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词汇 jealously
adverb uk/ˈdʒel.ə us/ˈdʒel.ə
to guard/protect something jealouslyB2 小心翼翼地保护
to protect something very carefully because it is important to you
For a man who jealously guards his privacy, he seemed very relaxed during the meet-and-greet.
The exact location of the hotel where the royal couple is staying is a jealously guarded secret.
The organization has always guarded its political independence jealously.
These countries have jealously protected their agricultural sectors from foreign competition.
The French have always jealously protected the status of champagne.
in a way that shows you are jealous (= unhappy and angry) because of something someone has got
She eyed Gwen's engagement ring jealously. 她嫉妒地看着格温的订婚戒指。
in a way that shows you are jealous (= unhappy and angry) because you do not want to share someone's love and attention
He was accused of jealously beating up his wife's co-worker. 他被指控因妒忌而殴打了妻子的同事。
  • We do not look jealously upon the success of other cities; we use them as a benchmark.
  • The driver jealously glanced my way as I popped open an ice-cold beer.
  • She had been jealously stalking Sam in this hopeless clumsy way.




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