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词汇 knock someone out
knock someone out
phrasal verb with knock verb uk/nɒk/ us/nɑːk/
B2 击昏某人);使(某人)不醒人事
to hit someone so that they become unconscious
His opponent knocked him out with one punch. 他的对手一拳就将他击昏了。
See also: knockout noun (UNCONSCIOUS)
If a drug or alcohol knocks you out, it makes you go to sleep.
The sleeping tablets knocked him out for 18 hours. 安眠药使他睡了18个小时。
B2 (在竞赛中)淘汰(某人或某队)
to defeat a person or a team in a competition so that they can no longer take part in it
The champion was unexpectedly knocked out (of the tournament) in the first round. 冠军在比赛的第一轮中被意外淘汰出局。
old-fashioned slang某人)留下深刻印象;使(某人钦佩
to cause enjoyment or admiration in someone
We were all really knocked out by the film. 我们对这部电影留下了深刻的印象。
knock yourself out
phrasal verb with knock verb uk/nɒk/ us/nɑːk/
to make yourself unconscious, usually by hitting your head
She hit her head on the ceiling and knocked herself out. 她的头撞在天花板上,昏了过去。
to make yourself ill with tiredness
If you carry on working like this, you'll knock yourself out. 如果你继续这么干下去,会累垮的。
knock something out
phrasal verb with knock verb uk/nɒk/ us/nɑːk/
to produce something quickly without spending time thinking about the details
I've knocked out a first draft of the report that we can amend at a later date. 我已粗略写好了报告的第一稿,日后我们可作修改。
See also: knock something off (PRODUCE)
If something such as a piece of equipment is knocked out by something else, it stops working or is damaged or destroyed.
The surge in the power supply knocked out all the computers. 供电电流的冲击毁坏了所有的电脑。
Enemy aircraft have knocked out 25 tanks. 敌机摧毁了25辆坦克。




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