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词汇 little
adjective uk/ˈlɪt.əl/ us/ˈlɪt̬.əl/
A1 小的,少的
small in size or amount
It came in a little box. 它是装在一个小盒子里送来的。
a little dog/nose/room 小狗/鼻子/房间
A little old man came into the room. 一个小老头走进了房间。
He gave a little smile. 他微微笑了笑。
It'll only take a little while to clear up the kitchen. 用不了多少时间就能把厨房收拾好。
Synonyms: diminutive dinky exiguous infinitesimal itsy-bitsy microscopic midget mini-miniature minutesmall (LITTLE)teensy teeny wee weeny
a little something 少量,一点(饮食
a small amount of food or drink
I always like to have a little something around eleven o'clock in the morning. 我总喜欢在上午11点左右吃点东西。
Can I get you a little something before you set off?
I had a little something at around four o'clock, so I won't need much for supper.
"Are you at all hungry?" "Oh, I could use a little something, thank you."
She always gave me a little something with my afternoon cup of tea.
a present that is not of great value
I want to buy a little something to give to Val when I visit her in hospital. 我去医院看瓦尔的时候想给她买个小礼物。
I think he deserves a little something after all that effort.
I've brought you a little something to say thank you for your help.
Do you think we should get Daniel a little something for his birthday?
  • The dog's name was engraved on a little metal disc attached to its collar.
  • We tried to arrange a ceremony with as little fuss as possible.
  • Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.
  • Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.
  • You turn this little knob to adjust the volume.
A1 幼小的,年幼的
When you were little your hair was really curly. 你小的时候头发卷得很厉害。
She was my little (= younger) sister and I took care of her. 她是我妹妹,我负责照顾她。
Her little boy (= her young son) isn't well. 她的小儿子身体有些不适。
  • One little girl was clinging onto a cuddly toy.
  • It became clear that he wasn't developing like all the other little boys.
  • She's always fussing over that son of hers as if he were a little boy.
  • Emily is Sophie's little sister.
  • I lived here when I was little.
B2 [ before noun ](用于强调对某人或某物的意见)真,确实
used to emphasize an opinion that is being given about something or someone
That was a nice little suit she was wearing. 她穿的那身套装真的很漂亮。
It's not a bad little restaurant, is it? 这家饭馆确实不错,是不是?
He's a nasty little man. 他可真是个讨厌的家伙。
  • I'm not interested in all their silly little likes and dislikes.
  • You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you - you nasty little sneak!
  • I had a nice little snooze in the back of the car.
  • All you ate was a tiddly little piece of cake.
  • You little liar! You know that's not true!
B1 [ before noun ]不太重要的,不很严重的;微小的,轻微的
not very important or serious
I had a little problem with my car, but it's been fixed now. 我的车有点小毛病,不过现在已经修好了。
It's often the little things that count the most. 常常是一些微不足道的东西发挥的作用最大。
Can I have a little word (= a short discussion about something not very important) with you? 我能和你聊几句吗?
a little bird told meidiom 无可奉告,我不说
said if you know who gave you the information being discussed but do not want to say who it was
"How did you know he was leaving?" "Oh, let's just say a little bird told me." “你怎么知道他要走了?”“噢,反正我知道。”
make little of somethingidiom 轻视,忽视
to not consider something to be very important
He made little of his ordeal. 他对自己的不愉快经历没太在意。
determiner uk/ˈlɪt.əl/ us/ˈlɪt̬.əl/
B1 不多的,不足的,很少的
not much or enough
There seems little hope of a ceasefire. 看来停火的希望很渺茫了。
They have very little money. 他们手头钱很少。
There's so little choice. 可选择的余地太小了。
  • The new building has little aesthetic value.
  • There's very little communication between mother and daughter .
  • The hut afforded little protection from the elements.
  • The money was of little consequence to Tony.
  • Too little exercise is a contributory factor in heart disease.
a littleB1 一点
a small amount of something
This sauce needs a little salt. 这种酱汁需要加点盐。
With a little training she could do very well. 只要稍加培训她就能做得很好。
Can I give you a little advice? 我可以给你提一点建议吗?
pronoun, noun uk/ˈlɪt.əl/ us/ˈlɪt̬.əl/
B1 [ S ]少量,少许,一点
a small amount
I could only hear a little of what they were saying. 他们说的话我只能听到一点。
He does as little as possible at work. 他上班时能偷懒就偷懒。
There's not much flour left but you're welcome to the/what little there is. 虽然面粉剩得不多了,但你可以随便拿。
  • We ate a little of the bread.
  • He gave us a little of his money.
  • I already knew a little of what he had to say.
  • She eats as little as she can.
  • You can see what little I have.
B1 不多的,不足的,很少的
an amount that is not much or not enough
We did very little on Sunday. 星期天我们没有做太多事情。
Very little of what he said made any sense to me. 他说的话我几乎一点儿都不明白。
Unfortunately, little of the artist's work has survived. 不幸的是,这位画家的作品几乎无一幸存。
The government has done little or nothing to help the poorest people in this country. 政府几乎没有采取任何举措来帮助国内最贫穷的人们。
The little we do know about the people who lived here suggests they had a very sophisticated society. 我们对那些曾经在这里生活过的人们知之甚少,但可以确定的是他们当时的社会已经相当成熟。
  • I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.
  • Very little of his art appeals to me.
  • Little of what she said seemed relevant.
  • They have done little to improve their situation.
  • We can do very little to help them.
adverb uk/ˈlɪt.əl/ us/ˈlɪt̬.əl/
a little (bit)A2 稍微地,稍稍地
I was a little bit worried by what she said. 她的话让我有点担心。
We'll wait a little longer and then I'll phone them. 我们再稍微等一等,还不来的话我会给他们打电话的。
There's only a little further to go. 再走一会就到了。
little by littleB2 一点一点地,逐渐地,渐渐地
slowly or gradually
Little by little she came to understand why he had behaved the way he did. 渐渐地她明白了他为什么会那么做。
The first few months in our new country were difficult, but little by little we adapted.
We haven't reached an agreement yet, but we are moving forward little by little.
Little by little, they realized they were falling in love.
Her wounds were healing little by little each day.
C1 不多,很少
not much
She slept very little that night. 她那天晚上睡得很少。
a little-known fact 鲜为人知的事实
Little did he know what lay in store for him. 他几乎一点儿也不知道等待他的将会是什么。
little more/betterC2 多/好不了多少
not much more or better
The wine they gave us was little better than vinegar. 他们给我们的葡萄酒比醋好不了多少。
The team played badly, and their opponents did little better.
The prisoners were treated little better than animals.
For six months, he did little more than relax and watch movies.
They headed into the jungle, armed with little more than a map and compass.




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