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词汇 learn
verb uk/lɜːn/ us/lɝːn/ learned or learnt | learned or learnt
A1 [ I or T ]学,学习
to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
They learn Russian at school. 他们在学校学俄语。
"Can you drive?" "I'm learning." “你会开车吗?”“我正在学。”
I've learned a lot about computers since I started work here. 自从到这里工作后我学到了不少计算机知识。
[ + to infinitive ] I'm learning to play the piano. 我正在学弹钢琴。
[ + question word + to infinitive ] First you'll learn (how) to use this machine. 首先你要学习(怎样)使用这台机器。
B1 [ T ]记住,记
to make yourself remember a piece of writing by reading it or repeating it many times
I don't know how actors manage to learn all those lines. 我不知道演员是怎样记住那么多台词的。
We were told to learn Portia's speech by heart (= be able to say it from memory) for homework. 我们被告知家庭作业是熟练背诵鲍西娅的演说。
B2 [ I or T ]开始醒悟,开始明白
to start to understand that you must change the way you behave
She'll have to learn that she can't have everything she wants. 她必须明白她不可能想要什么就有什么。
She soon learned not to contradict him. 她很快就明白了不能和他对着干。
He's not afraid to learn from his mistakes. 他勇于从错误中汲取教训。
B1 [ I or T ]听说,获悉,被告知
to be told facts or information that you did not know
We were all shocked to learn of his death. 听到他的死讯我们都很震惊。
[ + (that) ] I later learned (that) the message had never arrived. 我后来听说从来就没有收到过那条消息。
I only learned about the accident later. 那起事故我只是后来才听说的。
  • My daughter is just starting to learn how to do joined-up writing at school.
  • Every week our French teacher gives us a list of vocabulary to learn.
  • My youngest child is learning to ride a bike.
  • We learned about the geography of Australia.
  • You're going to have to learn to control your temper.
learn a/your lessonidiom B2 接受教训,吸取教训
to suffer a bad experience and know not to do it again
I got horribly drunk once at college and that was enough - I learned my lesson. 我上大学时有一次喝酒醉得很厉害,那一次就够了——以后我就接受教训了。
learn to live with somethingidiom 学会接受,学会与…共处
to accept a new but unpleasant situation that you cannot change
It's hard not having him around but I've learned to live with it. 他不在身边我很难过,但我已经学会了接受这个现实。




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