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词汇 loose
adjective uk/luːs/ us/luːs/
B2 松的,松动的
not firmly held or fastened in place
There were some loose wires hanging out of the wall. 墙上搭着几根没有接好的电线。
The nails in the wall had worked themselves loose. 桥上的钉子已经松动了。
The prisoners were so thin that their skin hung loose. 囚犯们瘦得很厉害,身上的皮肤都松垮垮地垂着。
B2 头发)松散的,披着的,散开的
Loose hair is not tied back.
Her hair was hanging loose to her shoulders. 她的头发松松地垂在肩上。
Loose things are not held together or attached to anything else.
A few loose sheets of paper were lying around. 几张纸散落在地板上。
  • A wire has come loose at the back.
  • It's no wonder your shaver isn't working. There's a loose connection in the plug.
  • Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals.
  • I put the loose floorboard back and nailed it down.
  • The machine is working erratically - there must be a loose connection.
B1 衣服)宽松的,肥大的
(of clothes) not fitting closely to the body
Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your exercise class. 上体育课的时候要穿些舒适宽松的衣服。
  • Loose clothing will keep you comfortable.
  • He wore a loose pair of trousers.
  • She's lost so much weight, all her clothes are loose.
  • She wore a loose jumper.
  • Make sure the collar is loose enough.
C2 未严加控制的;不严谨的,不精确的
not tightly controlled, or not exact
It's a fairly loose adaptation of the novel. 它是根据小说的大致内容改编而成的。
It's only a loose translation of the poem. 这只是那首诗的不准确的译文。
  • I can give you a loose figure.
  • It's a loose equivalent of the French version.
  • I can do you a loose translation.
  • The story has a loose basis in fact.
  • His latest movie is a loose adaptation of King Lear.
old-fashioned disapproving不道德的淫荡的
having low morals; sexually free
a loose woman 荡妇
be at a loose endidiom informal (US also be at loose ends) 无所事事,闲着没事
to have nothing to do
If you find yourself at a loose end, you could always clean the bathroom. 如果闲着没事,你总还可以去打扫一下浴室嘛。
hang/stay looseidiom US informal 镇定自若,不慌不忙
to be calm and relaxed
let someone looseidiom 任(某人)自由行动,放任(某人
to allow someone to do what they want in a place
You don't want to let Oliver loose in the kitchen. 你不想让奥利弗在厨房里到处乱跑吧。
let loose somethingidiom 猛烈开),密集发射(子弹、炸弹等)
If you let loose something such as bullets or bombs, you release a lot of them all together.
The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border. 联军对边境地区进行了一阵猛烈的炮击。
to suddenly make a sound or speak in an uncontrolled way
He turned around and let loose a torrent of abuse. 他转过身来破口大骂。
let/set something looseidiom 放开(拴住的动物)
to allow an animal to run around freely after it has been tied up
She let her horse loose in the field. 她把马散放在田野上。
turn someone/something looseidiom 释放,放掉;放手,听凭,放纵
to free someone or something; to remove anything that limits the freedom of action of someone or something
He turned the horse loose in the field. 他把马散放在田野上。
The slaves were turned loose to make their own way in life. 奴隶们被释放了,让他们自己谋生。
verb [ T ] uk/luːs/ us/luːs/
to speak or express emotions very freely, especially in an uncontrolled way
The coach loosed an angry tirade against his team. 教练滔滔不绝地怒斥自己的球队。
He loosed his frustration in a torrent of abuse.




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