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词汇 heart
noun uk/hɑːt/ us/hɑːrt/
A2 [ C ]心脏
the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body
He's got a weak/bad heart (= his heart is not healthy). 他的心脏不太好。
Isabel's heart was beating fast with fright. 伊莎贝尔因为恐惧而心跳加快。
  • The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.
  • Small amounts of alcohol are held to be good for the heart.
  • The bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimetres.
  • I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.
B1 [ C or U ]性情内心心肠
used to refer to a person's character, or the place within a person where feelings or emotions are considered to come from
She has a good heart (= she is a kind person). 她心地善良。
I love you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart (= very sincerely). 我爱你,我的爱是发自肺腑的。
I love you with all my heart (= very much). 我深爱着你。
He said he'd never marry but he had a change of heart (= his feelings changed) when he met her. 他说永远都不结婚,可是碰到她后他改变了主意。
Homelessness is a subject very close/dear to her heart (= is very important to her and she has strong feelings about it). 她非常关心无家可归者的问题。
He broke her heart (= made her very sad) when he left her for another woman. 他为了另一个女人离开了她,这让她的心都碎了。
It breaks my heart (= makes me feel very sad) to see him so unhappy. 看见他如此不高兴,我心里十分难过。
They say he died of a broken heart (= because he was so sad). 他们说他死于忧伤过度。
old-fashioned It does my heart good (= makes me very happy) to see those children so happy. 看到那些孩子如此快乐,我很开心。
His heart leaped (= he suddenly felt very excited and happy) when the phone rang. 电话铃响了,他的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。
  • She remained silent, for her heart was heavy and her spirits low.
  • Could you find it in your heart to forgive her?
  • She's very understanding - you feel you can really open your heart to her.
  • What he said struck terror in my heart.
  • When I said I loved you, I meant it from the bottom of my heart.
B1 [ S ]中心,中央;重点,要点
the central or most important part
The demonstrators will march through the heart of the capital. 示威者将游行穿过首都的中心地区。
A disagreement about boundaries is at the heart of the dispute. 争议的焦点就是边界问题。
Let's get to the heart of the matter. 让我们考虑一下最关键的事情。
[ C ]菜心
the firm central part of a vegetable, especially one with a lot of leaves
artichoke hearts 洋蓟心
the heart of a lettuce 生菜心
  • These are changes that attack the very heart of British society.
  • By its nature, terrorism is designed to strike at the heart of our democratic values.
  • They live in a two-bedroomed house in the heart of suburbia.
  • He had a key job at the heart of government.
  • They've got a fabulous apartment in the heart of Paris.
C2 [ U ]勇气;决心;希望
courage, determination, or hope
You're doing really well - don't lose heart now. 你做得很好——不要灰心。
Take heart - things can only get better. 振作起来——事情会好转的。
B2 [ C ](用来表示爱情的)心形
a shape, consisting of two half circles next to each other at the top and a V shape at the bottom, often coloured pink or red and used to represent love
hearts [ plural or U ]纸牌红心
one of the four suits in playing cards, represented by a red heart shape
the sevenof hearts
Hearts are trumps in this round.
I had the king, queen, and jack of hearts in my hand.
Start by sorting the cards into spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds.
The king and ace of hearts have already been played.
[ C ]纸牌红心牌
a playing card from the suit of hearts
In this game, a heart beats a club. 在这个游戏中,红心牌可压住梅花牌。
after your own heartidiom 某人观点(或兴趣)相同
having the same opinions or interests as you
She's a woman after my own heart. 她是个与我情趣相投的女人。
at heartidiom C2 某人真正的样子
used to say what someone is really like
He had dozens of friends, but he was a private person at heart. 他有几十个朋友,但其实是一个很私密的人。
be all heartidiom 心地善良(常用作反语,以示幽默)
to be very kind and generous. This phrase is often used humorously, especially in the UK, to mean the opposite.
She's all heart. 她心地善良。
humorous "He deserves all he gets." "Oh, you're all heart (= you are not kind)!" “他活该这样。”“噢,你可太善良了!”
by heartidiom (UK also off by heart)B2 背诵,记忆
learned in such a way that you can repeat it from memory
My father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school. 我父亲仍能背诵出他上学时背下来的诗。
have a heart!idiom 发发慈悲吧!行行好吧!
used to ask someone to be kinder to you
Don't make me write it again! Have a heart! 别让我再写了!行行好吧!
have a heart of goldidiom 有一颗金子般的心,心地非常善良
to be very kind and generous
She has a heart of gold. 她有一颗金子般的心。
have a heart of stoneidiom 有一副铁石心肠
to be unkind or cruel
your heart achesidiom (为他人的痛苦)感到心痛,非常伤心
If your heart aches, you feel sad or feel sympathy and sadness for the suffering of other people.
His heart ached with pity for her. 他深深地同情她。
heart and soulidiom literary 完全地,全心全意地
She loves those children heart and soul. 她全心全意地爱着那些孩子。
your heart goes out to someoneidiom 对…深感同情
If your heart goes out to someone who is in trouble, you feel sympathy for them.
Our hearts go out to the families of the victims of this terrible tragedy. 我们对这场可怕悲剧的受害者家庭深表同情。
More idioms
someone's heart is in their bootsidiom UK informal (also someone's heart is in their shoes)心情很不好;很失望;很担忧
If someone's heart is in their boots or shoes, they feel very sad, disappointed, worried, etc.
Their hearts were in their boots when they realized that they would have to do the work all over again. 当发现将不得不全部从头再来时,他们的情绪十分低落。
He left her feeling like his heart was in his shoes.
someone's heart is in their mouthidiom 心提到嗓子眼,非常紧张
If someone's heart is in their mouth, they are feeling extremely nervous.
My heart was in my mouth when I opened the letter. 我打开那封信时心都快提到嗓子眼了。
her/his heart is in the right placeidiom 她/他的用意(或心地)是好的
used to say that someone has good intentions
He's an odd man but his heart is in the right place. 他是个脾气古怪的人,但他的心地还是好的。
your heart isn't in itidiom 心思不在…上面,对…不感兴趣
If your heart isn't in it, you do not feel interested or enthusiastic about something.
I tried to look interested, but my heart wasn't in it. 我试图装出感兴趣的样子,可是我的心思完全不在这上面。
your heart skips/misses a beatidiom (表示兴奋或紧张)心跳停了一拍,心里一阵紧张
When your heart skips/misses a beat, you feel very excited or nervous.
Every time he looks at me my heart skips a beat. 他每看我一眼,我的心里就一紧。
your heart's desireidiom literary 最想得到的东西(或人)
the thing or person you most want
in your heart of heartsidiom C1 在内心深处
in your most secret and true thoughts
I didn't want to believe it, but in my heart of hearts I knew that it was true. 我不愿相信,但在内心深处我知道那是真的。
my heart bleeds for someoneidiom 我的心为(某人)流血,我为(某人)感到悲伤(幽默的用法,常表示相反的意思)
used to say that you feel great sadness for someone. This phrase is often used humorously to mean the opposite.
humorous John complains he only has two cars - my heart bleeds for him (= I certainly do not feel sadness about that)! 约翰抱怨自己只有两辆汽车——我真为他感到悲哀!
not have the heart to do somethingidiom 不忍心做…
to feel unable to do something because you feel it would be unkind
She asked me to go with her and I didn't have the heart to refuse. 她要我同她一起去,我不忍心拒绝她。
put your heart and soul into somethingidiom 全心全意地投入做…
to make a lot of effort to do something
She puts her heart and soul into her work. 她是那种全身心投入工作中的人。
someone's heart sinksidiom 心一沉(感到失望或绝望)
to feel disappointed or to lose hope
My heart sank when I realized we couldn't afford the new house. 当我意识到我们买不起新房时,我的心顿时沉了下去。
set your heart on something/doing somethingidiom 渴望得到,一心想要
to want to get or achieve something very much
She's set her heart on having a pony. 她非常想得到一匹小马。
take something to heartidiom C2 (对批评等)十分介意,耿耿于怀
If you take criticism or advice to heart, you think about it seriously, often because it upsets you.
Don't take it to heart - he was only joking about your hair. 别太放在心上——他只是拿你的头发开玩笑而已。
to your heart's contentidiom 尽兴地,尽情地
If you do something to your heart's content, you do something enjoyable for as long as you want to do it.
You've got a whole week to yourself and you can read to your heart's content. 你有整整一周的时间自由支配,可以尽情地阅读。
verb [ T ] uk/hɑːt/ us/hɑːrt/
informal mainly humorous喜欢,喜爱
used to say that you like someone or something very much
I heart New York. 我非常喜欢纽约。




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