

词汇 clap
clap 1
vt., vi.-pp-1. 拍手;击掌
The nursery teacher clapped her hands to attract the children's attention.幼儿园的教师拍拍手,要孩子们注意。
2. 鼓掌(表示赞许)
When the singer finished, we clapped.歌唱家唱完时,我们鼓掌。
3. 以手轻拍(表示友善)
He clapped his son on the back.他轻轻地拍了拍儿子的背。
The coach clapped the new member of his team on the back to suggest his encouragement.教练轻轻拍了拍新来的队员的背表示鼓励。
4. 急速处理;用力地放
The judge clapped the criminal in prison.法官马上将犯人送进监狱里。
The judge clapped him in prison before he had had time to explain.法官没等他辩解,就把他关进了监狱。
clap eyes on看见
It's many years since I clapped eyes on him.我最后一次看见他是多年以前的事了。
clap on很快地戴上
She clapped her hat on.她很快地戴上帽子。
n.1. 突然的响声;砰然出声
a clap of thunder雷鸣声
2. 拍手喝采声3. 轻打;轻拍(表示友善)
clap 2




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