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词汇 lash
verb uk/læʃ/ us/læʃ/
[ I or T ]猛击;狠打
to hit with a lot of force
The prisoners were regularly lashed with electric cable. 犯人经常被人用电缆抽打。
The sound of the rain lashing against the windows was deafening. 雨点敲打窗户发出的声响震耳欲聋。
See also: lash out
[ T ]抨击,谴责,斥责
to criticize someone severely
[ T usually + adv/prep ]系紧,系牢
to tie together tightly and firmly
I've lashed your case to the roof rack. 我把你的箱子系在车顶的行李架上了。
These poles will be easier to carry if we lash them together with a rope. 如果我们用绳子把这些杆子捆在一起,携带起来将会容易一些。
Phrasal verbs
lash out (something) 浪费,挥霍(钱财
to spend a large amount of money in a way that is unnecessary or that wastes it
He lashed out £5,000 on his daughter's wedding. 他为女儿的婚礼一下子花了5000英镑。
lash out 突然)狠打,痛打;抨击,斥责
to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way
I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face. 我只是在和他闹着玩,他却突然动起手来,一拳打在我的脸上。
Why's Tina in such a bad mood? She really lashed out at me when I was late for work. 蒂娜为什么情绪这么糟糕?我上班迟到了她就对我大发雷霆。
noun uk/læʃ/ us/læʃ/
[ C usually plural ]睫毛(同 eyelash)
an eyelash
[ C or S ]鞭梢;鞭笞,鞭打
a thin strip of leather at the end of a whip, or a hit with this, especially as a form of punishment
He received 30 lashes for the crime. 他因这项罪行而挨了30鞭。
The punishment for disobedience was the lash. 违抗命令要受到鞭笞的惩罚。
See also: whiplash
[ C ]甩动,(突然的)摇动,摆动
a sudden, violent movement of something that can bend
With a powerful lash of its tail, the fish jumped out of the net and back into the river. 那条鱼猛地一摆尾巴从渔网里又跳回到河中。
come/suffer under the lashidiom 受到严厉批评,遭到痛斥
to be severely criticized
The sales team came under the lash for poor results. 销售团队因业绩不佳而受到严厉批评。




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