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词汇 keep
verb uk/kiːp/ us/kiːp/ kept | kept
A2 [ T ]保有;保存;保留
to have or continue to have in your possession
Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it? 你想要回这张照片,还是我留着它?
Keep medicines in a locked cupboard (= store them there). 将药存放在上锁的橱柜里。
See also: well kept (HIDDEN)
[ T ]经营,管理(小店铺)
to own and manage a small shop
My uncle kept a little tobacconist's in Gloucester. 我叔叔在格洛斯特开了一家小烟草店。
B2 [ T ]饲养
If you keep animals, you own and take care of them, but not in your home as pets.
to keep pigs/goats/chickens 养猪/山羊/鸡
[ T ] US照顾,照看(某人的孩子)
to watch and care for someone's children while their parents are away
Jody will keep the children while I shop. 我去买东西时,乔迪会照看孩子。
keep your promise/wordB2 履行诺言
to do what you have told someone that you would do
I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it. 我向你作过承诺,我会履行的。
I joined a gym to keep a promise I made to myself to get fitter.
The chancellor insisted that he was keeping his promise not to raise taxes.
He said he would help us and he kept his word.
They have promised new jobs, but so far there's no sign that they're going to keep their word.
keep an appointment 守约
to go to a meeting or event that has been arranged
She phoned to say she couldn't keep her appointment. 她打电话说她无法守约了。
People in the area are being encouraged to keep their appointments to donate blood today.
There are still too many patients who fail to keep their appointments.
She set off to San Francisco to keep an appointment with the writer.
They drove through the snow for hours in order to keep their appointment.
keep a diary, an account, a record, etc.B2 记日记/记账/作记录(等等
to make a regular record of events or other information so that you can refer to it later
I've kept a diary for twelve years now. 到现在我记日记已有12年了。
Keep an account of how much you're spending. 记下你花多少钱。
We kept an account of all the accidents that occurred at that spot.
She is keeping a record of everyone who enters or leaves the building.
I keep a journal where I record everything I do in a day.
keep a secretB1 保守秘密
to not tell anyone a secret that you know
It's hard to keep a secret in a school.
I asked him if he could keep a secret.
These records of arrests and imprisonment can't be kept a secret any longer.
It is essential that people can trust their lawyers to keep their secrets.
The cause of his death was a secret she kept for more than thirty years.
keep time (表或钟)准时
(of a watch or clock) to show the correct time
Does your watch keep good time? 你的表准吗?
We sell a range of antique watches, some of which still keep time.
That grandfather clock has kept time in our family's living room for over 100 years.
It used to be that you'd have to regularly wind a wristwatch in order for it to keep time.
keep goal UK (在球类比赛中)守门
to be the player who defends your team's goal by trying to prevent players from the other team scoring goals
He has kept goal extremely well this season.
She is currently keeping goal for England's Lionesses.
He's the brother of Mike, who keeps goal for Colchester United.
Who kept goal for Barcelona in that tournament?
Turner has been selected to keep goal.
  • I always keep a copy of any official or important letters that I send off.
  • If you keep valuables in your house, lock them away somewhere safe.
  • I'm going to sort these old books into those to be kept and those to be thrown away.
  • He shaved off his beard but kept his moustache.
  • As part of their divorce settlement, Geoff agreed to let Polly keep the house.
A2 [ L only + adj, T ]使留在(某处);(使保持(某状态)
to (cause to) stay in a particular place or condition
I wish you'd keep quiet. 我希望你能保持安静。
I like to keep busy. 我喜欢一直忙忙碌碌的。
Keep left (= stay on the road to the left) at the traffic lights. 到红绿灯处走左边的路。
Can you keep the dog outside, please? 你能让狗呆在外面吗?
[ + obj + adj ] Close the door to keep the room warm. 关上门让房间保持暖和。
The noise from their party kept me awake half the night. 他们聚会传来的吵闹声使我半夜都没睡着。
He ran towards the children, shouting at them to keep away.
The protesters were kept far away, out of sight and out of earshot.
keep something quiet 保守秘密
to not tell people about something
They managed to keep the school's problems quiet for a while. 他们设法把学校的问题保密了一阵子。
You're a qualified skiing instructor? You kept that quiet! 你有滑雪教练资格?你从来没说过!
The company decided to keep the report's findings quiet in case they affected sales.
An attack was imminent, but journalists were told to keep it quiet.
I'm quitting this job on Friday, but keep it quiet,OK?
  • Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight container.
  • I keep my socks in the bottom drawer.
  • Plants keep cool during the summer by evaporating water from their leaves.
  • The poor things were kept in small cages without room to move.
  • Could you keep quiet while I'm on the phone, please?
B1 [ I + -ing verb ] (also keep on)继续);重复(
to continue doing something without stopping, or to do it repeatedly
He keeps trying to distract me. 他一直想分散我的注意力。
I keep on thinking I've seen her before somewhere. 我一直觉得以前在哪儿见过她。
I kept hoping that he'd phone me. 我一直希望他会给我打电话。
keep going 继续
to continue in the same way as before
If things keep going like this, we'll have to close the business. 如果情况继续这样的话,我们就不得不关门了。
I hope that things will keep going the way they're going now.
Since the animals remained calm, he decided to keep going.
The performances started at midday and kept going until midnight.
I've told him he needs to slow his pace, but he just keeps going.
to continue to do something or to live normally in a difficult situation
Sometimes it was hard to keep going, but we did it for the children's sake. 有时候很难坚持下去,但是为了孩子我们挺过来了。
We have to eat every couple of hours just to keep going.
The work was harder than I'd expected, but you have to keep going.
The exercises are tough, but our instructor encourages us to keep going.
Although her health is frail, she plans to keep going for a few more years.
keep someone going (尤指在困难的条件下)协助…继续();正常生活
to help someone to continue doing something or living normally, especially in a difficult situation
It was my friends that kept me going through all this. 是我的朋友们让我坚持下去,度过了这一切。
It was the thought of their mockery that kept him going.
The positive feedback I was getting really kept me going.
I know my parents are proud of me and that keeps me going.
We could be on the verge of a breakthrough in cancer treatment, and that keeps us going.
mainly UK informal(在等待吃饭时)使…不至于太饿
to prevent someone from getting too hungry when they have to wait to eat a meal
Have a piece of fruit to keep you going. 吃一点水果,不要太饿。
Take some sugary snacks to keep you going.
Let's have a sandwich and that should keep us going until dinner time.
We had a huge breakfast that kept us going all day.
Would you like a piece of cake, just to keep you going?
  • She's got a secret admirer who keeps sending her gifts.
  • She kept telling herself that nothing was wrong.
  • They were laughing at him because he kept falling off his bike.
  • I've called him several times but I keep getting the engaged tone.
  • I don't like those watches that keep beeping every hour.
B1 [ T ]使耽误;阻止,妨碍
to delay someone or prevent them from doing something
He's very late - what's keeping him? 他迟到了很久,是什么耽搁了他?
[ + -ing verb ] I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉,让你久等了。
She kept me talking on the phone for half an hour. 她缠着我在电话里讲了半个小时。
I hope I'm not keeping you up (= preventing you from going to bed). 希望我没有耽误你睡觉。
[ I ]稍后再说
If you say that news or information for someone can keep, you mean that you can tell it to them later.
"I must tell you something." "Can't it keep? I'm in a hurry!" “我得跟你说件事”。“能以后再说吗?我现在赶时间。”
Whatever your news is, it will keep. 不管你有什么新闻,等等再说。
  • She kept me waiting for hours.
  • What's keeping her from just asking him?
  • She kept me sitting in the kitchen while she talked to him.
  • Try not to keep mother waiting.
  • He kept me working all evening.
B2 [ I ]食物)保持新鲜,持久不坏
(of food) to stay fresh and in good condition
Milk keeps much longer in a fridge. 牛奶放在冰箱里保鲜时间会长很多。
C1 [ T ]供养;养活
to provide yourself or another person with food, clothing, a home, and other things necessary for basic living
He wanted a job that would allow him to keep his family in comfort. 他需要一份工作来养活全家,让他们过上舒服的生活。
how are you keeping?idiom mainly UK old-fashioned (用于询问身体状况)你好吗?
used to ask if someone is well
How's your mother keeping? 你母亲近来可好?
Phrasal verbs
keep at somethingC2 继续做…
to continue to do or work on something
I kept at it and finally finished at three this morning. 我继续做下去,终于在今天凌晨3点钟时完成了。
keep (someone/something) awayB2 使)不靠近,(使远离
to not go somewhere or near something, or to prevent someone from going somewhere or near something
Keep away from the edge of the cliff. 不要靠近悬崖边。
keep (something/someone) backB2 使不靠近;阻止…通过
to not go near something, or to prevent someone or something from going past a particular place
Barriers were built to keep back the flood water. 人们设置了障碍物来拦截洪水。
keep something back 保留,留出(一小部分
to not use the whole amount of something so that there is a small amount remaining for later
C2 隐瞒
to not tell someone everything you know about a situation or an event that has happened
I suspect she's keeping something back. 我怀疑她有所隐瞒。
keep something down (或喝)下东西(而不吐)
to be able to eat or drink something without vomiting
On the day after her operation she couldn't keep anything down. 手术的第二天,她吃什么都吐。
B2 压缩;控制,限制…的规模
to control the size or number of something and prevent it from increasing
We need to work hard to keep our prices down. 我们必须努力控制我们产品的价格。
I'm going to sleep, so will you try to keep the noise down? 我要睡觉了,你能不能不要太吵?
keep someone down 压制,压服,镇压(某人
to prevent a person or group of people from having any power or freedom
It's all part of a conspiracy to keep women down. 那完全是压制女性自由的部分阴谋。
keep from doing something 克制住不做…,抑制住不做…
to manage to prevent yourself from doing something
I couldn't keep from smiling when she told me what she'd done. 当她把她做的事告诉我时,我实在忍不住笑了。
keep someone/something from somethingC2 阻止…做;防止…做
to prevent someone or something from doing something
[ + -ing verb ] Try to keep the children from throwing food all over the floor. 别让孩子们将食物扔得满地都是。
Am I keeping you from your work? 我妨碍你工作了吗?
keep something from someoneC2 不将…告诉(某人);某人隐瞒
to not tell someone about something
He says it's alright but I think he's keeping something from me. 他说他没事,但我认为他对我有所隐瞒。
keep someone inB1 使学童)留校作为处罚;使某人)住院
to make a child stay inside as a punishment, or to make someone stay in hospital
They kept her in overnight for observation. 他们将她留院观察了一晚。
More phrasal verbs
keep in with someone (尤指为得到帮助)某人)友好相处,不得罪(某人
to continue to try to be friendly with someone, especially because they can help you
I like to keep in with my ex-employer, you never know when you might need a reference. 我愿意同以前的雇主保持良好关系,因为说不定什么时候或许会需要他的推荐信。
keep (someone/something) off somethingB1 (使…)远离;(使…)不接近
to not go onto an area, or to stop someone or something going onto an area
There was a notice saying "Keep off the grass". 那儿有一块告示,上面写着“勿踏草地”。
keep something off (someone/something)B2 挡开;使免受…的侵害
to stop something touching or harming someone or something
Put a cloth over the salad to keep the flies off. 在色拉上盖一块布来挡苍蝇。
Wear a hat to keep the sun off (= to prevent it harming your skin). 戴顶帽子遮挡阳光。
keep (someone) off something (使某人)不吃(或喝、用)
to not eat, drink, or use something that can harm you, or to stop someone else from doing this
The doctor told me to keep off fatty foods. 医生嘱咐我不要吃油腻的食物。
keep off something 不提,避开(某一话题)
If you keep off a particular subject, you avoid talking about it.
keep on doing somethingB1 继续做;反复做
to continue to do something, or to do something again and again
She kept on asking me questions the whole time. 她一直不停地问我问题。
keep on 喋喋不休唠叨个没完
to continue to talk in an annoying way about something
Don't keep on, I'll sort it out in a minute. 别喋喋不休了,我马上就解决这事。
He kept on at me about the money, even though I told him I hadn't got it. 我告诉他我没拿到钱,但他还是一直就此和我唠叨个不停。
keep (someone/something) outB1 使)留在外面,(使不进入
to not go in a place, or to stop someone or something from going into a place
Building work in progress. Keep out! 正在施工,请勿入内!
keep (someone/something) out of something 使不参加;(使不卷入;(使)置身于…之外
to avoid becoming involved in something, or to stop someone or something becoming involved in something
I prefer to keep out of arguments about money. 我不爱卷入关于钱的争执。
Keep me out of this! 别把我扯进此事!
keep to somewhereB2 留在(某一区域),不离开(某处)
to stay in one particular area
Please keep to the footpaths. 请走人行道。
keep something to something 把…控制在(某一数量)内
If you keep something to a particular number or amount, you make certain it does not become larger than that.
keep something to yourselfC2 某事)保守秘密,不把…讲出来
to keep something secret
I don't want everyone to know, so if you could keep it to yourself I'd appreciate it. 我不想人人都知道,如果你能保密,我将不胜感激。
keep (yourself) to yourself 与人交往不多不合群
to not talk to other people very much
He's a very private person - he keeps (himself) to himself. 他是个非常孤僻的人——不太和人交往。
keep to somethingB2 遵守,信守(诺言);坚持(计划
to do what you have promised or planned to do
I think we should keep to our original plan. 我想我们应当坚持原计划。
B2 不背离,不偏离(某一主题)
If you keep to a particular subject, you only talk about that subject.
For heaven's sake let's keep to the point or we'll never reach any decisions. 看在老天的份上,我们别跑题,否则什么都决定不下来。
keep someone up 使某人)不睡觉,耽误(某人睡觉
to prevent someone from going to bed or sleeping
He keeps yawning - I hope we're not keeping him up. 他不停地打哈欠,我希望我们没有耽误他睡觉。
keep something upB1 使不下降使保持在高水平
to make something continue at its present level and not allow it to fall
You must eat to keep your strength up. 你必须吃东西以保持体力。
keep (something) upB1 使)继续下去,(使)不停止;(使不改变
to continue without stopping or changing, or to continue something without allowing it to stop or change
Keep up the good work! 继续好好干!
keep upB2 跟上(变化、形势等)
to be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fast
I read the papers to keep up with what's happening in the outside world. 我读报以便跟上外界的形势。
keep up (with someone/something)B2 不落后跟上;(与…)并驾齐驱
to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something
He started to walk faster and the children had to run to keep up. 他开始加快脚步,孩子们不得不跑步才能跟上。
Wages are failing to keep up with inflation. 工资现在跟不上通货膨胀的速度。
noun uk/kiːp/ us/kiːp/
[ U ]生计;生活费用
the cost of providing food, heating, and other necessary things for someone
He's old enough now to earn his keep and stop living off his parents. 他现已长大成人,可以自谋生计而不再依靠父母。
[ C ] architecture specialized要塞;城堡主楼
the strong main tower of a castle




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