

词汇 do
do 1
/dʊ, duː/
v. aux.did, done, doing;第三人称单数现在式:does; 一般现在时的否定式: don't, doesn't; 一般过去时的否定式: didn't1. (在否定的陈述句和命令句里作为助动词)
He didn't come.他没来.
2. (在疑问句里作为助动词)
Did he arrive in time?他按时到了吗?
3. (作为助动词表示强调)
He did come after all!他毕竟还是来了!
4. (作为助动词代替刚刚用过的或要在答覆时用到的动词)
He likes skating and so does she.他喜欢滑冰她也喜欢滑冰。
vt., vi.1. (与名词或动名词连用)做,干,进行;忙于
do woodwork做木工
do the homework做作业
do one's own things我行我素
I did my best to help him.我尽力帮助他。
He did us a report.他给我们做了一个报告。
What do you do?你做什么工作?
Ramona does a lot of jobs in the house, but her sister doesn't.雷蒙娜在家里做很多活,可是她妹妹却不做。
He does the cooking and she does the washing.他做饭,她洗碗碟。
When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。
2. 给予;提供;带来
We must do him justice.我们不可冤枉他。
Will you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗?
3. 生产,制造;创作
She has done an article.她写了一篇文章。
4. 走过,度过;参观,游览
do 80 miles an hour一个钟头走80英里
5. 学习,研究;翻译:
do biology at an university在一所大学里学生物
do sth. into English把…翻译成英文
6. 整理;料理
do a room整理房间
do one's hair做头发
do one's teeth刷牙
Please do the flowers.请你插花。
7. 服务;招待
The barber will do you next.理发师下一个就给你理发。
8. 够,足够;适合,行,可以
This will never do!这事永远不可以。
Can you make $20 do?20美元你够用了吗?
9. 扮演;学…的样子
We did Hamlet.我们演《哈姆雷特》。
10. 烹调
The steak is well done.这牛排煎得很透。
11. 欺骗;骗人
Please don't think I'm trying to do you.请不要以为我想欺骗你。
12. (后面加上 -ing)发生
What's doing tonight?今晚有什么事?
do away with1. 摆脱;废除,取消2. 杀死
do down诽谤,诋毁
do for1. 照料2. 设法弄到
do for water设法搞到水
3. 杀害4. done for 精疲力竭
do in1. 伤害,杀害2. 累得很;很累
That walk was much too long, and nearly did me in.那回走得太长了,我累得几乎要死。
do out收拾,打扫;整理
do out of抢劫;骗走,骗去
do up1. 系上;扣上
Do up your buttons.系上你的扣子。
2. 修理;修补
to do up the house修理房屋
3. 包裹4. 打扮
do with1. (前面与could, can连用)需要
I could do with a cup of tea.我来杯茶就行。
2. 有关系
have sth. to do with和…有关系
have nothing to do with和…没有关系
How do you do?(初次见面用语)您好;久仰
make do with sth.凑合用,将就 (= make do)
That will do!行了,够了!
n.dos 或 do's大宴会
dos and don'ts行为准则;须知
do 2var.→ doh




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