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词汇 hell
noun uk/hel/ us/hel/
B2 [ S or U ]悲惨的境况苦难的经历
an extremely unpleasant or difficult place, situation, or experience
Work is sheer hell at the moment. 目前的工作如同在地狱一般。
The last few months have been absolute hell. 最后几个月完全就是在受罪。
See also: hellhole infernal
B2 [ S ] (also Hell)地狱
in some religions, the place where some people are believed to go after death to be punished for ever for the bad things they have done during their lives
I'll go to Hell for this. 因为这件事我会下地狱的。
make someone's life hell informal (also make life hell for someone) 某人)惹很多麻烦,让(某人日子不好过
to cause a lot of problems for someone and make them very unhappy
I worked for her for two years and she made my life hell. 我给她打了两年工,她让我的日子很不好过。
The meadow was full of biting insects, which made life hell for all of us walking through it.
Police noted that he had called the victim and threatened to make their life hell before the attack.
The sergeant was capable of making our lives hell if we disobeyed his orders.
Many students told stories about making life hell for their teachers.
  • Living with her has been pure hell recently.
  • I'd see her in hell before I'd agree to an arrangement like that.
  • It was a living hell for the soldiers out there on the front line.
  • " Didn't you enjoy teaching, then?" "No, it was sheer hell - I'd never be a teacher."
  • She had to suffer the hell of giving birth to her dead baby.
all hell breaks looseidiom informal 顿时乱作一团(尤指人们突然争吵、打斗起来)
If all hell breaks loose, a situation suddenly becomes violent and noisy, especially with people arguing or fighting.
One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose. 一名警察拔出了枪,人们顿时乱作一团。
come hell or high wateridiom informal 无论有什么困难,不管怎样
If you say that you will do something come hell or high water, you mean that you are determined to do it, despite any difficulties that there might be.
I'll get you to the airport by noon, come hell or high water! 不论有什么困难,我都会在中午前把你送到机场!
for the hell of itidiom informal 仅仅为了好玩,只是取乐而已
If you do something for the hell of it, you do it without having any particular purpose or wish, but usually for enjoyment.
I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I drove my van round Europe, just for the hell of it. 我不知道自己想要做什么,于是就开着我的小货车周游了欧洲,只是为了好玩而已。
from hellidiom informal (某人或某事)特别糟的
used to say that someone or something is extremely bad
Now Miranda - she was the housemate from hell. 哎,米兰达——她是个特别糟的室友。
Poor Ann has the mother-in-law from hell. 可怜的安有个特别讨厌的婆婆。
give someone hellidiom informal 严厉批评某人
If someone gives you hell, they criticize you severely.
She gave me hell for being 20 minutes late. 因为我迟到了20分钟,她狠狠训了我一顿。
If something gives you hell, it causes you a lot of pain.
These new shoes are giving me hell. 这双新鞋把我的脚磨得疼死了。
go to hellidiom informal 滚开,去你的
used to angrily tell someone to stop talking and go away
"Anyway, it's your own fault." "Oh, go to hell!" “总之是你自己的错。”“啊,去你的!”
go to hell and backidiom informal 到地狱走了一遭,经历劫难
to live through an extremely unpleasant, difficult, or painful experience
I've been to hell and back over this court case. 这场官司让我到地狱走了一遭。
hell for leatheridiom old-fashioned informal 飞快地,以最快速度
If you go, run, ride, etc. hell for leather, you go as fast as you can.
hell on earthidiom informal 人间地狱
an extremely unpleasant place or situation
Soldiers who survived the war described it as hell on earth. 这场战争中幸存下来的士兵称之为人间地狱。
be hell on wheelsidiom US informal 坏脾气的,不易相处的
to behave in an angry or difficult way
When he was drinking, Ken was hell on wheels. 肯恩一喝酒,脾气就变坏。
More idioms
there'll be hell to payidiom informal 要惹大麻烦
something you say that means someone will be very angry if something happens
There'll be hell to pay if she doesn't get the money in time. 如果她没有及时拿到钱,那可就有大麻烦了。
to hell with someone/somethingidiom mainly US informal (also US the hell with someone/something)让…见鬼去吧(表示不在意某人或某事)
used to say that you do not care about someone or something
I was ready to say the hell with it and leave. 我那时候已经想好要走了,让它见鬼去吧。
when hell freezes overidiom informal 根本不可能发生
If you say that something will happen when hell freezes over, you mean that it will never happen.
exclamation, noun [ U ] uk/hel/ us/hel/
B2 (表示愤怒或强调)
used to express anger or to add emphasis
Oh hell, I've forgotten my key! 该死,我忘带钥匙了!
What the hell was that noise? 那到底是什么声音?
We don't have a hope in hell (= we have no hope) of meeting such a tight deadline. 我们决不可能在这么紧的期限内完成。
annoy, frighten, scare, etc. the hell out of someoneidiom informal 使某人)极为恼怒/害怕(等等
to make someone extremely annoyed, frightened, etc.
He jumped out from behind a wall and scared the hell out of her. 他从一堵墙后面跳了出来,把她吓了个半死。
(as) ... as hellidiom informal (强调不好的特性)极,非常
used to emphasize a description of an unpleasant characteristic
She's really quite unpleasant about other people and she's as mean as hell. 她对待他人很不友好,并且还吝啬得要命。
be hell-bent on somethingidiom informal 下定决心,不顾一切(做…)
to be extremely determined to do something, without considering the risks or possible dangerous results
He was hell-bent on revenge. 他铁了心要报仇。
beat the hell out of someoneidiom informal 狠揍某人
to hit someone repeatedly with great force
get the hell out of somewhereidiom informal 迅速离开(某地)
to leave a place quickly
Let's get the hell out of here, before any shooting starts. 在开火前我们赶快离开这里吧。
the hell someone is/does, etc.idiom US informal 你得了吧,省省吧(强调不相信所听到的话或不允许某人做某事)
used to tell someone that you do not believe what they have said or that you will not allow them to do what they want
"I don't need your advice, Gene, I know what's good for me." "The hell you do!" “我不需要你的建议,吉恩,我知道什么对我有利。”“你得了吧!”
"He says he won't come." "The hell he won't!" “他说他不会来。” “得了吧,我才不信呢。”
hell of aidiom informal (also helluva)C2 极度地;极大的
extremely, or extremely big
It's a/one hell of a big decision to take. 这真是个重大决定。
The house was in a/one hell of a mess. 房子里乱成一团。
like hellidiom informalC2 拼命地,玩命地
very much
We ran like hell. 我们拼命地跑。
We worked like hell to finish the job. 我们为完成工作而拼命地干。
It hurt like hell. 疼得要命。
certainly not
"Try to be polite to him." "Like hell I will!" “对他礼貌点儿。”“我才不呢!”
to hellidiom informal 非常,强烈地
If you wish or hope to hell that something is true or that it will happen, you are saying how strongly you want it to be true or to happen.
I hope to hell she hasn't missed that plane. 我非常希望她没误了那班飞机。
what the hellidiom informal 管它呢,没关系
said when you suddenly realize that your plan is not important to you and that you will do something else
I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you at the bar in half an hour. 今晚我本来应该工作的,但这也没关系——半小时后我们酒吧见。




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