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词汇 hook
noun [ C ] uk/hʊk/ us/hʊk/
B2 钩子,挂钩
a curved device used for catching or holding things, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on
a coat/picture hook 挂衣钩/挂画的钩子
a boat hook 钩篙
a fish hook 鱼钩
  • We'll have to screw a hook into the wall.
  • Could you put some hooks in the garden shed, for us to hang the tools on?
a way of hitting in boxing, cricket, or golf
a right/left hook 右/左勾拳
a hook shot 勾手球
by hook or by crookidiom 想方设法,千方百计,不择手段
by any method possible
I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook. 我下定决心无论如何都要得到那份工作。
fall for something hook, line, and sinkeridiom 完全相信(某人的谎言)
to completely believe something that someone tells you that is not true
She told him she needed the money for her baby and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker. 她告诉他,她需要这笔钱给孩子用,他便完全相信了。
get your hooks into someone/somethingidiom 获得对…的掌控;对…产生影响
to get control or influence over someone or something
This product has really got its hooks into the American market. 这种产品已经主导了美国市场。
off the hookidiom 电话听筒未挂上
If you leave the phone off the hook, you do not put it back correctly and it will not ring.
If you are off the hook, you have escaped from a difficult situation.
John's agreed to go to the meeting in my place so that gets/lets me off the hook. 约翰答应代替我去开会,这样我就能脱身了。
verb uk/hʊk/ us/hʊk/
[ T ](用钩子)固定,挂,钩住
to fasten something with a hook, hang something on a hook, or catch something with a hook
He hooked the trailer (= joined it with a hook) to his car. 他把拖车挂在自己的汽车上。
How many salmon did you hook (= catch) this afternoon? 今天下午你钓到了多少鲑鱼?
She hooked the shoe (= lifted it with a hook) out of the water. 她用钩子将鞋钩出了水面。
[ I ] US informal卖淫
to have sex for money
Phrasal verbs
hook up informal(他人)接触,与(他人)一起工作
to meet or begin to work with another person or other people
He hooked up with the other members of the band in Amsterdam. 他在阿姆斯特丹结识了乐队的其他成员。
to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
When did you two first hook up? 你们俩是什么时候开始在一起的?
hook (someone/something) up (to something) 机器(电源);连接(两台机器);(医疗器械)接到某人)身上
to connect a machine to a power supply or to another machine, or to connect a person to a piece of medical equipment
Can we hook up to the electricity supply at the campsite? 我们的露营地能接通电吗?
Helen was unconscious and hooked up to a life support machine. 海伦不省人事,于是就给她接上了一台生命维持系统。
We just moved and I haven't hooked up my television yet. 我们刚刚搬了家,还没接上电视机。




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