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词汇 lodge
verb uk/lɒdʒ/ us/lɑːdʒ/
lodge a claim, complaint, protest, etc. 提出索赔/投诉/抗议(等等
to make an official complaint about something
The US lodged a formal protest against the arrest of the foreign reporters. 美国就外国记者被捕一事提出正式抗议。
Lawyers said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence. 律师们昨晚表示他们将对此项判决提起上诉。
She lodged a complaint about her surgeon with hospital officials.
We have until next month to lodge our objections to the development.
UK The couple lodged writs for damages at the high court last year.
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]使)固定;(使卡住
to (cause to) become stuck in a place or position
A fish bone had lodged in her throat. 一根鱼刺卡在她的喉咙里。
[ T usually + adv/prep ] mainly UK formal存放,保管
to put something in a safe place
You should lodge a copy of the letter with your solicitor. 你应该将这封信的一份复印件交给律师保管。
[ I usually + adv/prep ] formal借宿,借住
to pay rent to stay somewhere
She lodged with Mrs Higgins when she first came to Cambridge. 她第一次来剑桥时借宿在希金斯太太家里。
noun uk/lɒdʒ/ us/lɑːdʒ/
[ C ](尤指度假者或体育活动者用的)乡间小屋,小舍
a small house in the country, used especially by people on holiday or taking part in sports, or one on land belonging to a large house
a ski/hunting lodge 滑雪度假/狩猎租用的小屋
[ C ]海狸的巢穴
the place where a beaver lives
[ C ] US尖顶棚屋,简陋小屋(同 wigwam)
a wigwam
[ C, + sing/pl verb ](共济会等组织的)地方分会,地方分支机构
a local group of an organization such as the Freemasons
a Masonic Lodge 共济会分会
[ C ] UK门房,传达室
the room used by a person whose job is to be at the entrance to a large building such as a hotel or college in order to help people
the porter's lodge 看门人的门房




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