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词汇 head
noun uk/hed/ us/hed/
A1 [ C ]头部
the part of the body above the neck where the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and brain are
Put this hat on to keep your head warm. 戴上这顶帽子,给头部保暖。
He banged his head on the car as he was getting in. 他上汽车时撞了一下头。
She nodded/shook her head (= showed her agreement/disagreement). 她点点/摇摇头表示同意/不同意。
[ S ]人数;(动物的头数
a person or animal when considered as a unit
Dinner will cost £20 a/per head (= for each person). 晚餐每人要花费20英镑。
I did a quick head count (= calculated how many people there were). 我很快地点了一下人数。
They own a hundred head of cattle (= 100 animals). 他们有100头牛。
[ S ]一头的长度(或高度)
a measure of length or height equal to the size of a head
Her horse won by a head. 她的马以领先一头的距离获胜。
Paul is a head taller than Andrew. 保罗比安德鲁高出一头。
  • I like swimming but I don't like getting my head underwater.
  • Tim had a nasty bump on his head from when he'd fallen over.
  • She twisted her head round so she could see what was happening.
  • He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.
  • She signified her agreement by nodding her head.
B1 [ C ]头脑,智力
the mind and mental abilities
You need a clear head to be able to drive safely. 安全驾驶需要清醒的头脑。
What put that (idea) into your head? (= What made you think that?) 你怎么会那样想?
I can't get that tune/that man out of my head (= I cannot stop hearing the tune in my mind/thinking about that man). 我的脑海里始终摆脱不了那个旋律/人。
Use your head (= think more carefully)! 动动脑子!
Harriet has a (good) head for figures (= she is very good at calculating numbers). 哈丽雅特非常擅长数字计算。
UK Do you have a head for heights (= are you able to be in high places without fear)? 你有没有恐高症?
  • Why didn't you use your head and cover the furniture before you started painting?
  • Add up the column of figures in your head and then tell me what the sum is.
  • Her words kept running through my head.
  • She doesn't have an original thought in her head - she just repeats anything that Sara says.
  • I need to get some fresh air to clear my head .
B1 [ C ]领导人,负责人
someone in charge of or leading an organization, group, etc.
the head of the History department 历史系主任
the head chef 主厨
his first season as head coach 他作为主教练的第一个赛季。
A2 [ C ] mainly UK(同 headteacher)
a headteacher UK
head boy/girl UK 学生代表
a boy or girl who often represents his or her school on formal occasions
We are delighted to announce that Dominic Carter will be our next head boy.
Prayers were read by the head boy.
The visitors were shown around the school by the head boy.
She had a Catholic education and became head girl of her school.
There is no doubt that she was the most popular head girl in the history of the school.
  • I think she'll be head of this company in five year's time - I'd stake my reputation on it.
  • May I remind you, children, that I'm the head of the family and I am in charge around here.
  • As the European heads of state gathered, the press were allowed in for a photo session.
  • The Queen is the head of the Church of England.
  • Janet is now a departmental head.
C2 [ S ]顶部开始部分
the top part or beginning of something
the head of the queue 队伍的前部
the head of the page 书眉
Diana, the guest of honour, sat at the head of the table (= the most important end of it). 黛安娜作为贵宾坐在上座。
[ C ]钉头;锤头
the larger end of a nail, hammer, etc.
[ C ]植物的)叶球,头状花序
the top part of a plant where a flower or leaves grow
a head of lettuce 一棵生菜
[ C ]啤酒沫
the layer of white bubbles on top of beer after it has been poured
[ C ]河的)上游,源头
the upper part of a river, where it begins
[ C ]脓头
the top part of a spot when it contains pus (= yellow liquid)
  • Her name was printed at the head of the letter.
  • This beer's flat. It's got no head on it.
  • You've hit the nail right on the head.
  • Place the head of the club just behind the ball.
  • He pushed his way to the head of the queue.
heads [ U ] 硬币有人头像的一面,硬币正面
the side of a coin that has a picture of someone's head on it
Heads won, so our team got to decide who played first.
What is the probability of the coin coming down heads ten times in a row?
OK, we'll flip a coin for it. Heads or tails?
Every time you flip the coin, the odds of it landing on heads are 50:50.
She tossed the coin, and luckily for me it was heads.
Compare: tail noun (COIN SIDE)
[ C ](录音机、录像机的)磁头
the part of a tape or video recorder (= machine for recording sound or pictures) that touches the tape to record and play music, speech, etc.
[ C ] language specialized短语的)中心词,主导词
the main part of the phrase, to which the other parts are related
Compare: tail noun (GRAMMAR)
a head of steamidiom 蒸汽压力
the force produced by a large amount of steam in a closed space
a situation in which a person or an activity starts to become very active or successful
They're really beginning to build up a head of steam for their campaign. 他们的竞选活动正渐显佳绩。
an old/a wise head on young shouldersidiom 年轻而老练,少年老成
a child or young person who thinks and talks like an older person who has more experience of life
be banging, etc. your head against a brick wallidiom informal 徒劳无益,枉费心机
to try to do something that is very difficult or impossible to achieve and therefore causes you to feel annoyed
I keep asking her not to park there but it's like banging your head against a brick wall. 我反复告诫她别在那里停车,看来是白费口舌了。
be in over your headidiom informal 陷入麻烦无法脱身
to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
Sean tried to pay his gambling debts, but he was in over his head. 肖恩想还清赌债,但却深陷其中。
be off your headidiom mainly UK informal 发疯,精神错乱
to be crazy
You must be off your head going out in this weather! 这种天气出去你真是发疯了!
to not be in control of your behaviour because you have drunk too much alcohol or taken drugs
Hannah was off her head as usual. 汉娜又喝醉了。
bite/snap someone's head offidiom informal 某人怒吼
to speak to someone angrily
I asked what was wrong, but he just bit my head off. 我问他出了什么事,可他却向我大吼大叫。
bury/have your head in the sandidiom 逃避现实,不愿意面对现实
to refuse to think about unpleasant facts, although they will have an influence on your situation
You've got to face facts here - you can't just bury your head in the sand. 在这里你必须面对现实——你不能逃避。
can't get your head around sthidiom informal 无法理解,搞不懂
If you say that you can't get your head around something, you mean that you cannot understand it.
I just can't get my head around these tax forms. 我看不懂这些纳税表格。
can't make head nor tail of somethingidiom (US also can't make heads or tails of something) 无法理解,搞不懂
to not be able to understand something
I can't make head nor tail of these instructions on the packet. 我搞不懂包装上的说明。
come to a headidiom (also bring something to a head) 到紧要关头
If something comes to a head or someone brings something to a head, a situation reaches a point where something must be done about it.
Things hadn't been good between us for a while and this incident just brought it to a head. 我们之间的关系恶化有一段时间了,而这件事更是雪上加霜。
More idioms
do someone's head inidiom UK informal 某人)发懵;让(某人不愉快
to make someone feel confused or unhappy
Getting up at four o'clock every morning was doing my head in. 每天早上四点起来让我脑袋发懵。
I've been trying to make sense of all these figures and it's doing my head in. 我一直试着弄清楚这些数字的含义,结果弄得一头雾水。
from head to toeidiom (UK also from head to foot) 从头到脚
completely covering your body
The dog was covered in mud from head to toe. 这条狗浑身都是泥。
a full, good, thick, etc. head of hairidiom 很多头发,一头浓密的头发
a lot of hair
Even as a tiny baby, she had a thick head of hair. 她还是婴儿的时候就长着一头浓密的头发。
get it into your thick headidiom mainly UK (US usually get it through your thick head)让你的榆木脑袋开窍
to make someone understand something, especially when you have told them many times before and are annoyed
How can I get it into your thick head that it’s dangerous to swim that far out in the sea? 我怎么才能让你的榆木脑袋开窍,明白游出海太远是危险的?
get your head downidiom UK informal 集中全部精力,全力以赴
to direct all your efforts into the particular task you are involved in
I'm going to get my head down and try and finish this report before I go home today. 我将全力以赴,争取在今天回家前完成这份报告。
get something into your headidiom 开始相信
to start to believe something
When will you get it into your head that he's not coming back? 你什么时候才能相信他不会再回来了呢?
One day, she got it into her head (= decided for no reason) that we all hated her. 有一天,她无缘无故地认为我们都恨她。
get/put your head downidiom informal 睡觉
to sleep
I'm just going to put my head down for a couple of hours. 我要睡几个小时。
give headidiom slang 口交
to perform fellatio or cunnilingus
give someone their headidiom old-fashioned 某人随心所欲
to allow someone to do what they want to do without trying to help or give them advice
give someone a heads upidiom informal 事先提醒某人
to tell someone that something is going to happen
I just wanted to give you all a heads up that we will be talking about the first two chapters of the book tomorrow. 我只是想事先提醒你们明天我们将会讨论这本书的前两章。
go over someone's headidiom 不经过(某人)直接越级上报
to speak to or ask permission from someone who has more authority than the person who you would normally go to in that situation
Amanda was refusing to give me the week off so I went over her head and spoke to the boss. 阿曼达不批准我请一周的假,于是我就绕过他直接跟老板说。
go to someone's headidiom 冲昏(某人)的头脑,使(某人)骄傲自满
If something goes to someone's head, it makes that person think that they are very important and makes them a less pleasant person.
Don't let fame/success go to your head. 别让名声/成功冲昏你的头脑。
If alcohol goes to your head, it makes you feel slightly drunk.
Champagne always goes straight to my head. 香槟总是把我弄得头昏脑胀。
have your business, sensible, etc. head onidiom informal 以有商业头脑(理智等等)的方式考虑事情
used for saying that you are considering something from a particular way of thinking
I had my sensible head on that morning and knew we couldn't afford to buy the car. 那天早上我比较明智,知道我们买不起那辆汽车。
have your head (buried/stuck) in a bookidiom 埋头看书,埋头阅读
to be reading
Rose always has her head buried in a book. 罗兹总是埋头读书。
have your head in the cloudsidiom 心不在焉
to not know the facts of a situation
have your head screwed on (the right way)idiom informal 头脑清醒,明智
to be practical and wise
Ask Lois to help - she's got her head screwed on the right way. 找洛伊丝帮忙——她很聪明,总有好办法。
head and shoulders aboveidiom 远远超过,比…强得多
If someone or something is head and shoulders above other people or things, he, she, or it is a lot better than them.
There's no competition - they're head and shoulders above the rest. 没什么比头——他们比其他人强出一大截。
head firstidiom 头朝前的
with the head going first
She dived head first into the pool. 她一头潜入池中。
head over heels (in love)idiom 坠入爱河
completely in love
heads I win, tails you loseidiom humorous 正面我赢,反面你输;正反我都会赢
said about a situation in which you will win whatever happens
heads or tails?idiom (掷硬币时)要正面还是反面?
asked before you throw a coin into the air and want someone else to guess which side it will land on
heads will roll!idiom 有人会受罚!
something that is said to mean that people will be punished for something bad that has happened
keep your headidiom (also keep a cool head)C2 保持镇静,保持清醒头脑
to stay calm despite great difficulties
She kept her head under pressure and went on to win the race. 她保持镇静,继续努力赢得了比赛。
keep your head above wateridiom C2 (尤指财务上)勉强应付过去,惨淡经营
to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties
The business is in trouble, but we are just about keeping our heads above water. 公司遇到了一些问题,但我们还得勉强应付下去。
keep your head downidiom 避免麻烦
to avoid trouble
He's in a bad mood today - I'm just keeping my head down. 他今天心情不好——我得小心别惹麻烦。
laugh, shout, scream, etc. your head offidiom informalC2 持续地大笑/喊叫/尖叫(等等
to laugh, shout, scream, etc. very noisily and for a long time
There I was lying face down on the pavement and you two were laughing your heads off! 我就在那儿脸朝下趴在人行道上,而你们两个却在那儿大笑不止!
over your headidiom 无法理解
too difficult or strange for you to understand
I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fusion, but most of it went over my head. 我努力去理解他所说的核聚变,但大部分内容都让我理解不了。
put their heads togetheridiom 共同出谋划策,集思广益
If two or more people put their heads together, they plan something together.
If we put our heads together, we can think of a solution. 如果我们一起动脑筋,会想出解决办法的。
take it into your head to do somethingidiom 忽发奇想,心血来潮
to suddenly decide to do something, often something silly or surprising
Anyway, they took it into their heads to get married. 不管怎样,他们突然心血来潮,决定结婚。
verb uk/hed/ us/hed/
B2 [ I + adv/prep ]朝某特定方向行进
to go in a particular direction
I was heading out of the room when she called me back. 她叫我回来的时候我正朝屋外走。
We were heading towards Kumasi when our truck broke down. 我们在前往库马西的途中卡车抛锚了。
He headed straight for (= went towards) the fridge. 他径直朝冰箱走去。
I think we ought to head back/home (= return to where we started) now, before it gets too dark. 我想我们应该在天黑之前回去/家。
  • They looked as if they were heading for the train station.
  • We're going to stop off in Paris for a couple of days before heading south.
  • The country seems to be heading towards revolution.
  • Head towards the station until you come to a set of traffic lights.
  • They headed north on the M6.
B2 [ T ]领导,主管
to be in charge of a group or organization
She heads one of Britain's leading travel firms. 她主管英国的主要旅行社之一。
Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head the team investigating the allegations of abuse. 霍索恩法官被选中率领这个小组调查有关虐待的指控。
  • The inquiry will be headed by Lord Jones, sometime editor of the 'Daily News'.
  • Professor Norris will head the new research unit.
  • He has been asked to head the official inquiry into police misconduct.
  • She heads the company's publicity department.
  • The management team is headed by Stephen Jones.
C1 [ T ]在…的前部(或顶部)
to be at the front or top of something
The royal carriage headed the procession. 女王的马车行进在队伍的前头。
Jo's name headed the list of candidates. 乔的名字排在候选人名单的最前面。
[ T ]用头顶
to hit a ball with your head
Rooney headed the ball into the back of the net. 欧文把球顶进了网窝。
Phrasal verbs
head for somethingB2 很可能要遭受,会招致
If you are heading for a bad situation, you are likely to experience it soon, because of your own actions or behaviour.
They're heading for disaster if they're not careful. 如果不当心的话,他们将招来灾祸。
The country is heading for recession. 这个国家的经济正在走向衰退。
head offC1 出发离开
to start a journey or leave a place
What time are you heading off? 你什么时候出发?
head someone/something off 迫使…改变方向
to force someone or something to change direction
I tried to head the dog off by running towards it. 我朝狗跑去,试图把它撵走。
head something off 防止,阻止(困难或不好的情况发生)
to prevent a difficult or unpleasant situation from happening
The company is putting up wages to head off a strike. 公司准备提高工资以防罢工。
head something up 领导,控制(一群人、公司部门等等)
to lead or control a group, part of a company, etc.
He headed up a Miami-based legal team. 他领导位于迈阿密的法律组。
suffix uk/ -hed/ us/ -hed/
a person with a particular strong interest or addiction
a crack-head (= someone who depends on the drug crack) 对强效可卡因上瘾的人




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