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词汇 less
determiner, pronoun, adverb uk/les/ us/les/
A2 更少,较小
a smaller amount (of), or to a smaller degree
We must try to spend less money. 我们必须尽量少花一些钱。
Exercise more and eat less. 要少吃多运动。
I eat less chocolate and fewer biscuits than I used to. 巧克力和饼干我比以前吃得少了。
Getting out of bed in summer is less difficult than in winter. 在夏天起床不像在冬天那样困难。
less than ... 缺少,缺乏
used to say that something does not have the good or attractive characteristic that is stated
I think he was less than honest with me. 我认为他对我不够诚实。
The reviews for her latest show are less than complimentary.
Their parents argued constantly, so childhood was less than idyllic for them.
His response to the crisis was less than ideal.
Critics pointed out that the diplomat's actions were less than statesmanlike.
less and less 越来越少,越来越小
If something happens less and less, it becomes gradually smaller in amount or happens less often.
He's less and less able to look after himself. 他越来越不会照顾自己了。
As their family grew, she had less and less time to write.
Americans do less and less of their shopping in malls these days.
Gradually, I started to depend less and less on other people to help me.
Employees started to travel less and less with each passing month.
  • The buses run less frequently on Sundays.
  • The survey reveals that two-thirds of married women earn less than their husbands.
  • The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.
  • Do you pay less tax if you're self-employed?
  • If you eat three good meals a day, you're less likely to snack on biscuits and crisps.
much/still lessidiom formal 更不用说,更别提
used to make a negative statement stronger
At the age of 14 I had never even been on a train, much less an aircraft. 我14岁时还从未坐过火车,更不用说飞机了。
no lessidiom humorous (用于表示某人或某事很重要)正是,竟然,千真万确
used to show the importance of someone or something
Who should arrive at the party but the prime minister, no less! 来参加聚会的不正是首相吗,千真万确!
no less thanidiom 绝不少于,不低于
used to show your surprise at a large number
There were no less than a thousand people there buying tickets. 至少有上千人在那里买票。
preposition uk/les/ us/les/
→  minus
The total is 30 dollars, less the five dollars deposit that you paid. 除去你已经支付的5英镑定金,你应付的总金额为30英镑。
suffix uk/ -ləs/ /-lɪs/ us/ -ləs/ /-lɪs/
used to form adjectives meaning "without (the thing mentioned)"
meaningless 无意义的
friendless 没有朋友的




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