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词汇 home
noun uk/həʊm/ us/hoʊm/
A1 [ C or U ]家,住宅
the house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with your family
The senator has two homes - an apartment in Washington and a house in Colorado. 这位参议员有两个家——一个是位于华盛顿的公寓,另一个是科罗拉多的家。
He was living on the streets for three months, and his home was a cardboard box. 他在大街上住了3个月了,他的家就是一个纸板箱。
Call me at home after four o'clock. 4点之后打家里的电话找我。
women who decide to stay at home and look after their children 决定留在家里带孩子的妇女
He left home (= stopped living with his parents) when he was 23. 他23岁时离家独立生活。
UK More and more couples are setting up home together without getting married. 越来越多的伴侣不结婚就组成家庭。
[ C ](作为财产的)房屋,住宅
a house, apartment, etc. when it is considered as property that you can buy or sell
luxury/starter homes 豪华住宅/作为过渡房而买的第一所小房子
[ C ]家庭
the type of family you come from
We had a happy home. 我们有一个幸福的家庭。
children from a broken home (= from a family in which the parents had separated) 来自离异家庭的孩子
C1 [ C ]养育院;收容所;…之家
a place where people or animals live and are cared for by people who are not their relations or owners
a children's home/an old people's home/a dogs' home 孤儿院/养老院/流狼狗收容所
He spent his early years in a home. 他的幼年时期在孤儿院度过。
  • He was shot dead outside his home.
  • Her home is in the east of France.
  • I'd like to wish you every happiness in your new home.
  • Storms caused power cuts in hundreds of homes last night.
  • The police found a vital clue to the girl's disappearance in a wooded area near her home.
A1 [ C or U ]出生地,发源地,故乡
someone's or something's place of origin, or the place where a person feels they belong
I live in London, but my home (= where I was born) is in Greece. 我住在伦敦,但我出生在希腊。
I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in Hong Kong for so long that it feels like home now. 我实际上出生在新西兰,但我在香港住了这么久,现在感觉就像我的故乡一样了。
  • Her home is the east of France.
  • After you've gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a job.
  • The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.
  • She is riding the fastest horse and is certain to romp home.
  • When one engine stopped, we had to turn round and fly home.
[ C or U ]故国,故乡
your own country or your own area
She loves France, but she misses home. 她爱法国,但是她想念自己的国家。
At home we call this "lardy cake". 在我们国家,这叫做猪油饼。
UK I wonder what they're doing back at home. 我纳闷他们在国内做什么。
be/play at home 在主场进行比赛
If a sports team are/play at home, they play on their own sports field.
They lost at home to the Jags but still made the playoffs.
Pittsburgh is playing at home against the Jets this weekend.
St. Louis suffered a 40-22 loss at home to New England.
We are at home for the next two games.
The team was at home, so the crowd was on their side.
  • Their performance was nothing to write home about.
  • Thousands of people turned out to welcome the England team home.
  • I stayed in Montreal for two weeks then flew home.
  • The team playing at home had a big advantage.
  • The diplomats have been sent home because their embassy has become a nest of spies and espionage.
be/feel at homeidiom B1 感觉自在,不拘束
to feel comfortable and relaxed
By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at home in her new job. 到一周快结束时,她开始对新工作感到适应了。
home from homeidiom UK (US home away from home) 像家一样舒适的地方;宾至如归的地方
a place where you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home
The hotel was a real home from home. 那家宾馆真的像家里一样舒服。
make yourself at homeidiom C1 请随便,别拘束
to relax and make yourself comfortable in someone else's home
adverb uk/həʊm/ us/hoʊm/
at or to your house or the place where you live
Don't worry, I'll be home soon. 别担心,我很快就回家了。
US I'm sorry, he's not home right now. 对不起他现在不在家。
mainly US The kids were home alone. 孩子们独自在家。
She decided to give up and go home. 她决定放弃,回家了。
He came home as the dawn was breaking. 他破晓时回到家。
Josh was tired so we took him home. 乔西疲倦了,所我我们把他带回了家。
I took home a couple of books to read. 我带了一两本书回家看。
I'll bring everyone home after the party. 晚会结束后我会把所有人都带回家。
When you get home late you don't feel like cooking. 当你回家晚时,就不想还要煮饭了。
I hope you made it home safely last night? 我希望你昨晚回家时一路安全?
mainly US women who decide to stay home and care for their children 决定留在家里带孩子的妇女
in or to the country or area where you come from
We pray all our troops will come home safely. 我们祈祷我们的军队都能平安回国。
mainly US I wonder what they're doing back home. 我纳闷他们在国内在做什么。
US Back home we call this jelly. 在家乡我们把这叫做果冻。
be home and dryidiom UK (Australian English be home and hosed) 成功地完成
to have successfully finished something
We just have to finish this section, then we're home and dry. 我们只需完成这个部分,然后就大功告成了。
be home freeidiom US informal 确信即将成功,胜利在望
to be certain to succeed at something because you have done the most difficult part of it
Once you leave the main road and cross the bridge, you're home free - we live just three houses further on. 你一旦离开主路过了桥,就快到了——再过三座房子就是我们家了。
bring something home (to someone)idiom (让某人)更清楚地理解(尤指不愉快的事)
to make someone understand something much more clearly than they did before, especially something unpleasant
When I saw for myself the damage that had been caused, that really brought home to me the scale of the disaster. 当亲眼看到造成的损失时,我才真正明白灾难的规模有多大。
come home to someoneidiom 某人完全明白
If something comes home to someone, they understand it clearly.
The danger really came home to me when I saw the pictures on TV. 当看到电视上的画面时,我才真正知道有多危险。
drive/hammer something homeidiom 把…讲清楚,使人完全明白
to say something clearly and with a lot of force so that you are certain people understand it
She really drove home the message that we need to economize. 她讲得很清楚,我们需要节约。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/həʊm/ us/hoʊm/
relating to the house, flat, etc. where someone lives
home ownership 住所拥有权
home improvements/maintenance 居家改善/维护
mainly US home prices 住房价格
done at home, or intended to be used at home
home cooking 家庭烹饪
home-brewed beer 家酿啤酒
a home computer 家庭用计算机
my home telephone number 家庭电话号码
relating to your family or your life at home
His home life is affecting his work. 他的家庭生活影响了他的工作。
students who have a difficult home situation 家庭困难的学生
connected with or done in your own country
His books were a success in his home country/market, but failed to find an audience abroad. 他的书在本国市场很畅销,可在国外却没有什么读者。
relating to the place where a team is based and plays a lot of its games
the home team/side 主队/东道主
a home ground 主场
a home match/game 主场比赛
UK the home strip (= clothing worn by a team when they play a home match) 主场队服
home advantage (= the improved chance of success that playing at home gives to a team) 主场优势




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