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词汇 here
adverb uk/hɪər/ us/hɪr/
A1 在这里;到这里
in, at, or to this place
I've lived here for about two years. 我在这里住了大约两年了。
I like it here. 我喜欢这里。
London is only 50 miles from here. 伦敦离这儿只有50英里。
Come here - I've got something to show you. 过来——我给你看些东西。
How long are you over here (= in this country)? 你到这个国家多久了?
A2 (用于句首以介绍某人或某物)
used at the beginning of a statement to introduce someone or something
Here's Fiona - let me introduce you to her. 这是菲奥娜——我来介绍你认识她。
Here's the book I said I'd lend you. 这就是我说过要借给你的书。
A2 某人)来了;(某事开始了
used to show that someone has arrived or that something has started
Here they are! We thought you'd never come! 他们来了!我们还以为你们不会来了!
Here we are (= we have arrived) - I said it wouldn't take more than half an hour by car. 我们到了——我说过开车不超过半个小时就能到。
Now that Christmas is here (= has begun), I might as well give up my diet. 既然圣诞节到了,我还是放弃节食吧。
A1 (表示在说话人近旁的人或物)这里
used to say that someone or something that is near you
I don't know anything about this, but I'm sure my colleague here can help you. 这个我一点儿都不懂,但我相信这里的同事肯定能帮你。
It says here (= in this piece of writing) that she was born in 1943. 这里写到她出生于1943年。
B2 现在,这时
Shall we break here and have a coffee? 现在我们休息一下喝杯咖啡好吗?
Where do we go/Where do we take it from here? (= What should we do next?) 我们下一步该做什么?
here (you are/go)A2 给你
used when giving something to someone
"Could you pass the sugar, please?" "Here you are." “请把糖递过来好吗?”“给你。”
Here, try some of this - it's delicious! 给你,尝尝这个——味道棒极了!
"Do you have a pen I could use?" "Here you go."
Here, have some of these lovely flowers!
"Could I have a glass of water, please?" "Of course. Here you are."
  • I'm surprised to see you here.
  • You're not allowed to park here - your car will be towed away .
  • He was here a moment ago but he's wandered off somewhere.
  • It's important that there's always someone here to answer the phone during office hours.
  • I've learned a lot about computers since I started work here.
the here and nowidiom 现在
the present time
Most people can't be bothered thinking about their retirement - they're too busy concentrating on the here and now. 大多数人都顾不上去考虑退休的事情——他们都在忙着考虑现在。
here and thereidiom B2 到处,在各处
in different places
There were a few books here and there, but apart from that the room was quite bare. 房间里散放着几本书,但除此之外几乎没有什么东西。
here goes!idiom (表示要开始做需要勇气或从未尝试过的事)我要开始了!看我的!
said just before you do something brave or something that you have never done before
Well, I've never ridden a motorbike before, so here goes! 噢,我以前从来都没开过摩托车,现在就看我的吧!
here today, gone tomorrowidiom saying 今天来,明天走;昙花一现
said about something that lasts only a short time
A lot of new internet companies are here today and gone tomorrow. 大量新涌现的互联网公司都只是昙花一现。
here we goidiom informal (英国足球迷欢庆胜利的常用语)我们必胜
a phrase often sung repeatedly by English football crowds when their team is successful
here we go (again)idiom informal (坏事)又来了
said when something bad starts happening again
Oh, here we go again! Claude's just asked to borrow some more money from me. 唉,又来了!克劳德刚才又向我借钱了。
Here we go again - moan, moan, moan! 又来了——牢骚、牢骚、牢骚!
here's to ...idiom 为…干杯
said when asking a group of people to hold up their glasses and then drink as an expression of good wishes to someone or hope for the success of something
Here's to the happy couple! 为这幸福的一对儿干杯!




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