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词汇 launch
noun [ C ] uk/lɔːntʃ/ us/lɑːntʃ/
C1 启动仪式,发布会
an event to celebrate or introduce something new
How much champagne will we need for the launch? 这次发布会我们需要多少香槟酒?
Illness prevented her from attending the launch party for her latest novel. 她因病无法出席为她新近推出的小说举办的庆祝聚会。
  • The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch.
  • The car has enjoyed modest success since its launch, but the Mark 2 version is expected to be far more popular.
  • Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
  • The normally publicity-shy director will be making several public appearances for the launch of the movie.
  • She wore a Dior gown for the launch.
C1 下水(船首次出航);发射(火箭首次升空)
an occasion when a ship is put into water, or a spacecraft is sent into space, for the first time
The launch of the space shuttle was delayed for 24 hours because of bad weather. 因天气情况不佳,宇宙飞船的发射被推迟了24个小时。
a boat that has an engine and carries passengers for short distances, especially on a lake or a river, or from the land to a larger boat
verb uk/lɔːntʃ/ us/lɑːntʃ/
B2 [ I or T ]启动,推出,发起
to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product
The programme was launched a year ago. 这项计划是1年前开始实施的。
The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month. 这家航空公司下个月将开辟一条新的跨越大西洋的航线。
A devastating attack was launched on the rebel stronghold. 向叛军堡垒发起了猛烈的进攻。
[ + adv/prep ] UK After working for the company for several years she decided to launch out on her own and set up in business. 在为该公司工作数年后,她决定在商界自立门户。
  • There are plans afoot to launch a new radio station.
  • The Glasgow-based company is to launch a stock-market flotation this summer.
  • The company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign.
  • The government is planning to launch a benchmarking scheme to guide consumers.
  • They're about to launch a campaign to unionize workers at all major discount supermarkets in the area.
C1 [ T ]使(新船)下水;发射(火箭
to send something out, such as a new ship into the water or a spacecraft into space
A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years. 船厂发言人说他们希望在两年内让第一艘潜艇下水。
to launch a missile 发射导弹
launch yourselfmainly UK 猛跳,猛地一跃,猛扑
to jump with great force
The defender launched himself at the attacking player, bringing him to the ground. 防守队员猛地扑向进攻者,把他摔倒在地。
  • A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.
  • On that type of aircraft carrier, a catapult was used to help launch aircraft.
  • The boats were launched in high seas.
  • When is the rocket due to be launched?
  • They plan to launch the rocket next year.
Phrasal verb
launch into something 发起,开始(评说、批评等)
to start saying something or criticizing something with a lot of energy or anger
He launched into a verbal attack on her handling of the finances. 他对她的财务管理方式进行了一番抨击。




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