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词汇 lockstep
noun [ U ] (also lock step) uk/ˈlɒk.step/ us/ˈlɑːk.step/
in lockstep (尤指一队士兵的)紧密步伐(指前后紧接、步伐完全一致的行进方式)
(especially of a group of soldiers) marching very close together, with each person moving the same leg at the same time and in the same way as the person in front
Hundreds of guerrillas marching in lockstep formed a guard of honour for the freed rebels. 数百名游击队员组成仪仗队,以紧密步伐向获得自由的起义人员致敬。
The rhythmic sound of boots stomping in lockstep echoed across the marsh.
Infantry units crossing a bridge are forbidden to march in lockstep.
New recruits must learn to march in lockstep.
English and Irish soldiers trained, drilled, and marched in lockstep together.
in complete agreement with someone or something
Usually Republicans are in lockstep with their party's candidate, with 85% or 90% support. 共和党人通常都与本党候选人步调一致,党内支持率达到85%或90%。
They are not prepared to march in lockstep with the campaign. 他们不准备和竞选活动共进退。
He said that he and the rest of the board were in lockstep behind their leader. 他说他和董事会的其他成员都一致支持他们的领导。
The two judges usually voted in lockstep.
Until that time, ideological shifts in the United States and Britain had moved almost in lockstep.
adjective uk/ˈlɒk.step/ us/ˈlɑːk.step/
showing complete agreement with someone or something and doing exactly what someone wants you to do
This is not a lockstep Democrat we're talking about. 我们在说的这个民主党人不是一个唯唯诺诺的人。
He was unable to endure the lockstep, buttoned-down culture. 他无法忍受这种唯唯诺诺、守旧乏味的文化。




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