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词汇 how
adverb uk/haʊ/ us/haʊ/
A2 如何,怎么
in what way, or by what methods
How do we get to the town from here? 我们从这儿怎么去城里?
How did you hear about the concert? 你是怎么知道这场音乐会的?
How does this machine work? 这台机器如何运转?
How do you plan to spend your holiday? 你计划怎样度过你的假期?
Roz doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. 罗兹不会骑自行车。
It all depends on how you look at it. 那完全取决于你如何看待它。
I don't care about fashion, I dress how I please. 我不太在乎时尚,衣服我爱怎么穿就怎么穿。
I was horrified to hear about how (= the way) she had been treated. 听到她受到如此的对待,我感到十分惊骇。
How can/could he be so stupid? 他怎么会那么蠢?
I don't know how anyone could think that way. 我不知道怎么会有人那么想。
A2 (尤指身体或精神状况)怎么样
used to ask about someone's physical or emotional state
How is your mother? 你母亲身体怎么样?
How are you feeling this morning? 今天早上你觉得怎么样?
A1 (用于询问经历或事情)怎么样
used in questions that ask what an experience or event was like
How was your flight? 你的空中旅途怎么样?
How did you find the lecture? (= did you think it was good)? 你觉得那场演讲怎么样?
How did you like the concert (= did you enjoy it)? 你觉得这场音乐会怎么样?
She didn't say how far it is (= what the distance is) to her house. 她没说离她家有多远。
How long are you going to be (= what amount of time are you going to spend) in the bathroom? 你打算在浴室里呆多久?
Do you know how many (= what number of) people are coming? 你知道有多少人要来吗?
How much does this cost (= what is its price)? 这个多少钱?
How old is his daughter (= what age is she)? 他女儿多大了?
"Can you lift this case?" "It depends on how heavy it is." “你能提起这个箱子吗?”“那要看它有多重。”
Do you remember how (= the fact that) we used to see every new film as soon as it came out? 你还记得我们过去一有新电影上映就马上去看吗?
B1 (用于强调)
used for emphasis
I can't tell you how pleased I am (= I am very pleased) that you came. 你来了,我真是说不出的高兴。
How (= it is very) nice to see you! 见到你真高兴!
"She paid for everything." "How (= that was very) generous." “她把所有的账都付了。”“她可真大方。”
how strange, stupid, weird, etc. is that? C2 informal (用于强调)那可真奇怪/愚蠢/古怪(等等
used to emphasize that something is strange, stupid, etc.
She let me go on the yacht. How cool is that?
He wants to watch a documentary about whales. How boring is that?
Louise has got us all tickets for the show. How great is that?
My dad became a mushroom farmer. How weird is that?
I forgot to buy milk, even though that's the whole reason I went to the store in the first place. How stupid is that?
how are you?A1 (用于打招呼)你好吗?
used to ask someone if they are well and happy
"Hi, Lucy, how are you?" "Fine, thanks, how are you?" “嗨,露西,你好吗?”“挺好的,多谢,你呢?”
How are you now that you've settled into your new home?
She looked at Paul anxiously and asked, "How are you?"
Cathy said she thought you were fine, but how are you really?
Hello, Mrs Evans. How are you today?
how are things? informal (also how's everything?); (also how's it going?) (用于问候)最近好吗?
used as greetings
I haven't seen you for ages, Carol. How are things?
Nice to see you, Will. How's everything?
How's it going, Ruby? Have you found a job yet?
Hello, Rupert. How are things?
I didn't know you'd be here, Lucy. How's it going?
how do you mean? (要求某人解释刚说的话)你是什么意思?
used when you want someone to explain what they have just said
"I think we need to reconsider our position." "How do you mean?" “我认为我们应该重新考虑一下我们的立场。”“你是什么意思?”
You think he's a threat? How do you mean?
"I always thought she was odd." "Odd? How do you mean?"
I know you think we're irresponsible, but how do you mean exactly?
"How do you want this information to be used?" "How do you mean, be used?"
how's that? (用于为某人做某事之后询问效果)满意吗?怎么样?
used when asking if something you have done for someone is satisfactory
Let me put a cushion behind your back. How's that? 让我给你背后加一个垫子。舒服吗?
"Could you close the window slightly?" "Sure. How's that?"
I can give you another blanket. How's that?
"Would you turn the music up a bit, please?" "Sure. How's that?"
"The water's a bit too hot." "OK, how's that? Is it better?"
and how! informal 我也是!没错!
used to show that you feel the same way as someone or agree with them
"I'll be so glad when this project is finished." "And how!" “这个项目完成了我会很高兴。”“我也是!”
"She's very keen on animals, isn't she?" "And how!"
"We really need a new photocopier." "And how."
"I'm fed up with him demanding to be waited on hand and foot." "And how!"
"Were you lonely while I was away?" "And how!"
  • Your house is always so neat - how do you manage it with three children?
  • She used to lie awake at night worrying about how to pay the bills.
  • "Well, " he began, "I don't quite know how to tell you this."
  • Notes on how to use this dictionary can be found at the beginning of the book.
  • We do not know exactly how life first began.
how about...?idiom A2 informal(用于提出建议)…怎么样?
used to make a suggestion
How about the cinema tonight? 今晚去看电影怎么样?
How about going to the cinema? 去看电影怎么样?
used when asking someone about a different thing
You don't eat meat, do you? How about fish? 你不吃肉,是不是?那鱼呢?
how about that?idiom informal (用于强调某事很惊人)
used to emphasize that something is surprising
Sales are up by 36 percent. How about that? 销量提高了36%,可真惊人!
how come?idiom informalC1 怎么会?为什么?
used to ask about the reason for something
So how come you got an invitation and not me? 为什么你得到了邀请而我没有?
"I don't think I'll be able to go swimming tomorrow." "How come?" “我看我明天不能去游泳了。”“为什么?”
how do you do?idiom formalA2 (初次见面时正式的问候用语)你好
a formal greeting for someone that you have not met before
"I'm Jack Stewart." "How do you do? I'm Angela Black." “我是杰克‧斯图尔特。”“你好,我是安杰拉‧布莱克。”
how do you doidiom old-fashioned 令人烦恼不快,不好处理的情况
a difficult, worrying, and unpleasant situation
"I had a row with my sister and now she's refusing to talk to me." "Well, that's a fine how do you do!" “我跟我妹妹吵了一架,现在她不理我了。”“哎,好一个窘境啊!”




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