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词汇 kind
adjective uk/kaɪnd/ us/kaɪnd/
A2 宽容的;有益的;体贴的
generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings
She's a very kind and thoughtful person. 她是个非常宽容体贴的人。
It's very kind of you to help us. 承蒙惠助,不胜感激。
Please be kind to your sister! 请对你的妹妹好些!
formal Would you be kind enough to/so kind as to close the door? (= please would you do this) 请把门关上好吗?
not causing harm or damage
kind to the environment 对环境无害
This soap is kinder to the skin. 这种肥皂对皮肤的损害较小。
  • It's very kind of you to come all the way to meet me.
  • I gave her some extra money - I know I didn't need to but I thought it would be kind.
  • "If you like I can do some shopping for you." "That's a very kind offer."
  • He showed me round the town, which was very kind of him.
  • You sent her a card? That was a kind thought.
noun [ C ] uk/kaɪnd/ us/kaɪnd/
A1 种类
a group with similar characteristics, or a particular type
Today's vehicles use two kinds of fuel - petrol and diesel. 当今的交通工具使用两种燃料——汽油和柴油。
What kind of (a) job are you looking for? 你在找什么样的工作?
I just don't have that kind of money (= I don't have so much money). 我确实没有那么多钱。
The cupboard contained all kinds of strange things. 橱柜里有各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。
Her travel company was the first of its kind (= of others that are similar). 她的旅游公司是同类中的首家。
  • Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
  • I detest any kind of cruelty.
  • She's got some kind of job in radio.
  • "I will not allow that kind of behaviour in my class, " the teacher said severely.
  • Wood, coal, oil, petrol, and gas are all different kinds of fuel.
in kindidiom 以实物支付,以货代款;以服务偿付
(of payment) given in the form of goods or services and not money
She wouldn't take any money but said I could pay her in kind by lending her the car. 她不肯收钱,但说我可以把汽车借给她用作为报酬。
If you do something in kind, you do the same thing to someone that they have just done to you.
kind ofidiom informal (用于表示不确定)有点儿,有几分,可以这么说
used when you are trying to explain or describe something, but you cannot be exact
It was kind of strange to see him again. 再见到他感觉有点怪怪的。
See also: kinda
of a kindidiom B2 名不符实的;所谓的
used to describe something that exists but is not very good
The school had a swimming pool of a kind, but it was too small for most classes to use. 学校有一个所谓的游泳池,但对大多数班级来说都太小了,不够用。
of the kindidiom (与说过的话)类似的
like or similar to what has been said
"You said I was fat." "I didn't say anything of the kind!" “你说我胖。”“我没说过那种话!”




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