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词汇 least
adverb, determiner, pronoun uk/liːst/ us/liːst/
B1 最少最小
less than anything or anyone else; the smallest amount or number
This group is the least likely of the four to win. 该组在4个小组当中获胜的可能性最小。
Disaster struck when we least expected it. 在我们最麻痹大意的时候,灾难不期而至。
It was the answer she least wanted to hear. 那是她最不愿听到的回答。
I like the green one least of all. 我最不喜欢绿色的那一个。
He's the relative I like (the) least. 他是我最不喜欢的亲戚。
No one believed her, least of all (= especially not) the police. 没有人相信她,更不用说警察了。
They refused to admit her, not least because (= there were several reasons but this was an important one) she didn't have her membership card with her. 他们不让她进的一个重要原因是她没有带会员卡。
  • That must be the colour I like least in the whole world!
  • If I only had one course and no drinks, I ought to pay least, surely?
  • Marilyn is the least vain person I know - she's convinced she's ugly!
  • Which of these outfits do you think cost least?
  • Michael, you hardly got any notes right - it's easy to see which of you three has practised least this week.
at leastidiom A2 至少
as much as, or more than, a number or amount
It will cost at least $100. 那个东西至少要花100美元。
It will be £200 at the very least. 那东西最少也要200镑。
You'll have to wait at least an hour. 你至少要等一个小时。
B2 反正,不管怎样
used to reduce the effect of a statement
I've met the president - at least, he shook my hand once. 我见到总统了——不管怎样他和我握了一下手。
Synonym: leastways
B1 至少,还好,不管怎么说
used to emphasize that something is good in a bad situation
It's a small house but at least there's a garden. 那是一座小房子,但不管怎么说还有一个花园呢。
B1 至少,起码
used to say that someone should do something small, even if they do nothing else
Even if she didn't want to send a present, she could at least have sent a card. 即使不想送礼物,她起码也应该寄一张贺卡。
it's the least I can doidiom 尽一点微薄之力而已
a polite answer to someone who thanks you, usually when you feel you should do more to help
"Thanks for cleaning up" "It's the least I can do, seeing as I'm staying here rent-free." “谢谢你替我打扫卫生。”“我住在这里你连房租都没收,我做这点事算不了什么。”
the least someone can/could doidiom 某人应该做的事
something someone should do
I think the least you could do is offer to help. 我认为你至少应该提供帮助。
least said soonest mendedidiom UK saying (指对于坏事)议论越少,淡忘越快。
used to say that a bad situation can be quickly forgotten if people stop talking about it
not in the leastidiom C2 丝毫没有,一点儿也不
not in any way
"Are you dissatisfied with the results?" "Not in the least." “你对结果不满吗?”“一点儿也不。”
not the leastidiom (与名词连用,表示强调)一点儿也不
used for emphasis with nouns
I haven't the least idea (= I do not know) who he was. 他是谁我一点儿都不知道。
She hasn't the least interest (= she has no interest) in the project. 她对该项目一点儿兴趣都没有。




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