it with someoneidiom US old-fashioned informal 某人性交
to have sex with someone
More idioms
make likeidiom US old-fashioned 假装,装作
to pretend
She made like she was about to leave, but then stayed for hours. 她装出要走的样子,可一呆又是几个小时。
Stop making like you know everything, OK? 别装作无所不知,行吗?
make much/a lot of someoneidiom informal 某人很好
to treat someone very well
His mother used to make much of him when he went back home. 过去他放假回家时,母亲总是为他忙前忙后。
make much of somethingidiom 给予…很大的重要性
to give a lot of importance to something
Don't make too much of the test results. 别把考试结果太当回事。
make or break somethingidiom 成就或毁掉…
to make something a success or a failure
Recognition by this organization can make or break a career. 被这一组织承认可能成就事业,也可能毁了事业。
be make or break for someone/somethingidiom 是…的成败关键
to make someone or something a success or a failure
The Milan show will be make or break for his new designs. 米兰时装展将决定他新设计的成败。
make timeidiom C1 腾出时间
to make certain you have some time when you are not busy in order to do something you think you should do
It's important to make time to read to your children. 腾出些时间给你的孩子念书听很重要。
In a relationship you have to make time for each other. 恋爱中的男女必须为彼此挤出些时间。
make to do somethingidiom formal 正想做(而被打断)
If you make to do something, you are just going to do it when something interrupts you.
I made to leave but she called me back. 我正要离开,她把我叫了回来。
what someone is (really) made ofidiom 某人的真本事
how strong, clever, or brave someone is
The race next week will be a chance for her to show what she's made of. 下周的赛跑是她大显身手的机会。
Phrasal verbs
make for somewhere/somethingB2 走向;朝…前进
to go in the direction of a place or thing
They made for the centre of town. 他们朝城镇中心进发。
Synonym: make towards something/someone
make for something 导致使成为可能
to result in or make possible
Having faster computers would make for a more efficient system. 配备速度更快的计算机会提高系统的工作效率。
make something into somethingB2 把…变成
to change something into something else
They've made the spare room into an office. 他们已把空闲的房间改成了办公室。
make something of something/someoneC2 看待;理解
to have an impression or an understanding about something
Can you make anything of this information? 你怎么看这条消息?
What do you make of the new boss? (= What is your impression of her?) 你认为新老板如何?
I don't know what to make of it. 我不知道如何理解它才对。
make something of something 给予…(一定程度的)的重视
to give a particular level of value or importance to something
You should make more of your computer skills on the application form. 你在申请表里应更多地突出你的 IT 技能。
I think we make too much of the benefits of Western society. 我认为我们过分强调了西方社会的好处。
make off 匆忙离开;(通常指)逃走
to leave quickly, usually in order to escape
The burglars made off before the police arrived. 窃贼在警方赶到前逃走了。
make off with something 偷走
to steal something
Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs. 有人闯入商店,偷走了几台电视机。
make something/someone outB2 费力)看出,听清,辨认出,弄懂
to see, hear, or understand something or someone with difficulty
The numbers are too small - I can't make them out at all. 数字太小了——我根本看不清。
I can't make out your writing. 我看不懂你写了什么。
She's a strange person - I can't make her out at all. 她是个怪人——我完全搞不懂她。
[ + question word ] Nobody can make out why you should have been attacked. 没人会明白你为何受到攻击。
make something out 开出;填写
to write all the necessary information on an official document
I made a cheque out for £20 to "Henry's Stores". 我填写了一张20英镑的支票付给“亨利超市”。
make out something 声称;(通常指)谎称
to say, usually falsely, that something is true
[ + to infinitive ] He made himself out to be a millionaire. 他谎称自己是百万富翁。
[ + to be ] The British weather is not always as bad as it is made out to be. 英国的天气并非一直像人们所说的那样糟糕。
[ + (that) ] He made out (that) he had been living in Paris all year. 他声称曾全年住在巴黎。
More phrasal verbs
make out (通常指成功地)处理,应付
to deal with a situation, usually in a successful way
How is Frances making out in her new job? 弗朗西丝的新工作干得怎么样?
The business made out better than expected and profits were slightly up. 企业经营情况好于预期,利润略有上升。
(UK snog)亲吻爱抚性交
to kiss and hold a person in a sexual way
Everyone at the party was making out or having sex.
She had never even made out with a boy, let alone had sex with one.
Synonym: neck
make someone/something over (通过对局部进行改变以)改善…,提高…
to improve something or someone by working on or changing various parts
Ed Carey has been chosen to make over the losing football team. 艾德·卡瑞被选来对这支每况愈下的足球队做一番改善。
make something over to someone 将…移交给(某人);(以法律形式)把…转让给(某人
to give something, such as money or land, to someone so that they legally own it
Just before her death, she had made over $100,000 to her new husband. 就在临死之前,她将10万美元转给了新任丈夫。
make towards something/someone 向…走去,走向
to go in the direction of something or someone
He made towards the door, but stopped and turned to face me. 他朝门口走去,但又停了下来,转身看着我。
Synonym: make for somewhere/something
make something upB2 (常为骗人而)编造(借口、故事等)
to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive
I made up an excuse about having to look after the kids. 我编造了个借口,说必须照看小孩。
My dad was always really good at making up stories. 我爸爸一直很善于编故事。
to prepare or arrange something by putting different things together
Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done? 你能否将要做的所有事情列张清单?
He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a selection of chocolates. 他请售货员选择了一系列巧克,放好在盒子里。
The maid will make up your room later. 服务员稍后将整理您的房间。
fabrics specialized(用布)缝制,制作
to produce or prepare something from cloth
We could use the rest of the material to make up some curtains. 我们可以用剩下的布料做些窗帘。
publishing specialized(页面、书或报纸)排版
If you make up a page, book, or newspaper, you arrange the text and pictures in the form in which they will be printed.
If you make up a bed for someone, you put sheets and covers on a bed so that they have a place to sleep in your home.
If you make up a fire, you prepare it or put more wood or coal on it when it is burning.
to make an amount of something complete or correct
I have £20,000 and I need £25,000 but my parents have promised to make up the difference. 我有2万英镑,而我需要2.5万英镑,不过父母答应帮我凑齐。
UK I suspect we were only invited to make up numbers (= to provide enough people). 我怀疑我们只是被邀请来充数的。
to reduce or replace something, usually an amount of time or work, that has been lost
We're hoping to make up time on the return journey by not stopping at night. 我们希望回程途中通宵赶路,以弥补失去的时间。
You'll have to make up the work you missed while you were away. 你必须补上缺勤期间落下的工作。
make someone/something up (为…)化妆;(给…)化装
to put make-up on someone's face, to improve or change its appearance
For the movie, they made him up as an Indian. 在这部电影中,他们把他化装成印第安人。
make up something 组成,构成
to form a particular thing, amount, or number as a whole
Car accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients. 车祸受伤者几乎占了医院病人的四分之一。
The book is made up of a number of different articles. 这本书里汇集了多篇文章。
make up 和解,言归于好
to forgive someone and be friendly with them again after an argument or disagreement
They kissed and made up, as usual. 像往常一样,他们亲吻和好了。
UK We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after. 我们常吵架,但总是很快就和好了。
make up for somethingB2 补偿,弥补
to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for something bad with something good
No amount of money can make up for the death of a child. 无论多少钱都无法补偿孩子的死亡。
This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one. 今年的丰收将弥补去年的歉收。
[ + -ing verb ] He bought me dinner to make up for being so late the day before. 他请我吃晚饭,作为对前一天迟到的补偿。
make up to someone 讨好,奉承,巴结(某人
to be too friendly to someone or to praise them in order to get advantages for yourself
Have you seen the disgusting way she makes up to the boss? 你见过她巴结老板的丑态吗?
make with something 给;带着;做
to give, bring, or do something
He pointed a gun and said "Make with the money bags, baby!" 他用枪指着说:“把钱袋给我,宝贝儿!”
noun [ C ] uk/meɪk/ us/meɪk/
a type of product or the name of the company that made it
What make is your laptop? 你的笔记本电脑是什么牌子的?
be on the makeidiom disapproving 拼命追逐名利
to be trying very hard to get more money and power




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