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词汇 leave
verb uk/liːv/ us/liːv/ left | left
A1 [ I or T ]离开;离去;走开
to go away from someone or something, for a short time or permanently
I'll be leaving at five o'clock tomorrow. 我明天早晨5点钟离开。
He left the house by the back door. 他从房子的后门离开了。
She left the group of people she was with and came over to speak to us. 她离开了人群,走过来和我们说话。
The bus leaves in five minutes. 公共汽车5分钟后发车。
  • I didn't leave the office until eight o'clock last night.
  • A young girl was crying, protesting that she didn't want to leave her mother.
  • We gathered our things together and left quickly.
  • Soon we had left the river estuary and were heading towards the open sea .
  • Your flight to Perth will leave from Terminal 4.
A2 [ T ]遗留,遗忘
to not take something or someone with you when you go, either intentionally or by accident
Hey, you've left your keys on the table. 喂,你把钥匙落在桌子上了。
Can I leave a message for Sue? 我可以给苏留个口信吗?
Why don't you leave the kids with me on Friday? 周五你干吗不把孩子留给我照看呢?
  • Guests are advised not to leave any articles of value in their hotel rooms.
  • Never leave your luggage unattended.
  • It's considered good manners in some societies to leave a little food on your plate.
  • She absent-mindedly left her umbrella on the bus.
  • That's funny - I'm sure I left my keys here.
A2 留下剩下
If something leaves something else, a part or effect of it stays after it has gone or been used.
His shoes left muddy marks on the floor. 他的鞋在地板上留下了泥印。
[ + two objects ] If I give you €50 that won't leave me enough cash to pay the bill. 如果我给你50欧元我剩下的钱就不够付账了。
[ + obj + adj ] Far from improving things, the new law has left many people worse off (= they are now in a worse situation) than before. 这项新的法律不仅没有使生活条件得到改善,反而使许多人的境遇更加糟糕了。
B2 [ T ]使保留使保持(某种状态)
If you leave something in a particular condition, you do not touch it, move it, or act to change it in any way, so that it stays in the same condition.
Leave that chair where it is. 把那把椅子留在原处。
He left most of his dinner (= did not eat much of it). 他的晚饭几乎一点儿也没动。
[ + obj + adj ] The family were left (= became and continued to be) homeless. 一家子人流落街头。
I'll have to go back - I think I've left the iron on. 我必须得回去——我觉得好像忘记关电熨斗了。
You can leave the window open. 你可以让窗户开着。
Leave your sister alone (= stop annoying her). 不要打扰你姐姐。
C1 [ T + obj + -ing verb ]离开时(某人)正继续做…
If you leave something or someone doing something, he, she, or it is still doing it when you go away.
I left the children watching television. 我走的时候,孩子们仍在看电视。
He left the engine running. 他离开的时候没有关闭发动机。
A2 [ T ]没有吃完(或用完)…
to not eat or use all of something
They'd eaten all the cake, but they'd left some sandwiches. 他们把蛋糕都吃了,但是留下了一些三明治。
Make sure you leave enough hot water for the rest of us. 保证给我们留下足够的热水。
A1 [ T ]离开;停止;完成
to stop doing something, or to leave a place because you have finished an activity
Many children leave school at 16. 许多孩子16岁上完中学。
He left work in June for health reasons. 因健康原因他于6月份辞职了。
She left home (= stopped living with her parents) at 18. 她18岁离开家独立生活。
Could we leave that subject (= stop discussing that subject) for the moment and go on to the next item on the agenda? 我们不要再讨论那个题目了,进行议程中的下一项内容好吗?
  • She walked straight into a well-paid job after leaving university.
  • I never get to see her now that she's left the company.
  • He left the priesthood to get married.
  • My contract specifies that I must give a month's notice if I leave my job.
  • After I leave college, I want to travel round the world.
B1 [ T ]结束(与丈夫、妻子或伴侣的)关系并不再同居
to end a relationship with a husband, wife, or partner and stop living with them
I'll never leave you. 我永远不会离开你。
She left her husband for a younger man. 她离开了她丈夫,和一个年轻男人在一起。
C2 [ T ]等一段时间再做
If you leave (doing) something, you wait before you do it.
I'll leave these letters till Monday (= write them on Monday). 这些信我周一再写。
Don't leave it too late (= don't wait too long to do it). 别拖得太久了。
[ + -ing verb ] They left booking their holiday till/to the last minute. 他们拖到最后才去预订假期旅程。
[ T ]死后留下,身后留下
To leave a wife, husband, or other close family member is to die while these family members are still alive.
He left a wife and two children. 他身后留下了妻子和两个孩子。
C2 [ + two objects ]死后将…赠与;给(某人留下遗产
If you leave something that you own to someone, you say they should receive it when you die.
He left his nieces all his money./He left all his money to his nieces. 他把所有的钱都留给了他的侄女们。
[ T ]某人)决定;允许(某人)选择;使(某人)对…负责
to allow someone to make a choice or decision about something, or to make someone responsible for something
I left the decision (up) to her. 我让她来决定这件事情。
[ + to infinitive ] I left it to her to make the decision. 我让她来决定这件事情。
Leave it (= the problem) with me, I'll see what I can do. 把它交给我吧,我来想办法处理。
I'll leave it to chance (= wait and see what happens without planning). 我不管了,随它去吧。
be left holding the babyidiom UK (US be left holding the bag) 被迫独立撑起局面,不得不承担起(别人丢下的)责任
to suddenly have to deal with a difficult situation because others have decided that they do not want the responsibility
The other investors pulled out of the project and we were left holding the baby. 其他投资者从该项目里撤出后,我们不得不独立撑起局面。
leave someone beidiom 别管某人),由(某人)去吧
to not worry someone, or to allow someone to continue what they are doing
She's only playing - leave her be. 她只是在取乐——由她去吧。
leave someone coldidiom 提不起(某人)的兴趣,令(某人)感到乏味,无法唤起(某人)的热情
to not make you feel interested or excited
I'm afraid opera leaves me cold. 歌剧恐怕提不起我的兴趣。
leave someone hangingidiom 某人)等待你做出决定(或回答)
to keep someone waiting for your decision or answer
I was left hanging, not knowing whether I'd got the job. 我被悬着,不知道是否得到了这份工作。
leave someone in the lurchidiom 丢下某人)不管,撇下(某人不管
to leave someone at a time when they need you to stay and help
leave someone out in the coldidiom 冷落某人),把(某人)晾在一边
to not allow someone to become part of a group or an activity
leave someone standingidiom (also leave someone on the sidelines) 某人)望尘莫及,远远胜过(某人
to be much better than other people or things of the same type
Her voice is excellent - it leaves the others standing. 她的嗓音极好——令其他人望尘莫及。
leave someone to their own devicesidiom C2 某人)自行决定
to allow someone to make their own decisions about what to do
He seemed to be a responsible person, so I left him to his own devices. 他看起来是个很负责的人,因此我让他自己决定。
leave a bad taste in someone's mouthidiom 留下不愉快的记忆
If an experience leaves a bad taste in your mouth, you have an unpleasant memory of it.
I think we all felt he'd been treated very unfairly and it left a bad taste in our mouths. 我想我们都觉得他受到了极不公平的待遇,这件事给我们留下了很不愉快的记忆。
leave a lot to be desiredidiom 还有很大改进余地,还有很大差距
to be much worse than you would like
Apparently, Meg's cooking leaves a lot to be desired. 显然,梅格的厨艺还有很大的改进余地。
More idioms
leave go/hold of somethingidiom informal 放开,松开
to stop holding on to something
Leave go of my arm! 放开我的胳膊!
leave it at thatidiom 到此为止,告一段落
to agree that there has been enough discussion, study, etc. and that it is time to stop
Let's leave it at that for today and meet again tomorrow. 我们今天就到这里吧,明天再会面。
leave it out!idiom UK slang 住手!别说了!
stop doing or saying that
Hey, leave it out! That hurt! 喂,住手!那很疼。
I do not believe you
"I tell you, he was driving a sports car." "Leave it out!" “我跟你说,他当时开着一辆跑车。”“别胡扯了!”
leave no stone unturnedidiom C2 (尤指寻找东西时)竭尽全力,不遗余力
to do everything you can to achieve a good result, especially when looking for something
He left no stone unturned in his search for his natural mother. 他不遗余力地寻找自己的亲生母亲。
leave well aloneidiom 保持原来的样子,不要添乱
to allow something to stay as it is because doing more might make things worse
It's going to get in a muddle if you carry on. I should just leave well alone if I were you. 你如果再这样继续下去就会把事情搞得一团糟。我要是你就不会再去添乱。
Phrasal verbs
leave something aside (话题等)搁置,将…放在一边
to not discuss one subject so that you can discuss a different subject
Leaving aside the question of cost, how many people do we need on the job? 先不谈费用问题,这项工作我们需要多少人?
leave something/someone behindB1 丢下,撇下,落下
to leave a place without taking someone or something with you
We left in a hurry and I must have left my keys behind. 我们走得太匆忙,我肯定是忘了拿钥匙。
He was forced to leave the country, leaving behind his wife and children. 他被迫撇下妻儿离开了那个国家。
leave something behind 留下,遗留
to cause a situation to exist after you have left a place
The army left a trail of destruction behind it. 军队走过的地方一路狼藉。
leave something for/to someone 把…留给(某人)去处理
to give someone responsibility for dealing with something
I've left the paperwork for you. 我把文案工作留给了你。
Leave it to me - I'll sort it out tomorrow. 留给我来干吧——明天我会把它处理好的。
leave something/someone off something 排除,不包括
to not include something or someone on a list
He left three people off the list by mistake. 他因疏忽未将3人列入名单。
leave off (something/doing something) 停下,停止
to stop, or to stop doing something
This novel begins where the other one leaves off. 这部电影从另一部电影结束的地方开始接着演。
I've decided to leave off eating meat for a while. 我已经决定暂时不吃肉了。
leave off! 别捣乱了!别烦人了!
used to tell someone to stop being annoying
Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair. 喂,别烦我了!我讨厌别人碰我头发。
leave someone/something outB2 除去撇开忽略
to not include someone or something
You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you're on a low-fat diet. 如果你正在节食可以把黄油从菜谱中去掉。
I've made a list of names - I hope I haven't left anyone out. 我列了一个名单——希望没有漏掉什么人。
None of the other children play with her, and I think she feels left out (= feels that no one wants to be her friend). 别的孩子没有一个和她玩,我觉得她很孤单。
noun uk/liːv/ us/liːv/
C2 [ U ]假,假日,假期
time allowed away from work for a holiday or illness
How much annual/paid leave do you get? 你有多少天年假/带薪假期?
She's (gone) on leave (= holiday). 她去休假了。
I've asked if I can take a week's unpaid leave. 我已经问过能不能请一周不带薪的假。
leave of absence 准假
time away from your work or studies that is formally given to you by your organization
Luckily I was allowed to take a leave of absence now and then to work on the movies.
He took an unpaid leave of absence from his job.
She requested a one-year leave of absence from her job in order to spend time with her young children.
Foster confirmed that he would be taking a leave of absence in order to undergo surgery.
He was put on a paid leave of absence pending investigation of the claims against him.
  • I haven't got any leave left.
  • He's on leave this week.
  • I get 25 days annual leave.
  • I need to take some leave before the end of the year.
  • We were given an extra day's leave.
[ U ] formal许可,允许,同意
permission or agreement
He did it without (my) leave. 他未经我同意就做了这件事。
[ + to infinitive ] Did you get leave to do that? 做那件事你得到允许了吗?
take leave 告别,告辞
to say goodbye
He decided the time had come to take leave of his home town. 他觉得该是告别家乡的时候了。
We have been forced to take leave of several of our colleagues recently.
One by one, they took leave of Anton.
Family members took leave of one another with tears and hugs.
She was at the door, taking leave of her guests.
take leave of your sensesidiom 昏了头,失去理智
to lose your good judgment
You can't take the children out sailing in this weather! Have you completely taken leave of your senses? 你不能在这样的天气里带孩子们出海!你疯了吗?
without so much as a by-your-leaveidiom old-fashioned disapproving 未经允许,擅自做主
without asking for permission
That's twice now he's just walked in here without so much as a by-your-leave and picked a book off the shelf! 他已经两次未经允许就走进来从书架上取书了!




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