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词汇 help
verb uk/help/ us/help/
A1 [ I or T ]帮助,帮忙
to make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support, etc.
How can I help you? 我如何才能帮你呢?
I wonder if you could help me - I'd like some information about flights to New Zealand. 不知你能否帮我个忙——我想知道些飞往新西兰的相关航班信息。
My dad said he would help with the costs of (= give part of the cost of) buying a house. 我爸爸说他会资助我们买栋房子。
[ + obj + (to) infinitive ] The $10,000 loan from the bank helped her (to) start her own business. 10000英镑的银行贷款帮助她创办了自己的公司。
I feel that learning English will help (= improve) my chances of promotion at work. 我觉得学英语有助于我在工作上获得提升。
Nothing can help her now (= her situation is too bad for anyone to be able to improve it). 现在没人能帮得了她。
See also: helpline
B2 [ I or T ]使好转;(使缓解
If something helps a difficult or painful situation, it improves it or makes it easier or less painful.
The morphine didn't seem to help (the pain). 吗啡似乎并不能缓解(疼痛)。
[ + (to) infinitive ]助长;构成…的因素
If something or someone helps to do something, that thing or person is one of several reasons for it happening.
The drought has helped (to) make this a disastrous year for Somalia. 干旱让索马里今年祸不单行。
  • The college now has a counsellor to help students with both personal and work problems.
  • We've got to enlist some people to help prepare the food.
  • Could I have a glass of water to help these pills go down ?
  • It's kind of you to offer to help.
  • She derived great satisfaction from helping other people.
can't/couldn't helpB1 无法抑制,禁不住(做…)
If you can't/couldn't help something, such as acting in a particular way or making a particular remark, you are/were not able to control or stop it.
It was awful, but I couldn't help laughing. 这真是糟糕,可我还是忍不住大笑起来。
"Stop giggling!" "I can't help it!" “别再笑了!”“我忍不住呀!”
I can't help thinking (= my true feeling is that) she'd be better off without him. 我不禁认为如果没有他她会过得更好。
B1 [ T ]给予;取得
to give something to someone
Can I help you to some more soup? 要不要我给你再添点儿汤?
  • Feel free to help yourself to coffee.
  • "May I help myself to some more food?" "Yes, of course."
  • I wish my lodger would ask before helping himself to my food.
  • My daughter just helps herself to anything she fancies from my wardrobe - usually my only good clothes!
  • I'm not sure whether we should be helping ourselves to these snacks - perhaps they're meant for later.
help yourselfB1 自己拿某物
to take something for yourself
"Might I have some more bread?" "Please, help yourself!" “我能再吃些面包吗?”“请自便!”
give/lend someone a helping handidiom 助(某人)一臂之力,帮助(某人
to help someone
These tax cuts will give industry a helping hand. 这些减税措施将会促进工业的发展。
God help someoneidiom (also heaven help someone) 某人全靠老天保佑了(强调危险或严重性)
used to give force to a statement of the danger or seriousness of a situation or action
God help us if they attack now while we're still unprepared. 如果他们在我们还没做好准备的情况下即刻发起进攻,那就只好靠上帝帮忙了。
it can't be helpedidiom 不可避免,别无选择
used to say that an unpleasant or painful situation, or an unwanted duty cannot be avoided and must be accepted
I really didn't want to go away this weekend but, oh well, it can't be helped. 这周末我真的不想离家外出,可是,唉,不出去又不行。
so help me (God)idiom formal 上帝作证,我发誓
used to make a promise in a very formal and serious way
Everything I have said is true, so help me God. 上帝作证,我说的一切都是真的。
Phrasal verb
help (someone) outB2 帮助某人摆脱困境
If you help out, you do a part of someone's work or give someone money.
Her parents helped (her) out with a £500 loan. 她父母借给她500英镑救了急。
noun uk/help/ us/help/
A2 [ U ]帮助,帮忙
the act of helping another person
Do you need any help with those boxes? 你需要人帮忙搬那些箱子吗?
Her parents gave her some help with her bank loan (= paid some of it). 她父母帮她还了一部分银行贷款。
Synonyms: aid assistancereliefsuccour support (HELP)
B2 [ S ]帮上忙的东西帮手
something or someone that helps
Having a satnav would be a help. 有一个卫星导航系统就能帮上忙了。
He was a great help (to me) while my husband was away. 我丈夫不在的时候他帮了我很大的忙。
[ C ] UK old-fashioned佣人,(通常指)女佣
someone who is employed to clean and do other small jobs
a home help 家里的女佣
the helpold-fashioned 佣人,佣工
a person or the people employed to work in someone's home doing cleaning, cooking, caring for children, etc.
  • The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help.
  • If you can just hold on I'll go and get some help.
  • We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.
  • More help is needed for people on low incomes.
  • If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask.
there's no help for itidiom mainly UK 别无选择,没有其他办法
there is no other choice in this situation
If you catch them stealing again, there'll be no help for it but (= except) to call the police. 如果再抓住他们偷东西,那就别无选择只好叫警察了。
exclamation uk/help/ us/help/
help!A2 救命!
shouted by a person who is asking for someone to come and save them from a dangerous situation




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